path: root/scripts
diff options
Diffstat (limited to 'scripts')
2 files changed, 23 insertions, 615 deletions
diff --git a/scripts/ b/scripts/
deleted file mode 100755
index a1671ec..0000000
--- a/scripts/
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,554 +0,0 @@
-#!/usr/bin/env python
-import os
-import re
-import time
-from docutils.core import publish_string, publish_parts
-from docutils.readers.standalone import Reader
-from docutils.writers.html4css1 import Writer, HTMLTranslator
-from pudge.browser import Browser
-import inspect
-import nose
-import textwrap
-from optparse import OptionParser
-from nose.util import resolve_name, odict
-from pygments import highlight
-from pygments.lexers import PythonLexer, PythonConsoleLexer
-from pygments.formatters import HtmlFormatter
-remove_at = re.compile(r' at 0x[0-9a-f]+')
-root = os.path.abspath(os.path.join(os.path.dirname(__file__), '..'))
-doc = os.path.join(root, 'doc')
-tpl = open(os.path.join(doc, 'doc.html.tpl'), 'r').read()
-api_tpl = open(os.path.join(doc, 'plugin_api.html.tpl'), 'r').read()
-plug_tpl = open(os.path.join(doc, 'plugin.html.tpl'), 'r').read()
-std_info = {
- 'version': nose.__version__,
- 'date': time.ctime()
- }
-to_write = []
-def defining_class(cls, attr):
- if hasattr(cls, '__bases__'):
- try:
- bases = list(cls.__bases__)
- except (ValueError, TypeError):
- return cls
- for base in bases:
- if attr in base.__dict__:
- return base
- return cls
-def write(filename, tpl, ctx):
- print filename
- ctx.setdefault('submenu', '')
- fp = open(filename, 'w')
- try:
- fp.write(tpl % ctx)
- except UnicodeEncodeError:
- print ctx
- fp.close()
-def doc_word(node):
- # handle links like package.module and module.Class
- # as wellas 'foo bar'
- orig = name = node.astext()
- if '.' in name:
- parts = name.split('.')
- # if the first letter of a part is capitalized, assume it's
- # a class name, and put all parts from that part on into
- # the anchor part of the link
- link, anchor = [], []
- addto = link
- while parts:
- part = parts.pop(0)
- if addto == link:
- if part[0].upper() == part[0]:
- addto = anchor
- elif part.endswith('()'):
- addto = anchor
- part = part[:-2]
- addto.append(part)
- if (name.startswith('nose.plugins')
- and 'plugintest' not in name):
- base = 'plugin_'
- link = link[-1:]
- else:
- base = 'module_'
- node['refuri'] = base + '.'.join(link) + '.html'
- if anchor:
- node['refuri'] += '#' + '.'.join(anchor)
- else:
- # pad out wiki-words
- name = name[0].lower() + name[1:]
- name = re.sub(r'([A-Z])', r' \1', name).lower()
- node['refuri'] = '_'.join(name.split(' ')) + '.html'
- print "Unknown ref %s -> %s" % (orig, node['refuri'])
- del node['refname']
- node.resolved = True
- return True
-doc_word.priority = 100
-class DocReader(Reader):
- unknown_reference_resolvers = (doc_word,)
-class PygHTMLTranslator(HTMLTranslator):
- """HTML translator that uses pygments to highlight doctests.
- """
- def visit_doctest_block(self, node):
- self.body.append(
- highlight(node.rawsource, PythonConsoleLexer(), HtmlFormatter()))
- # hacky way of capturing children -- we've processed the whole node
- self._body = self.body
- self.body = []
- def depart_doctest_block(self, node):
- # restore the real body, doctest node is done
- self.body = self._body
- del self._body
-class PygWriter(Writer):
- def __init__(self):
- Writer.__init__(self)
- self.translator_class = PygHTMLTranslator
-def formatargspec(func, exclude=()):
- try:
- args, varargs, varkw, defaults = inspect.getargspec(func)
- except TypeError:
- return "(...)"
