diff options
authorBas van Beek <>2021-10-22 23:20:09 +0200
committerBas van Beek <>2021-10-23 00:05:13 +0200
commitae96099c6f2c7f91c4875d55f981d877c25a0fd9 (patch)
parent203936c1e0950637fc2852b7f70852c49bcea291 (diff)
ENH: Add annotations for `np.chararray`
1 files changed, 422 insertions, 53 deletions
diff --git a/numpy/__init__.pyi b/numpy/__init__.pyi
index 097773c5d..9a788baa7 100644
--- a/numpy/__init__.pyi
+++ b/numpy/__init__.pyi
@@ -33,6 +33,8 @@ from numpy.typing import (
+ _ArrayLikeStr_co,
+ _ArrayLikeBytes_co,
# DTypes
@@ -671,59 +673,6 @@ class MachAr:
) -> None: ...
def __getattr__(self, key: str) -> Any: ...
-class chararray(ndarray[_ShapeType, _DType_co]):
- def __new__(
- subtype,
- shape: Any,
- itemsize: Any = ...,
- unicode: Any = ...,
- buffer: Any = ...,
- offset: Any = ...,
- strides: Any = ...,
- order: Any = ...,
- ) -> Any: ...
- def __array_finalize__(self, obj): ...
- def argsort(self, axis=..., kind=..., order=...): ...
- def capitalize(self): ...
- def center(self, width, fillchar=...): ...
- def count(self, sub, start=..., end=...): ...
- def decode(self, encoding=..., errors=...): ...
- def encode(self, encoding=..., errors=...): ...
- def endswith(self, suffix, start=..., end=...): ...
- def expandtabs(self, tabsize=...): ...
- def find(self, sub, start=..., end=...): ...
- def index(self, sub, start=..., end=...): ...
- def isalnum(self): ...
- def isalpha(self): ...
- def isdigit(self): ...
- def islower(self): ...
- def isspace(self): ...
- def istitle(self): ...
- def isupper(self): ...
- def join(self, seq): ...
- def ljust(self, width, fillchar=...): ...
- def lower(self): ...
- def lstrip(self, chars=...): ...
- def partition(self, sep): ...
- def replace(self, old, new, count=...): ...
- def rfind(self, sub, start=..., end=...): ...
- def rindex(self, sub, start=..., end=...): ...
- def rjust(self, width, fillchar=...): ...
- def rpartition(self, sep): ...
- def rsplit(self, sep=..., maxsplit=...): ...
- def rstrip(self, chars=...): ...
- def split(self, sep=..., maxsplit=...): ...
- def splitlines(self, keepends=...): ...
- def startswith(self, prefix, start=..., end=...): ...
- def strip(self, chars=...): ...
- def swapcase(self): ...
- def title(self): ...
- def translate(self, table, deletechars=...): ...
- def upper(self): ...
- def zfill(self, width): ...
- def isnumeric(self): ...
- def isdecimal(self): ...
# Some of these are aliases; others are wrappers with an identical signature
round = around
round_ = around
@@ -3989,3 +3938,423 @@ class matrix(ndarray[_ShapeType, _DType_co]):
def getA(self) -> ndarray[_ShapeType, _DType_co]: ...
def getA1(self) -> ndarray[Any, _DType_co]: ...
def getH(self) -> matrix[Any, _DType_co]: ...
+_CharType = TypeVar("_CharType", str_, bytes_)
+_CharDType = TypeVar("_CharDType", dtype[str_], dtype[bytes_])
+_CharArray = chararray[Any, dtype[_CharType]]
+class chararray(ndarray[_ShapeType, _CharDType]):
+ @overload
+ def __new__(
+ subtype,
+ shape: _ShapeLike,
+ itemsize: SupportsIndex | SupportsInt = ...,
+ unicode: L[False] = ...,
+ buffer: _SupportsBuffer = ...,
+ offset: SupportsIndex = ...,
+ strides: _ShapeLike = ...,
+ order: _OrderKACF = ...,
+ ) -> chararray[Any, dtype[bytes_]]: ...
+ @overload
+ def __new__(
+ subtype,
+ shape: _ShapeLike,
+ itemsize: SupportsIndex | SupportsInt = ...,
+ unicode: L[True] = ...,
+ buffer: _SupportsBuffer = ...,
+ offset: SupportsIndex = ...,
+ strides: _ShapeLike = ...,
+ order: _OrderKACF = ...,
+ ) -> chararray[Any, dtype[str_]]: ...
+ def __array_finalize__(self, obj: NDArray[str_ | bytes_]) -> None: ...
+ def __mul__(self, other: _ArrayLikeInt_co) -> chararray[Any, _CharDType]: ...
