NetworkX 2.8.4 ============== Release date: 13 June 2022 Supports Python 3.8, 3.9, and 3.10. NetworkX is a Python package for the creation, manipulation, and study of the structure, dynamics, and functions of complex networks. For more information, please visit our `website `_ and our :ref:`gallery of examples `. Please send comments and questions to the `networkx-discuss mailing list `_. Highlights ---------- Minor documentation and bug fixes. Merged PRs ---------- - Bump release version - Clean up maximal_independent_set tests (#5567) - MAINT: Cleanup centrality module, remove unused variables (#5308) - importorskip scipy instead of numpy for total spanning tree (#5693) - Add initial_graph parameter to scale_free_graph and deprecate create_using (#5697) - Add docstring example for attr transfer to linegraph. (#5698) - Update ISMAGS.analyze_symmetry docstring. (#5696) - Add default value p=2 for minkowski distance metric. (#5700) - Update inline code to inline math in docstring (#5701) - Update multigraph docstrings to reflect `remove_edges_from` behavior. (#5699) - Update simple_cycles docstring w/ yields and examples (#5709) - Chromatic polynomial (#5675) - Catch ':' explicitly while working with pydot (#5710) - Revert "Add workaround for pytest failures on 3.11b2" (#5717) - Default to lightmode for documentation (#5715) - Dont compute all biconnected components in `is_biconnected()` (#5688) - Some more changes to make pytest-randomly happy (#5719) - Add durations flag to coverage run on CI. (#5718) - Recover order of layers in multipartite_layout when layers are sortable (#5705) - Update doc requirements (#5711) - Touchups to MG and MDG edges docstrings. (#5708) - Add PendingDeprecation for pydot (#5721) - Add example of topo_order kwarg to dag_longest_path (#5728) - CI: add pytest-randomly workflow. (#4553) Contributors ------------ - Ross Barnowski - Szabolcs Horvát - Lucas H. McCabe - Jarrod Millman - Mridul Seth - Matus Valo