- if defaults:
- defaults = map(clean_default, defaults)
- for a in exclude:
- if a in args:
- ix = args.index(a)
- args.remove(a)
- try:
- defaults.pop(ix)
- except AttributeError:
- pass
- return inspect.formatargspec(
- args, varargs, varkw, defaults).replace("'os.environ'", 'os.environ')
-def clean_default(val):
- if isinstance(val, os._Environ):
- return 'os.environ'
- return val
-def to_html_parts(rst):
- return publish_parts(rst, reader=DocReader(), writer=PygWriter())
-def to_html(rst):
- return to_html_parts(rst)['body']
-def document_module(mod):
- name = mod.qualified_name()
- print name
- body = to_html(mod.doc())
- # for classes: prepend with note on what highlighted means
- cls_note = "<p>Highlighted methods are defined in this class.</p>"
- submenu = []
- # classes
- mod_classes = get_classes(mod)
- classes = [document_class(cls) for cls in mod_classes]
- if classes:
- body += '<h2>Classes</h2>\n' + cls_note + '\n'.join(classes)
- submenu.extend(make_submenu('Classes', mod_classes))
- # functions
- mod_funcs = list(mod.routines())
- funcs = [document_function(func) for func in mod_funcs]
- if funcs:
- body += '<h2>Functions</h2>\n' + '\n'.join(funcs)
- submenu.extend(make_submenu('Functions', mod_funcs))
- # attributes
- mod_attrs = list(mod.attributes())
- attrs = [document_attribute(attr) for attr in mod_attrs]
- if attrs:
- body += '<h2>Attributes</h2>\n' + '\n'.join(attrs)
- submenu.extend(make_submenu('Attributes', mod_attrs))
- pg = {'body': body,
- 'title': name,
- 'submenu': ''.join(submenu)}
- pg.update(std_info)
- to_write.append((
- 'Modules',
- 'Module: %s' % name,
- os.path.join(doc, 'module_%s.html' % name),
- tpl, pg))
-def make_submenu(name, objs):
- sm = ['<h2>%s</h2>' % name, '<ul>']
- sm.extend(['<li><a href="#%s">%s</a></li>' % (,
- for o in objs] + ['</ul>'])
- return sm
-def get_classes(mod):
- # some "invisible" items I do want, but not others
- # really only those classes defined in the module itself
- # with some per-module alias list handling (eg,
- # TestLoader and defaultTestLoader shouldn't both be fully doc'd)
- all = list(mod.classes(visible_only=0))
- # sort by place in __all__
- names = odict() # list comprehension didn't work? possible bug in odict
- for c in all:
- if c is not None and not c.isalias():
- names[] = c
- ordered = []
- try:
- for name in mod.obj.__all__:
- if name in names:
- cls = names[name]
- del names[name]
- if cls is not None:
- ordered.append(cls)
- except AttributeError:
- pass
- for name, cls in names.items():
- ordered.append(cls)
- wanted = []
- classes = set([])
- for cls in ordered:
- if cls.obj in classes:
- cls.alias_for = cls.obj
- else:
- classes.add(cls.obj)
- wanted.append(cls)
- return wanted
-def document_class(cls):
- print " %s" % cls.qualified_name()
- alias = False
- if hasattr(cls, 'alias_for'):
- alias = True
- doc = '(Alias for %s)' % link_to_class(cls.alias_for)
- else:
- doc = to_html(cls.doc())
- bases = ', '.join(link_to_class(c) for c in cls.obj.__bases__)
- html = ['<a name="%s"></a><div class="cls section">' %,
- '<span class="cls name">%s</span> (%s)' % (, bases),
- '<div class="cls doc">%s' % doc]
- if not alias:
- real_class = cls.obj
- methods = list(cls.routines(visible_only=False))
- if methods:
- methods.sort(lambda a, b: cmp(,
- html.append('<h3>Methods</h3>')
- for method in methods:
- print " %s" % method.qualified_name()
- defined_in = defining_class(real_class,
- if defined_in == real_class:
- inherited = ''
- inh_cls = ''
- else:
- inherited = '<span class="method inherited">' \
- '(inherited from %s)</span>' \
- % defined_in.__name__
- inh_cls = ' inherited'
- html.extend([
- '<div class="method section%s">' % inh_cls,
- '<span class="method name">%s' %,
- '<span class="args">%s</span></span>'
- % formatargspec(method.obj),
- inherited,
- '<div class="method doc">%s</div>' % to_html(method.doc()),
- '</div>'])
- attrs = list(cls.attributes(visible_only=False))
- if attrs:
- attrs.sort(lambda a, b: cmp(,
- html.append('<h3>Attributes</h3>')
- for attr in attrs:
- print " a %s" % attr.qualified_name()
- defined_in = defining_class(real_class,
- if defined_in == real_class:
- inherited = ''
