import sys from setuptools import setup as _setup py3_args = ['use_2to3', 'convert_2to3_doctests', 'use_2to3_fixers', 'test_dirs', 'test_build_dir', 'doctest_exts', 'pyversion_patching'] if sys.version_info < (3,): # Remove any Python-3.x-only arguments (so they don't generate complaints # from 2.x setuptools) and then just pass through to the regular setup # routine. def setup(*args, **kwargs): for a in py3_args: if a in kwargs: del kwargs[a] return _setup(*args, **kwargs) else: import os import re import logging from setuptools import Distribution as _Distribution from distutils.core import Command from setuptools.command.build_py import Mixin2to3 from distutils import dir_util, file_util, log import setuptools.command.test from pkg_resources import normalize_path try: import patch patch.logger.setLevel(logging.WARN) except ImportError: patch = None patchfile_re = re.compile(r'(.*)\.py([0-9.]+)\.patch$') def pyversion_patch(filename): '''Find the best pyversion-fixup patch for a given filename and apply it. ''' dir, file = os.path.split(filename) best_ver = (0,) patchfile = None for dirfile in os.listdir(dir): m = patchfile_re.match(dirfile) if not m: continue base, ver = m.groups() if base != file: continue ver = tuple([int(v) for v in ver.split('.')]) if sys.version_info >= ver and ver > best_ver: best_ver = ver patchfile = dirfile if not patchfile: return False"Applying %s to %s..." % (patchfile, filename)) cwd = os.getcwd() os.chdir(dir) try: p = patch.fromfile(patchfile) p.apply() finally: os.chdir(cwd) return True class Distribution (_Distribution): def __init__(self, attrs=None): self.test_dirs = [] self.test_build_dir = None self.doctest_exts = ['.py', '.rst'] self.pyversion_patching = False _Distribution.__init__(self, attrs) class BuildTestsCommand (Command, Mixin2to3): # Create mirror copy of tests, convert all .py files using 2to3 user_options = [] def initialize_options(self): self.test_base = None def finalize_options(self): test_base = self.distribution.test_build_dir if not test_base: bcmd = self.get_finalized_command('build') test_base = bcmd.build_base self.test_base = test_base def run(self): use_2to3 = getattr(self.distribution, 'use_2to3', False) test_dirs = getattr(self.distribution, 'test_dirs', []) test_base = self.test_base bpy_cmd = self.get_finalized_command("build_py") lib_base = normalize_path(bpy_cmd.build_lib) modified = [] py_modified = [] doc_modified = [] dir_util.mkpath(test_base) for testdir in test_dirs: for srcdir, dirnames, filenames in os.walk(testdir): destdir = os.path.join(test_base, srcdir) dir_util.mkpath(destdir) for fn in filenames: if fn.startswith("."): # Skip .svn folders and such continue dstfile, copied = file_util.copy_file( os.path.join(srcdir, fn), os.path.join(destdir, fn), update=True) if copied: modified.append(dstfile) if fn.endswith('.py'): py_modified.append(dstfile) for ext in self.distribution.doctest_exts: if fn.endswith(ext): doc_modified.append(dstfile) break if use_2to3: self.run_2to3(py_modified) self.run_2to3(doc_modified, True) if self.distribution.pyversion_patching: if patch is not None: for file in modified: pyversion_patch(file) else: log.warn("Warning: pyversion_patching specified in setup config but patch module not found. Patching will not be performed.") dir_util.mkpath(lib_base) self.reinitialize_command('egg_info', egg_base=lib_base) self.run_command('egg_info') class TestCommand (setuptools.command.test.test): # Override 'test' command to make sure 'build_tests' gets run first. def run(self): self.run_command('build_tests') def setup(*args, **kwargs): kwargs.setdefault('distclass', Distribution) cmdclass = kwargs.setdefault('cmdclass', {}) cmdclass.setdefault('build_tests', BuildTestsCommand) cmdclass.setdefault('test', TestCommand) return _setup(*args, **kwargs)