============================================================= :class:`passlib.hash.grub_pbkdf2_sha512` - Grub's PBKDF2 Hash ============================================================= .. index:: pbkdf2 hash; grub .. currentmodule:: passlib.hash This class provides an implementation of Grub's PBKDF2-HMAC-SHA512 password hash [#grub]_, as generated by the :command:`grub-mkpasswd-pbkdf2` command, and may be found in Grub2 configuration files. PBKDF2 is a key derivation function [#pbkdf2]_ that is ideally suited as the basis for a password hash, as it provides variable length salts, variable number of rounds. .. seealso:: * :ref:`password hash usage ` -- for examples of how to use this class via the common hash interface. * :doc:`passlib.hash.pbkdf2_{digest} ` -- for some other PBKDF2-based hashes. Interface ========= .. autoclass:: grub_pbkdf2_sha512() Format & Algorithm ================== A example hash (of ``password``) is :: grub.pbkdf2.sha512.10000.4483972AD2C52E1F590B3E2260795FDA9CA0B07B 96FF492814CA9775F08C4B59CD1707F10B269E09B61B1E2D11729BCA8D62B7827 B25B093EC58C4C1EAC23137.DF4FCB5DD91340D6D31E33423E4210AD47C7A4DF9 FA16F401663BF288C20BF973530866178FE6D134256E4DBEFBD984B652332EED3 ACAED834FEA7B73CAE851D All of this scheme's hashes have the format :samp:`grub.pbkdf2.sha512.{rounds}.{salt}.{checksum}`, where :samp:`{rounds}` is the number of iteration stored in decimal, :samp:`{salt}` is the salt string encoded using upper-case hexadecimal, and :samp:`{checksum}` is the resulting 64-byte derived key, also encoded in upper-case hexadecimal. It can be identified by the prefix ``grub.pdkdf2.sha512.``. The algorithm used is the same as :class:`pbkdf2_sha1`: the password is encoded into UTF-8 if not already encoded, and passed through :func:`~passlib.crypto.digest.pbkdf1` along with the decoded salt, and the number of rounds. The result is then encoded into hexadecimal. .. Hash Translation ---------------- Note that despite encoding and format differences, :class:`pbkdf2_sha512` and :class:`!grub_pbkdf2_sha512` share an identical algorithm, and one can be converted to the other using the following code:: >>> from passlib.hash import pbkdf2_sha512, grub_pbkdf2_sha512 >>> # given a pbkdf2_sha512 hash... >>> h = pbkdf2_sha512.hash("password") >>> h '$pbkdf2-sha512$6400$y6vYff3SihJiqumIrNXwGw$NobVwyUlVI52/Cvrguwli5fX6XgKHNUf7fWWS2VgoWEevaTCiZx4OCYhwGFwzUAuz/g1zQVSIf.9JEb0BEVEEA' >>> # it can be parsed into options >>> hobj = pbkdf2_sha512.from_string(h) >>> rounds, salt, chk = hobj.rounds, hobj.salt, hobj.checksum >>> # and a new grub hash can be created >>> gobj = grub_pbkdf2_sha512(rounds=rounds, salt=salt, checksum=chk) >>> g = gobj.to_string() >>> g >>> grub_pbkdf2_sha512.verify("password", g) True .. rubric:: Footnotes .. [#grub] Information about Grub's password hashes - ``_. .. [#pbkdf2] The specification for the PBKDF2 algorithm - ``_.