NetworkX 2.5 ============ Release date: 22 August 2020 Supports Python 3.6, 3.7, and 3.8. NetworkX is a Python package for the creation, manipulation, and study of the structure, dynamics, and functions of complex networks. For more information, please visit our `website `_ and our `gallery of examples `_. Please send comments and questions to the `networkx-discuss mailing list `_. Highlights ---------- This release is the result of 10 months of work with over 200 commits by 92 contributors. Highlights include: - Dropped support for Python 3.5. - add Pathlib support to work with files. - improve performance. - Updated docs and tests. - Removed code designed to work with Python 2. New Functions: - lukes_partitioning - triadic analysis functions - functions for trophic levels analysis - d_separated - is_regular and other regular graph measures - graph_hash using Weisfeiler Lehman methods - common_neighbor_centrality (CCPA link prediction) - max_weight_clique - path_weight and is_path - rescale_layout_dict - junction_tree New generators: - paley_graph - interval_graph New layouts: - multipartite_layout Improvements ------------ - Add governance documents, developer guide and community structures - Implement explicit deprecation policy. - Initiate an NX Enhancement Proposal (NXEP) system - optimize single_source_shortest_path - improved consistent "weight" specification in shortest_path routines - Reduce numpy.matrix usage which is discouraged by numpy. - improved line color - better search engine treatment of docs - lattice and grid_graph and grid_2d_graph can use dim=tuple - fix initializer of kamada_kawai_layout algorithm - moral and threshold functions now included in namespace and docs - scale arrows better when drawing - more uniform creation of random lobster graphs - allow editing graph during iteration over connected_components - better column handling in coversion of pandas DataFrame - allow simrank_similarity with directed graph input - ensure VoteRank ability is nonnegative - speedup kernighan_lin_bisection - speedup negative weight cycle detection - tree_isomorphism - rooted_tree_isomorphism - Gexf edge attribute "label" is available API Changes ----------- - enabled "copy" flag parameter in `contracted_nodes` - allow partially periodic lattices - return value for minimum_st_node_cut now always a set - removed unused "has_numpy" argument from create_py_random_state - fixed return values when drawing empty nodes and edges - allow sets and frozensets of edges as input to nx.Graph() - "weight" can be function for astar, directional_dijksta, all_shortest_path - allow named key ids for GraphML edge writing - all keywords are now checked for validity in nx.draw and friends - EdgeDataView "in" operator checks if nodes are "in nbunch" - remove completeness condition from minimum weight full matching - option to sort neighbors in bfs traversal - draw_networkx accepts numpy array for edgelist - relabel_nodes with 2 nodes mapped to same node can now create multiedge - steiner_tree works with MultiGraph - Add `show` kwarg to view_pygraphviz (#4155) - Prepare for turning chordal_graph_cliques into a generator (#4162) - GraphML reader keyword force_multigraph creates MultiGraph even w/o multiedges Deprecations ------------ - [`#3680 `_] Deprecate `make_str(x)` for `str(x)`. Deprecate `is_string_like(obj)` for `isinstance(obj, str)`. - [`#3725 `_] Deprecate `literal_stringizer` and `literal_destringizer`. - [`#3983 `_] Deprecate `reversed` context manager. - [`#4155 `_] Deprecate `display_pygraphviz`. - [`#4162 `_] Deprecate `chordal_graph_cliques` returning a set. - [`#4161 `_] Deprecate `betweenness_centrality_source`. - [`#4161 `_] Deprecate `edge_betweeness`. - [`#4161 `_] Rename `_naive_greedy_modularity_communities` as `naive_greedy_modularity_communities`. Merged PRs ---------- A total of 256 changes have been committed. - Bump release version - Update release process - Drop support for Python 3.5 - fix typo docs - Remove old Python 2 code - Enable more doctests - Fix pydot tests - Unclear how to test the test helper function - Pathlib introduced