- inh_cls = ''
- else:
- inherited = '<span class="attr inherited">' \
- '(inherited from %s)</span>' \
- % defined_in.__name__
- inh_cls = ' inherited'
- val = format_attr(attr.parent.obj,
- html.extend([
- '<div class="attr section%s">' % inh_cls,
- '<span class="attr name">%s</span>' %,
- '<pre class="attr value">Default value: %(a)s</pre>' %
- {'a': val},
- '<div class="attr doc">%s</div>' % to_html(attr.doc()),
- '</div>'])
- html.append('</div></div>')
- return ''.join(html)
-def document_function(func):
- print " %s" %
- html = [
- '<a name="%s"></a><div class="func section">' %,
- '<span class="func name">%s' %,
- '<span class="args">%s</span></span>'
- % formatargspec(func.obj, exclude=['self']),
- '<div class="func doc">%s</div>' % to_html(func.doc()),
- '</div>']
- return ''.join(html)
-def document_attribute(attr):
- print " %s" %
- value = format_attr(attr.parent.obj,
- html = [
- '<a name="%s"></a><div class="attr section">' %,
- '<span class="attr name">%s</span>' %,
- '<pre class="attr value">Default value: %(a)s</pre>' %
- {'a': value},
- '<div class="attr doc">%s</div>' % to_html(attr.doc()),
- '</div>']
- return ''.join(html)
-def format_attr(obj, attr):
- val = getattr(obj, attr)
- if isinstance(val, property):
- # value makes no sense when it's a property
- return '(property)'
- val = str(val).replace(
- '&', '&amp;').replace('<', '&lt;').replace('>', '&gt;').replace(
- '"', '&quot;').replace("'", '&#39;')
- val = remove_at.sub('', val)
- return val
-def link_to_class(cls):
- mod = cls.__module__
- name = cls.__name__
- if mod.startswith('_'):
- qname = name
- else:
- qname = "%s.%s" % (mod, name)
- if not mod.startswith('nose'):
- return qname
- return '<a href="module_%s.html#%s">%s</a>' % (mod, name, name)
-def plugin_example_tests():
- dt_root = os.path.join(root, 'functional_tests', 'doc_tests')
- for dirpath, dirnames, filenames in os.walk(dt_root):
- for filename in filenames:
- if filename.startswith('.'):
- continue
- base, ext = os.path.splitext(filename)
- if ext == '.rst':
- yield os.path.join(dirpath, filename)
- if '.svn' in dirnames:
- dirnames.remove('.svn')
-def document_rst_test(filename, section):
- base, ext = os.path.splitext(os.path.basename(filename))
- rst = open(filename, 'r').read()
- parts = to_html_parts(rst)
- parts.update(std_info)
- to_write.append((section,
- parts['title'],
- os.path.join(doc, base + '.html'),
- tpl,
- parts))
-def main():
- # plugins
- from nose import plugins
- from nose.plugins.base import IPluginInterface
- from nose.plugins import errorclass
- # writing plugins guide
- writing_plugins = {'body': to_html(plugins.__doc__)}
- writing_plugins.update(std_info)
- writing_plugins['title'] = 'Writing Plugins'
- to_write.append(
- ('Plugins',
- 'Writing Plugins',
- os.path.join(doc, 'writing_plugins.html'), tpl, writing_plugins))
- # error class plugins
- ecp = {'body': to_html(errorclass.__doc__)}
- ecp.update(std_info)
- ecp['title'] = 'ErrorClass Plugins'
- to_write.append(
- ('Plugins',
- 'ErrorClass Plugins',
- os.path.join(doc, 'error_class_plugin.html'), tpl, ecp))
- # interface
- itf = {'body': to_html(textwrap.dedent(IPluginInterface.__doc__))}
- # methods
- attr = [(a, getattr(IPluginInterface, a)) for a in dir(IPluginInterface)]
- methods = [m for m in attr if inspect.ismethod(m[1])]
- methods.sort()
- # print "Documenting methods", [a[0] for a in methods]
- method_html = []
- method_tpl = """
- <div class="method %(extra_class)s">
- <a name="%(name)s">
- <span class="name">%(name)s</span><span class="arg">%(arg)s</span></a>
- <div class="doc">%(body)s</div>
- </div>
- """
- menu_links = {}
- m_attrs = ('_new', 'changed', 'deprecated', 'generative', 'chainable')
- for m in methods:
- name, meth = m
- ec = []
- for att in m_attrs:
- if hasattr(meth, att):
- ec.append(att.replace('_', ''))
- menu_links.setdefault(att.replace('_', ''), []).append(name)
- # padding evens the lines
- print name
- mdoc = {'body': to_html(textwrap.dedent(' ' + meth.__doc__))}
- argspec = formatargspec(meth)
- mdoc.update({'name': name,
- 'extra_class': ' '.join(ec),
- 'arg': argspec})
- method_html.append(method_tpl % mdoc)
- itf['methods'] = ''.join(method_html)