+ def __rmul__(self, other: _ArrayLikeInt_co) -> chararray[Any, _CharDType]: ...
+ def __mod__(self, i: Any) -> chararray[Any, _CharDType]: ...
+ @overload
+ def __eq__(
+ self: _CharArray[str_],
+ other: _ArrayLikeStr_co,
+ ) -> NDArray[bool_]: ...
+ @overload
+ def __eq__(
+ self: _CharArray[bytes_],
+ other: _ArrayLikeBytes_co,
+ ) -> NDArray[bool_]: ...
+ @overload
+ def __ne__(
+ self: _CharArray[str_],
+ other: _ArrayLikeStr_co,
+ ) -> NDArray[bool_]: ...
+ @overload
+ def __ne__(
+ self: _CharArray[bytes_],
+ other: _ArrayLikeBytes_co,
+ ) -> NDArray[bool_]: ...
+ @overload
+ def __ge__(
+ self: _CharArray[str_],
+ other: _ArrayLikeStr_co,
+ ) -> NDArray[bool_]: ...
+ @overload
+ def __ge__(
+ self: _CharArray[bytes_],
+ other: _ArrayLikeBytes_co,
+ ) -> NDArray[bool_]: ...
+ @overload
+ def __le__(
+ self: _CharArray[str_],
+ other: _ArrayLikeStr_co,
+ ) -> NDArray[bool_]: ...
+ @overload
+ def __le__(
+ self: _CharArray[bytes_],
+ other: _ArrayLikeBytes_co,
+ ) -> NDArray[bool_]: ...
+ @overload
+ def __gt__(
+ self: _CharArray[str_],
+ other: _ArrayLikeStr_co,
+ ) -> NDArray[bool_]: ...
+ @overload
+ def __gt__(
+ self: _CharArray[bytes_],
+ other: _ArrayLikeBytes_co,
+ ) -> NDArray[bool_]: ...
+ @overload
+ def __lt__(
+ self: _CharArray[str_],
+ other: _ArrayLikeStr_co,
+ ) -> NDArray[bool_]: ...
+ @overload
+ def __lt__(
+ self: _CharArray[bytes_],
+ other: _ArrayLikeBytes_co,
+ ) -> NDArray[bool_]: ...
+ @overload
+ def __add__(
+ self: _CharArray[str_],
+ other: _ArrayLikeStr_co,
+ ) -> _CharArray[str_]: ...
+ @overload
+ def __add__(
+ self: _CharArray[bytes_],
+ other: _ArrayLikeBytes_co,
+ ) -> _CharArray[bytes_]: ...
+ @overload
+ def __radd__(
+ self: _CharArray[str_],
+ other: _ArrayLikeStr_co,
+ ) -> _CharArray[str_]: ...
+ @overload
+ def __radd__(
+ self: _CharArray[bytes_],
+ other: _ArrayLikeBytes_co,
+ ) -> _CharArray[bytes_]: ...
+ @overload
+ def center(
+ self: _CharArray[str_],
+ width: _ArrayLikeInt_co,
+ fillchar: _ArrayLikeStr_co = ...,
+ ) -> _CharArray[str_]: ...
+ @overload
+ def center(
+ self: _CharArray[bytes_],
+ width: _ArrayLikeInt_co,
+ fillchar: _ArrayLikeBytes_co = ...,
+ ) -> _CharArray[bytes_]: ...
+ @overload
+ def count(
+ self: _CharArray[str_],
+ sub: _ArrayLikeStr_co,
+ start: _ArrayLikeInt_co = ...,
+ end: None | _ArrayLikeInt_co = ...,
+ ) -> NDArray[int_]: ...
+ @overload
+ def count(
+ self: _CharArray[bytes_],
+ sub: _ArrayLikeBytes_co,
+ start: _ArrayLikeInt_co = ...,
+ end: None | _ArrayLikeInt_co = ...,
+ ) -> NDArray[int_]: ...
+ def decode(
+ self: _CharArray[bytes_],
+ encoding: None | str = ...,
+ errors: None | str = ...,
+ ) -> _CharArray[str_]: ...
+ def encode(
+ self: _CharArray[str_],
+ encoding: None | str = ...,
+ errors: None | str = ...,
+ ) -> _CharArray[bytes_]: ...
+ @overload
+ def endswith(
+ self: _CharArray[str_],
+ suffix: _ArrayLikeStr_co,
+ start: _ArrayLikeInt_co = ...,
+ end: None | _ArrayLikeInt_co = ...,
+ ) -> NDArray[bool_]: ...
+ @overload
+ def endswith(
+ self: _CharArray[bytes_],
+ suffix: _ArrayLikeBytes_co,
+ start: _ArrayLikeInt_co = ...,
+ end: None | _ArrayLikeInt_co = ...,
+ ) -> NDArray[bool_]: ...