in Py 3.4 - Remove code using sys.version_info to detect Python 2 - Use yield from - PEP8 fixes to tests - Remove unused imports - Use pytest.importorskip - PEP8 fixes - Remove unused imports - Add pep8_speaks conf - Use itertools accumulate - Fixes issue 3610: Bug in version attribute of - Ignore W503 - Run doctest without optional dependencies - Skip doctests when missing dependencies - Remove sed imports - Enable tests (#3678) - `contracted_nodes` copy flag added (#3646) - Deprecate make_str - Deprecate is_string_like - Fix PEP8 issues - Enable ThinGraph tests (#3681) - Optimize _single_shortest_path_length (#3647) - Fix issue 3431: Return error in case of bad input to make_small_graph (#3676) - avoid duplicate tests due to imports (#3684) - Fix typo: Laplacion -> Laplacian (#3689) - Add tests - Lukes algorithm implementation (#3666) - Remove shim that worked around using starmap - Add back to gallery - Add colormap and color limits to LineCollection (#3698) - Fix matplotlib deprecation (#3697) - Adapt SciPy CoC - Update docs to be more accurate about speed of G.neighbors (#3699) - Use canonical url to help search engines - Remove duplicate license parameter (#3710) - Fix documentation issues for exceptions in a few places - Fix more documentation issues with exceptions - Remove old Python 2 code - Remove boiler plate from top of modules - Remove superfluous encoding information - Update examples - Simplify package docstring - Remove shebang from non-executables - Add contributors - K-truss is defined for edges being in (k-2) triangles and not for k triangles (#3713) - Enable optional tests on Python 3.8 - Fix test_numpy_type to pass under Python 3.8 - Add links to data files - Deprecate Python 2/3 compatibility code - Update style - Update style - Separate easy and hard to install optional requirements - Install optional dependencies by default - Refactor tests - Sample code for subgraph copy: add parenthesis to is_multigraph (#3734) - Fixed typo (#3735) - fix citation links (#3741) - remove f strings from for clear error message < py3.6 (#3738) - 3511 gml list support (#3649) - added linestyle as argument (#3747) - Link to files needed for example (#3752) - fixed a typo - Merge pull request #3759 from yohm/patch-1 - remove unused variable so grid_graph supports dim=tuple (#3760) - Sudoku generator issue 3756 (#3757) - Fix scaling of single node shells in shall_layout (#3764) - Adding triadic analysis functions (#3742) - Improve test coverage - Update contribs script - Convert %-format to fstring - Upgrade to Py36 syntax - Upgrade to Py36 syntax - Update string format - Fix scipy deprecation warnings - Update year - Silence known warnings (#3770) - Fix docstring for asyn_fluidc (#3779) - Fix #3703 (#3784) - fix initializer for kamada_kawai_layout (networkx #3658) (#3782) - Minor comments issue (#3787) - Adding moral and threshold packages to main namespace (#3788) - Add weight functions to bidirectional_dijkstra and astar (#3799) - Shrink the source side of an arrow properly when drawing a directed edge. #3805 (#3806) - option for partially-periodic lattices (networkx #3586) (#3807) - Prevent KeyError on subgraph_is_monomorphic (#3798) - Trophic Levels #3736 (#3804) - UnionFind's union doesn't accurately track set sizes (#3810) - Remove whitespace (#3816) - reconsider the lobster generator (#3822) - Fix typo (#3838) - fix typo slightly confusing the meaning (#3840) - Added fix for issue #3846 (#3848) - Remove unused variable has_numpy from create_py_random_state (#3852) - Fix return values when drawing empty nodes and edges #3833 (#3854) - Make connected_components safe to component set mutation (#3859) - Fix example in docstring (#3866) - Update README.rst website link to https (#3888) - typo (#3894) - Made CONTRIBUTING.rst more clearer (#3895) - Fixing docs for, along with necessary tests (#3893) - added default arg for json dumps for jit_data func (#3891) - Fixed nx.Digraph to nx.DiGraph (#3909) - Use Sphinx 3.0.1 - Fix Sphinx deprecation - Add logo to docs - allow set of edge nodes (#3907) - Add extra information when casting 'id' to