Supported features and platforms ================================ Features -------- OAuth 1.0a .......... OAuth 1.0a is fully supported for both clients and providers. All standard *signature methods* defined in `RFC 5849`_ *The OAuth 1.0 Protocol* are supported: - HMAC-SHA1 - RSA-SHA1 - PLAINTEXT Non-standard *signature methods* that replaces SHA-1 with stronger digest algorithms are also supported: - HMAC-SHA256 - HMAC-SHA512 - RSA-SHA256 - RSA-SHA512 The OAuth 1.0a signature can be placed in the header, URL or body of the request. OAuth 2.0 ......... OAuth 2.0 client and provider support for: - `RFC 6749 section-4.1`_: Authorization Code Grant - `RFC 6749 section-4.2`_: Implicit Grant - `RFC 6749 section-4.3`_: Resource Owner Password Credentials Grant - `RFC 6749 section-4.4`_: Client Credentials Grant - `RFC 6749 section-6`_: Refresh Tokens - `RFC 6750`_: Bearer Tokens - `RFC 7009`_: Token Revocation - `RFC Draft`_ Message Authentication Code (MAC) Tokens - OAuth2.0 Provider: `OpenID Connect Core`_ - OAuth2.0 Provider: `RFC 7636`_: Proof Key for Code Exchange by OAuth Public Clients (PKCE) - OAuth2.0 Provider: `RFC 7662`_: Token Introspection - OAuth2.0 Provider: `RFC 8414`_: Authorization Server Metadata Features to be implemented (any help/PR are welcomed): - OAuth2.0 **Client**: `OpenID Connect Core`_ - OAuth2.0 **Client**: `RFC 7636`_: Proof Key for Code Exchange by OAuth Public Clients (PKCE) - OAuth2.0 **Client**: `RFC 7662`_: Token Introspection - OAuth2.0 **Client**: `RFC 8414`_: Authorization Server Metadata - SAML2 - Bearer JWT as Client Authentication - Dynamic client registration - OpenID Discovery - OpenID Session Management - ...and more Platforms --------- OAuthLib is mainly developed and tested on 64-bit Linux. It works on Unix and Unix-like operating systems (including macOS), as well as Microsoft Windows. It should work on any platform that supports Python, if features requiring RSA public-key cryptography is not used. If features requiring RSA public-key cryptography is used (e.g RSA-SHA1 and RS256), it should work on any platform supported by PyCA's `cryptography`_ package. RSA features require installing additional packages: see the installation instructions for details. .. _`cryptography`: .. _`RFC 5849`: .. _`RFC 6749 section-4.1`: .. _`RFC 6749 section-4.2`: .. _`RFC 6749 section-4.3`: .. _`RFC 6749 section-4.4`: .. _`RFC 6749 section-6`: .. _`RFC 6750`: .. _`RFC Draft`: .. _`RFC 7009`: .. _`RFC 7662`: .. _`RFC 7636`: .. _`OpenID Connect Core`: .. _`RFC 8414`: