# To use: # # $ conda env create -f environment.yml # `mamba` works too for this command # $ conda activate numpy-dev # name: numpy-dev channels: - conda-forge dependencies: - python=3.9 #need to pin to avoid issues with builds - cython>=0.29.30 - compilers - openblas - nomkl - setuptools=59.2.0 # For testing - pytest - pytest-cov - pytest-xdist - hypothesis # For type annotations - mypy=0.981 - typing_extensions>=4.2.0 # For building docs - sphinx=4.5.0 - sphinx-panels - numpydoc=1.3.1 - ipython - scipy - pandas - matplotlib - pydata-sphinx-theme=0.8.1 - doxygen # NOTE: breathe 4.33.0 collides with sphinx.ext.graphviz - breathe!=4.33.0 # For linting - pycodestyle=2.7.0 - gitpython # Used in some tests - cffi - pytz