int() fails. (Resolves #3910) (#3916) - add paley graph (#3900) - add paley graph to doc (#3927) - Update (#3947) - use keywords for positional arguments (#3952) - fix documentation (#3959) - Add option for named key ids to GraphML writing. (#3960) - fix documentation (#3958) - Correct handling of zero-weight edges in all_shortest_paths (#3783) - Fix documentation typo (#3965) - Fix: documentation of simrank_similarity_numpy (#3954) - Fix for #3930 (source & target columns not overwritten when converting to pd.DataFrame) (#3935) - Add weight function for shortest simple paths for #3948 (#3949) - Fix defination of communicability (#3973) - Fix simrank_similarity with directed graph input (#3961) - Fixed weakening of voting ability (#3970) - implemented faster sweep algorithm for kernighan_lin_bisection (#3858) - Fix issue #3926 (#3928) - Update CONTRIBUTORS.rst (#3982) - Deprecate context_manager reversed in favor of reversed_view (#3983) - Update CONTRIBUTORS.rst (#3987) - Enhancement for voterank (#3972) - add d-separation algorithm (#3974) - DOC: added see also section to find_cycle (#3999) - improve docs for subgraph_view filter_egde (#4010) - Fix exception causes in (#4000) - use raise from for exceptions in to_networkx_graph (#4009) - Fix exception causes and messages in 12 modules (#4012) - Fix typo: `` -> `np.int_` (#4013) - fix a typo (#4017) - change documentation (#3981) - algorithms for regular graphs (#3925) - Typo Hand should be Hans (#4025) - DOC: Add testing bullet to CONTRIBUTING. (#4035) - Update Sphinx - Update optional/test deps - Add governance/values/nexp/roadmap - Improve formatting of None in tutorial (#3986) - Fixes DiGraph spelling in docstring (#3892) - Update links to Py3 docs (#4042) - Add method to clear edges only (#3477) - Fix exception causes and messages all over the codebase (#4015) - Handle kwds explicitly in draw_networkx (#4033) - return empty generator instead of empty list (#3967) - Correctly infer numpy float types (#3919) - MAINT: Update from_graph6_bytes arg/docs. (#4034) - Add URLs/banner/titlebar to documentation (#4044) - Add negative cycle detection heuristic (#3879) - Remove unused imports (#3855) - Fixed Bug in generate_gml(G, stringizer=None) (#3841) - Raise NetworkXError when k < 2 (#3761) - MAINT: rm np.matrix from alg. conn. module - MAINT: rm np.matrix from attribute_ac. - MAINT,TST: Parametrize methods in TestAlgebraicConnectivity. - MAINT,TST: parametrize buckminsterfullerene test. - MAINT,TST: Remove unused _methods class attr - MAINT,TST: Parametrize TestSpectralOrdering. - excluded self/recursive edges (#4037) - WIP: Change EdgeDataView __contains__ feature (2nd attempt) (#3845) - Index edges for multi graph simple paths (#3358) - ENH: Add new graph_hashing feature - Fix pandas deprecation - Organize removal of deprecated code - Update sphinx - ENH: Add roots and timeout to GED (#4026) - Make gallery more prominent - Add an implementation for interval_graph and its unit tests (#3705) - Fixed typo in kamada_kawai_layout docstring (#4059) - Remove completeness condition from minimum weight full matching (#4057) - Implemented multipartite_layout (#3815) - added new Link Prediction algorithm (CCPA) (#4028) - add the option of sorting node's neighbors during bfs traversal (#4029) - TST: remove int64 specification from test. (#4055) - Ran pyupgrade --py36plus - Remove trailing spaces - Tell psf/black to ignore specific np.arrays - Format w/ black - Add pre-commit hook to for psf/black - Merge pull request #4060 from jarrodmillman/black - Fix a few typos in matching docstrings (#4063) - fix bug for to_scipy_sparse_matrix function (#3985) - Update documentation of minimum weight full matching (#4062) - Add maximum weight clique algorithm (#4016) - Clear pygraphviz object after creating networkx object (#4070) - Use newer osx on travis (#4075) - Install Python after updating brew (#4079) - Add link to black (#4078) - Improves docs regarding aliases of erdos-reyni graph generators (#4074) - MAINT: Remove dependency version info from INSTALL (#4081) - Simplify top-level directory (#4087) - DOC: Fix return types in laplacianmatrix. (#4090) - add modularity to the docs (#4096) - Allow G.remove_edges_from(nx.selfloops_edges(G)) (#4080) - MAINT: rm private fn in favor of numpy builtin. (#4094) - Allow custom keys for multiedges in from_pandas_edgelist (#4076) - Fix planar_layout docstring (#4097) - DOC: Rewording re: numpy.matrix - MAINT: rm to/from_numpy_matrix internally - Merge pull request #4093 from rossbar/rm_npmatrix - Remove copyright boilerplate (#4105) - Update contributor guide (#4088) - Add function to calculate path cost for a specified path (#4069) - Update docstring for from_pandas_edgelist (#4108) - Add max_weight_clique to doc (#4110) - Update deprecation policyt (#4112) - Improve modularity calculation (#4103) - Add team gallery (#4117) - CI: Setup circle CI for documentation builds (#4119) - Build pdf (#4123) - DOC: Suggestions and improvments from tutorial readthrough (#4121) - Enable 3.9-dev on travis (#4124) - Fix parse_edgelist behavior with multiple attributes (#4125) - CI: temporary fix for CI latex installation issues (#4131) - Updated draw_networkx to accept numpy array for edgelist (#4132) - Add tree isomorphism (#4067) - MAINT: Switch to abc-based isinstance checks in to_networkx_graph (#4136) - Use dict instead of OrderedDict since dict is ordered by default from Python 3.6. (#4145) - MAINT: fixups to parse_edgelist. (#4128) - Update apt-get on circleci image (#4147) - add rescale_layout_dict to change scale of the layout_dicts (#4154) - Update dependencies - Remove gdal from requirements - relabel_nodes now preserves edges in multigraphs (#4066) - MAINT,TST: Improve coverage of nx_agraph module (#4156) - Get steiner_tree to work with MultiGraphs by postprocessing (#4160) - junction_tree for #1012 (#4004) - API: Add `show` kwarg to view_pygraphviz. (#4155) - Prepare for turning chordal_graph_cliques into a generator (#4162) - Docs update (#4161) - Remove unnecessary nx imports from doctests (#4163) - MultiGraph from graphml with explicit edge ids #3470 (#3763) - Update sphinx dep (#4164) - Add edge label in GEXF writer as an optional attribute (#3347) - First Draft of Release Notes for v2.5 (#4159) - Designate 2.5rc1 release - Bump release version - Update deprecations in release notes (#4166) - DOC: Update docstrings for public functions in threshold module (#4167) - Format python in docstrings (#4168) - DOC,BLD: Fix doc build warning from markup error. (#4174) It contained the following 3 merges: - fixed a typo (#3759) - Use psf/black (#4060) - MAINT: Replace internal usage of to_numpy_matrix and from_numpy_matrix (#4093) Contributors ------------ - Adnan Abdulmuttaleb - Abhi - Antoine-H - Salim BELHADDAD - Ross Barnowski - Lukas Bernwald - Isaac Boates - Kelly Boothby - Matthias Bruhns - Mahmut Bulut - Rüdiger Busche - Gaetano Carpinato - Nikos Chan - Harold Chan - Camden Cheek - Daniel - Daniel-Davies - Bastian David - Christoph Deil - Tanguy Fardet - 赵丰 (Zhao Feng) - Andy Garfield - Oded Green - Drew H - Alex Henrie - Kang Hong Jin - Manas Joshi - Søren Fuglede Jørgensen - Aabir Abubaker Kar - Folgert Karsdorp - Suny Kim - Don Kirkby - Katherine Klise - Steve Kowalik - Ilia Kurenkov - Whi Kwon - Paolo Lammens - Zachary Lawrence - Sanghack Lee - Anton Lodder - Lukas Lösche - Eric Ma - Mackyboy12 - Christoph Martin - Alex Marvin - Mattwmaster58 - James McDermott - Jarrod Millman - Ibraheem Moosa - Yohsuke Murase - Neil - Harri Nieminen - Danny Niquette - Carlos G. Oliver - Juan Orduz - Austin Orr - Pedro Ortale - Aditya Pal - PalAditya - Jose Pinilla - PranayAnchuri - Jorge Martín Pérez - Pradeep Reddy Raamana - Ram Rachum - David Radcliffe - Federico Rosato - Tom Russell - Craig Schmidt - Jonathan Schneider - Dan Schult - Mridul Seth - Karthikeyan Singaravelan - Songyu-Wang - Kanishk Tantia - Jeremias Traub - James Trimble - Shashi Tripathi - Stefan van der Walt - Jonatan Westholm - Kazimierz Wojciechowski - Jangwon Yie - adnanmuttaleb - anentropic - arunwise - beckedorf - ernstklrb - farhanbhoraniya - fj128 - gseva - haochenucr - johnthagen - kiryph - muratgu - ryan-duve - sauxpa - tombeek111 - willpeppo