+ def expandtabs(
+ self,
+ tabsize: _ArrayLikeInt_co = ...,
+ ) -> chararray[Any, _CharDType]: ...
+ @overload
+ def find(
+ self: _CharArray[str_],
+ sub: _ArrayLikeStr_co,
+ start: _ArrayLikeInt_co = ...,
+ end: None | _ArrayLikeInt_co = ...,
+ ) -> NDArray[int_]: ...
+ @overload
+ def find(
+ self: _CharArray[bytes_],
+ sub: _ArrayLikeBytes_co,
+ start: _ArrayLikeInt_co = ...,
+ end: None | _ArrayLikeInt_co = ...,
+ ) -> NDArray[int_]: ...
+ @overload
+ def index(
+ self: _CharArray[str_],
+ sub: _ArrayLikeStr_co,
+ start: _ArrayLikeInt_co = ...,
+ end: None | _ArrayLikeInt_co = ...,
+ ) -> NDArray[int_]: ...
+ @overload
+ def index(
+ self: _CharArray[bytes_],
+ sub: _ArrayLikeBytes_co,
+ start: _ArrayLikeInt_co = ...,
+ end: None | _ArrayLikeInt_co = ...,
+ ) -> NDArray[int_]: ...
+ @overload
+ def join(
+ self: _CharArray[str_],
+ seq: _ArrayLikeStr_co,
+ ) -> _CharArray[str_]: ...
+ @overload
+ def join(
+ self: _CharArray[bytes_],
+ seq: _ArrayLikeBytes_co,
+ ) -> _CharArray[bytes_]: ...
+ @overload
+ def ljust(
+ self: _CharArray[str_],
+ width: _ArrayLikeInt_co,
+ fillchar: _ArrayLikeStr_co = ...,
+ ) -> _CharArray[str_]: ...
+ @overload
+ def ljust(
+ self: _CharArray[bytes_],
+ width: _ArrayLikeInt_co,
+ fillchar: _ArrayLikeBytes_co = ...,
+ ) -> _CharArray[bytes_]: ...
+ @overload
+ def lstrip(
+ self: _CharArray[str_],
+ chars: None | _ArrayLikeStr_co = ...,
+ ) -> _CharArray[str_]: ...
+ @overload
+ def lstrip(
+ self: _CharArray[bytes_],
+ chars: None | _ArrayLikeBytes_co = ...,
+ ) -> _CharArray[bytes_]: ...
+ @overload
+ def partition(
+ self: _CharArray[str_],
+ sep: _ArrayLikeStr_co,
+ ) -> _CharArray[str_]: ...
+ @overload
+ def partition(
+ self: _CharArray[bytes_],
+ sep: _ArrayLikeBytes_co,
+ ) -> _CharArray[bytes_]: ...
+ @overload
+ def replace(
+ self: _CharArray[str_],
+ old: _ArrayLikeStr_co,
+ new: _ArrayLikeStr_co,
+ count: None | _ArrayLikeInt_co = ...,
+ ) -> _CharArray[str_]: ...
+ @overload
+ def replace(
+ self: _CharArray[bytes_],
+ old: _ArrayLikeBytes_co,
+ new: _ArrayLikeBytes_co,
+ count: None | _ArrayLikeInt_co = ...,
+ ) -> _CharArray[bytes_]: ...
+ @overload
+ def rfind(
+ self: _CharArray[str_],
+ sub: _ArrayLikeStr_co,
+ start: _ArrayLikeInt_co = ...,
+ end: None | _ArrayLikeInt_co = ...,
+ ) -> NDArray[int_]: ...
+ @overload
+ def rfind(
+ self: _CharArray[bytes_],
+ sub: _ArrayLikeBytes_co,
+ start: _ArrayLikeInt_co = ...,
+ end: None | _ArrayLikeInt_co = ...,
+ ) -> NDArray[int_]: ...
+ @overload
+ def rindex(
+ self: _CharArray[str_],
+ sub: _ArrayLikeStr_co,
+ start: _ArrayLikeInt_co = ...,
+ end: None | _ArrayLikeInt_co = ...,
+ ) -> NDArray[int_]: ...
+ @overload
+ def rindex(
+ self: _CharArray[bytes_],
+ sub: _ArrayLikeBytes_co,
+ start: _ArrayLikeInt_co = ...,
+ end: None | _ArrayLikeInt_co = ...,
+ ) -> NDArray[int_]: ...
+ @overload
+ def rjust(
+ self: _CharArray[str_],
+ width: _ArrayLikeInt_co,
+ fillchar: _ArrayLikeStr_co = ...,
+ ) -> _CharArray[str_]: ...
