=============================================================== :samp:`passlib.hash.ldap_{other}` - Non-Standard RFC2307 Hashes =============================================================== .. currentmodule:: passlib.hash This section as a catch-all for a number of password hash formats supported by Passlib which use :rfc:`2307` style encoding, but are not part of any standard. .. seealso:: * :ref:`password hash usage ` -- for examples of how to use these classes via the common hash interface. * :ref:`ldap-hashes` for a full list of RFC 2307 style hashes. Hexadecimal Digests =================== All of the digests specified in RFC 2307 use base64 encoding. The following are non-standard versions which use hexadecimal encoding, as is found in some applications. .. class:: ldap_hex_md5 hexadecimal version of :class:`ldap_md5`, this is just the md5 digest of the password. an example hash (of ``password``) is ``{MD5}5f4dcc3b5aa765d61d8327deb882cf99``. .. class:: ldap_hex_sha1 hexadecimal version of :class:`ldap_sha1`, this is just the sha1 digest of the password. an example hash (of ``password``) is ``{SHA}5baa61e4c9b93f3f0682250b6cf8331b7ee68fd8``. Other Hashes ============ .. class:: roundup_plaintext RFC 2307 specifies plaintext passwords should be stored without any identifying prefix. This class implements an alternate method used by the Roundup Issue Tracker [#roundup]_, which (when storing plaintext passwords) uses the identifying prefix ``{plaintext}``. an example hash (of ``password``) is ``{plaintext}password``. .. rubric:: Footnotes .. [#roundup] Roundup Issue Tracker homepage - ``_.