- itf.update(std_info)
- itf['title'] = 'Plugin Interface'
- menu = []
- for section in ('new', 'changed', 'deprecated'):
- menu.append('<h2>%s methods</h2>' % section.title())
- menu.append('<ul><li>')
- menu.append('</li><li>'.join([
- '<a href="#%(name)s">%(name)s</a>' % {'name': n}
- for n in menu_links[section]]))
- menu.append('</li></ul>')
- itf['sub_menu'] = ''.join(menu)
- to_write.append(
- ('Plugins',
- 'Plugin Interface',
- os.path.join(doc, 'plugin_interface.html'), api_tpl, itf))
- # individual plugin usage docs
- from nose.plugins.builtin import builtins
- pmeths = [m[0] for m in methods[:]
- if not 'options' in m[0].lower()]
- pmeths.append('options')
- pmeths.sort()
- for modulename, clsname in builtins:
- _, _, modname = modulename.split('.')
- mod = resolve_name(modulename)
- cls = getattr(mod, clsname)
- filename = os.path.join(doc, 'plugin_%s.html' % modname)
- print modname, filename
- if not mod.__doc__:
- print "No docs"
- continue
- pdoc = {'body': to_html(mod.__doc__)}
- pdoc.update(std_info)
- pdoc['title'] = 'builtin plugin: %s' % modname
- # options
- parser = OptionParser(add_help_option=False)
- plug = cls()
- plug.addOptions(parser)
- options = parser.format_option_help()
- pdoc['options'] = options
- # hooks used
- hooks = []
- for m in pmeths:
- if getattr(cls, m, None):
- hooks.append('<li><a href="plugin_interface.html#%(name)s">'
- '%(name)s</a></li>' % {'name': m})
- pdoc['hooks'] = ''.join(hooks)
- source = inspect.getsource(mod)
- pdoc['source'] = highlight(source, PythonLexer(), HtmlFormatter())
- to_write.append(
- ('Plugins',
- 'Builtin Plugin: %s' % modname,
- os.path.join(doc, filename), plug_tpl, pdoc))
- # individual module docs
- b = Browser(['nose','nose.plugins.manager', 'nose.plugins.plugintest'],
- exclude_modules=['nose.plugins', 'nose.ext'])
- for mod in b.modules(recursive=1):
- if == 'nose':
- # no need to regenerate, this is the source of the doc index page
- continue
- print mod.qualified_name()
- document_module(mod)
- # plugin examples doctests
- for testfile in plugin_example_tests():
- document_rst_test(testfile, "Plugin Examples")
- # finally build the menu and write all pages
- menu = []
- sections = odict()
- for page in to_write:
- section, _, _, _, _ = page
- sections.setdefault(section, []).append(page)
- for section, pages in sections.items():
- menu.append('<h2>%s</h2>' % section)
- menu.append('<ul>')
- pages.sort()
- menu.extend([
- '<li><a href="%s">%s</a></li>' % (os.path.basename(filename), title)
- for _, title, filename, _, _ in pages ])
- menu.append('</ul>')
- menu = ''.join(menu)
- for section, title, filename, template, ctx in to_write:
- ctx['menu'] = menu
- write(filename, template, ctx)
- # doc section index page
- idx_tpl = open(os.path.join(doc, 'index.html.tpl'), 'r').read()
- idx = {
- 'title': 'API documentation',
- 'menu': menu}
- idx.update(std_info)
- write(os.path.join(doc, 'index.html'), idx_tpl, idx)
-if __name__ == '__main__':
- main()
diff --git a/scripts/ b/scripts/
index 76b4a30..0331b70 100755
--- a/scripts/
+++ b/scripts/
@@ -9,25 +9,11 @@ from commands import getstatusoutput
success = 0
-current = os.getcwd()
-version = nose.__version__
-here = os.path.abspath(os.path.dirname(os.path.dirname(__file__)))
-parts = here.split('/')
-if 'branches' in parts:
- lindex = parts.index('branches')
-elif 'tags' in parts:
- lindex = parts.index('tags')
-elif 'trunk' in parts:
- lindex = parts.index('trunk')
- raise Exception("Unable to find svnroot from %s" % here)
-svnroot = os.path.join('/', *parts[:lindex])
-branchroot = os.path.join(svnroot, 'branches')
-tagroot = os.path.join(svnroot, 'tags')
-svntrunk = os.path.join(svnroot, 'trunk')
+version = nose.__version__
svn_base_url = ''
svn_trunk_url = ''
+svn_tags_url = ''
SIMULATE = 'exec' not in sys.argv
@@ -50,60 +36,37 @@ def cd(dir):
def main():
- cd(svnroot)
- branch = 'branches/%s-stable' % version
- tag = 'tags/%s-release' % version
- svn_branch_url = '%s/%s' % (svn_base_url, branch)
- svn_tag_url = '%s/%s' % (svn_base_url, tag)
- if os.path.isdir(tag):
- raise Exception(
- "Tag path %s already exists. Can't release same version twice!"
