.. index:: Apache; md5 password hash ====================================================================== :class:`passlib.hash.apr_md5_crypt` - Apache's MD5-Crypt variant ====================================================================== .. include:: ../_fragments/insecure_hash_warning.rst .. currentmodule:: passlib.hash This hash is a variation of :class:`~passlib.hash.md5_crypt`, primarily used by the Apache webserver in ``htpasswd`` files. It contains only minor changes to the MD5-Crypt algorithm, and should be considered just as weak as MD5-Crypt itself. .. seealso:: * :ref:`password hash usage ` -- for examples of how to use this class via the common hash interface. * :mod:`passlib.apache` -- routines for manipulating ``htpasswd`` files. Interface ========= .. autoclass:: apr_md5_crypt() Format & Algorithm ================== This format and algorithm of Apache's MD5-Crypt is identical to the original MD5-Crypt, except for two changes: 1. The encoded string uses ``$apr1$`` as its prefix, while md5-crypt uses ``$1$``. 2. The algorithm uses ``$apr1$`` as a constant in the step where md5-crypt uses ``$1$`` in its calculation of digest B (see the :ref:`md5-crypt algorithm `). Because of this change, even raw checksums generated by apr-md5-crypt and md5-crypt are not compatible with each other. See :doc:`md5_crypt ` for the format & algorithm descriptions, as well as security notes. .. rubric:: Footnotes .. [#] Apache's description of Apr-MD5-Crypt - ``_