NetworkX 2.8.2 ============== Release date: 21 May 2022 Supports Python 3.8, 3.9, and 3.10. NetworkX is a Python package for the creation, manipulation, and study of the structure, dynamics, and functions of complex networks. For more information, please visit our `website `_ and our :ref:`gallery of examples `. Please send comments and questions to the `networkx-discuss mailing list `_. Highlights ---------- Minor documentation and bug fixes. Merged PRs ---------- - Fix doc deploy - Bump release version - MAINT: Update dfs_test with more comprehensive tests (#5654) - Bump release version - Fix __setstate__ for OutEdgeView subclasses, read _adjdict from state (#5657) - Add examples & improve documentation of voterank (#5500) Contributors ------------ - Jarrod Millman - Mridul Seth - Dilara Tekinoglu