- % tag)
- # make branch, if needed
- if not os.path.isdir(os.path.join(svnroot, branch)):
- # make branch
- runcmd("svn copy %s %s -m 'Release branch for %s'"
- % (svn_trunk_url, svn_branch_url, version))
- # clean up setup.cfg and check in tag
- cd(branchroot)
- runcmd('svn co %s' % svn_branch_url)
- else:
- # re-releasing branch
- cd(branch)
- runcmd('svn up')
- # make tag from branch
- runcmd('svn copy %s %s -m "Release tag for %s"'
- % (svn_branch_url, svn_tag_url, version))
+ tag = 'nose_rel_%s' % version
+ svn_tag_url = "%s/%s" % (svn_tags_url, tag)
+ # create tag
+ runcmd("svn copy %s %s -m 'Tagged release %s'" %
+ (svn_trunk_url, svn_tag_url, version))
# check out tag
- cd(tagroot)
+ cd('/tmp')
runcmd('svn co %s' % svn_tag_url)
- cd(svnroot)
# remove dev tag from setup
runcmd('cp setup.cfg.release setup.cfg')
runcmd('svn rm setup.cfg.release --force')
runcmd("svn ci -m 'Updated setup.cfg to release status'")
- # wiki pages must be built from tag checkout
- runcmd('./scripts/')
+ runcmd("rm -rf /tmp/%s" % tag)
# need to build dist from an *export* to limit files included
# (setuptools includes too many files when run under a checkout)
# export tag
- runcmd('svn export %s nose_rel_%s' % (svn_tag_url, version))
- cd('nose_rel_%s' % version)
+ runcmd('svn export %s %s' % (svn_tag_url, tag))
+ cd(tag)
# make docs
- runcmd('./scripts/')
- runcmd('./scripts/')
+ #runcmd('./scripts/')
+ cd('doc')
+ runcmd('make html')
+ cd('..')
# make sdist
runcmd('python sdist')
@@ -113,7 +76,7 @@ def main():
up = os.environ['NOSE_UPLOAD']
cv = {
'host': up[:up.index(':')],
- 'path': up[up.index(':')+1:],
+ 'path': up[up.index(':')+1:-1],
'upload': up,
'upload_docs': "%s/%s" % (up, version) }
@@ -126,19 +89,18 @@ def main():
cmd = 'ssh %(host)s "mkdir -p %(docpath)s"' % cv
- cmd = 'scp -C index.html %(upload_docs)s' % cv
- runcmd(cmd)
+ #cmd = 'scp -C index.html %(upload_docs)s' % cv
+ #runcmd(cmd)
cmd = ('scp -C doc/*.html doc/*.css doc/*.png '
'%(upload_docs)s/doc' % cv)
cmd = ('ssh %(host)s '
- '"ln -nfs %(versionpath)s/index.html %(path)s/index.html; '
- 'ln -nfs %(docpath)s %(path)s/doc"' % cv)
+ 'ln -nfs %(docpath)s %(path)s/doc"; '
+ '"ln -nfs %(path)s/doc/main_index.html %(path)s/index.html'
+ % cv)
- cd(current)
if __name__ == '__main__':