+ @overload
+ def rjust(
+ self: _CharArray[bytes_],
+ width: _ArrayLikeInt_co,
+ fillchar: _ArrayLikeBytes_co = ...,
+ ) -> _CharArray[bytes_]: ...
+ @overload
+ def rpartition(
+ self: _CharArray[str_],
+ sep: _ArrayLikeStr_co,
+ ) -> _CharArray[str_]: ...
+ @overload
+ def rpartition(
+ self: _CharArray[bytes_],
+ sep: _ArrayLikeBytes_co,
+ ) -> _CharArray[bytes_]: ...
+ @overload
+ def rsplit(
+ self: _CharArray[str_],
+ sep: None | _ArrayLikeStr_co = ...,
+ maxsplit: None | _ArrayLikeInt_co = ...,
+ ) -> NDArray[object_]: ...
+ @overload
+ def rsplit(
+ self: _CharArray[bytes_],
+ sep: None | _ArrayLikeBytes_co = ...,
+ maxsplit: None | _ArrayLikeInt_co = ...,
+ ) -> NDArray[object_]: ...
+ @overload
+ def rstrip(
+ self: _CharArray[str_],
+ chars: None | _ArrayLikeStr_co = ...,
+ ) -> _CharArray[str_]: ...
+ @overload
+ def rstrip(
+ self: _CharArray[bytes_],
+ chars: None | _ArrayLikeBytes_co = ...,
+ ) -> _CharArray[bytes_]: ...
+ @overload
+ def split(
+ self: _CharArray[str_],
+ sep: None | _ArrayLikeStr_co = ...,
+ maxsplit: None | _ArrayLikeInt_co = ...,
+ ) -> NDArray[object_]: ...
+ @overload
+ def split(
+ self: _CharArray[bytes_],
+ sep: None | _ArrayLikeBytes_co = ...,
+ maxsplit: None | _ArrayLikeInt_co = ...,
+ ) -> NDArray[object_]: ...
+ def splitlines(self, keepends: None | _ArrayLikeBool_co = ...) -> NDArray[object_]: ...
+ @overload
+ def startswith(
+ self: _CharArray[str_],
+ prefix: _ArrayLikeStr_co,
+ start: _ArrayLikeInt_co = ...,
+ end: None | _ArrayLikeInt_co = ...,
+ ) -> NDArray[bool_]: ...
+ @overload
+ def startswith(
+ self: _CharArray[bytes_],
+ prefix: _ArrayLikeBytes_co,
+ start: _ArrayLikeInt_co = ...,
+ end: None | _ArrayLikeInt_co = ...,
+ ) -> NDArray[bool_]: ...
+ @overload
+ def strip(
+ self: _CharArray[str_],
+ chars: None | _ArrayLikeStr_co = ...,
+ ) -> _CharArray[str_]: ...
+ @overload
+ def strip(
+ self: _CharArray[bytes_],
+ chars: None | _ArrayLikeBytes_co = ...,
+ ) -> _CharArray[bytes_]: ...
+ @overload
+ def translate(
+ self: _CharArray[str_],
+ table: _ArrayLikeStr_co,
+ deletechars: None | _ArrayLikeStr_co = ...,
+ ) -> _CharArray[str_]: ...
+ @overload
+ def translate(
+ self: _CharArray[bytes_],
+ table: _ArrayLikeBytes_co,
+ deletechars: None | _ArrayLikeBytes_co = ...,
+ ) -> _CharArray[bytes_]: ...
+ def zfill(self, width: _ArrayLikeInt_co) -> chararray[Any, _CharDType]: ...
+ def capitalize(self) -> chararray[_ShapeType, _CharDType]: ...
+ def title(self) -> chararray[_ShapeType, _CharDType]: ...
+ def swapcase(self) -> chararray[_ShapeType, _CharDType]: ...
+ def lower(self) -> chararray[_ShapeType, _CharDType]: ...
+ def upper(self) -> chararray[_ShapeType, _CharDType]: ...
+ def isalnum(self) -> ndarray[_ShapeType, dtype[bool_]]: ...
+ def isalpha(self) -> ndarray[_ShapeType, dtype[bool_]]: ...
+ def isdigit(self) -> ndarray[_ShapeType, dtype[bool_]]: ...
+ def islower(self) -> ndarray[_ShapeType, dtype[bool_]]: ...
+ def isspace(self) -> ndarray[_ShapeType, dtype[bool_]]: ...
+ def istitle(self) -> ndarray[_ShapeType, dtype[bool_]]: ...
+ def isupper(self) -> ndarray[_ShapeType, dtype[bool_]]: ...
+ def isnumeric(self) -> ndarray[_ShapeType, dtype[bool_]]: ...
+ def isdecimal(self) -> ndarray[_ShapeType, dtype[bool_]]: ...