path: root/paste/debug/
diff options
authorMarc Abramowitz <>2015-04-30 17:39:24 -0700
committerMarc Abramowitz <>2015-04-30 17:39:24 -0700
commitfa100c92c06d3a8a61a0dda1a2e06018437b09c6 (patch)
treea1cc50f93fbf257685c3849e03496c5e33949281 /paste/debug/
test_wsgirequest_charset: Use UTF-8 instead of iso-8859-1test_wsgirequest_charset_use_UTF-8_instead_of_iso-8859-1
because it seems that the defacto standard for encoding URIs is to use UTF-8. I've been reading about url encoding and it seems like perhaps using an encoding other than UTF-8 is very non-standard and not well-supported (this test is trying to use `iso-8859-1`). From > For a non-ASCII character, it is typically converted to its byte sequence in > UTF-8, and then each byte value is represented as above. > The generic URI syntax mandates that new URI schemes that provide for the > representation of character data in a URI must, in effect, represent > characters from the unreserved set without translation, and should convert > all other characters to bytes according to UTF-8, and then percent-encode > those values. This requirement was introduced in January 2005 with the > publication of RFC 3986 From > Non-ASCII characters must first be encoded according to UTF-8 [STD63], and > then each octet of the corresponding UTF-8 sequence must be percent-encoded > to be represented as URI characters. URI producing applications must not use > percent-encoding in host unless it is used to represent a UTF-8 character > sequence. From > Conversions from URIs to IRIs MUST NOT use any character encoding other than > UTF-8 in steps 3 and 4, even if it might be possible to guess from the > context that another character encoding than UTF-8 was used in the URI. For > example, the URI "" might with some > guessing be interpreted to contain two e-acute characters encoded as > iso-8859-1. It must not be converted to an IRI containing these e-acute > characters. Otherwise, in the future the IRI will be mapped to > "", which is a different URI from > "". See issue #7, which I think this at least partially fixes.
Diffstat (limited to 'paste/debug/')
1 files changed, 149 insertions, 0 deletions
diff --git a/paste/debug/ b/paste/debug/
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..b660bfa
--- /dev/null
+++ b/paste/debug/
@@ -0,0 +1,149 @@
+# (c) 2005 Ian Bicking and contributors; written for Paste (
+# Licensed under the MIT license:
+Middleware that displays everything that is printed inline in
+application pages.
+Anything printed during the request will get captured and included on
+the page. It will usually be included as a floating element in the
+top right hand corner of the page. If you want to override this
+you can include a tag in your template where it will be placed::
+ <pre id="paste-debug-prints"></pre>
+You might want to include ``style="white-space: normal"``, as all the
+whitespace will be quoted, and this allows the text to wrap if
+from cStringIO import StringIO
+import re
+import cgi
+from paste.util import threadedprint
+from paste import wsgilib
+from paste import response
+import six
+import sys
+_threadedprint_installed = False
+__all__ = ['PrintDebugMiddleware']
+class TeeFile(object):
+ def __init__(self, files):
+ self.files = files
+ def write(self, v):
+ if isinstance(v, unicode):
+ # WSGI is picky in this case
+ v = str(v)
+ for file in self.files:
+ file.write(v)
+class PrintDebugMiddleware(object):
+ """
+ This middleware captures all the printed statements, and inlines
+ them in HTML pages, so that you can see all the (debug-intended)
+ print statements in the page itself.
+ There are two keys added to the environment to control this:
+ ``environ['paste.printdebug_listeners']`` is a list of functions
+ that will be called everytime something is printed.
+ ``environ['paste.remove_printdebug']`` is a function that, if
+ called, will disable printing of output for that request.
+ If you have ``replace_stdout=True`` then stdout is replaced, not
+ captured.
+ """
+ log_template = (
+ '<pre style="width: 40%%; border: 2px solid #000; white-space: normal; '
+ 'background-color: #ffd; color: #000; float: right;">'
+ '<b style="border-bottom: 1px solid #000">Log messages</b><br>'
+ '%s</pre>')
+ def __init__(self, app, global_conf=None, force_content_type=False,
+ print_wsgi_errors=True, replace_stdout=False):
+ # @@: global_conf should be handled separately and only for
+ # the entry point
+ = app
+ self.force_content_type = force_content_type
+ if isinstance(print_wsgi_errors, six.string_types):
+ from paste.deploy.converters import asbool
+ print_wsgi_errors = asbool(print_wsgi_errors)
+ self.print_wsgi_errors = print_wsgi_errors
+ self.replace_stdout = replace_stdout
+ self._threaded_print_stdout = None
+ def __call__(self, environ, start_response):
+ global _threadedprint_installed
+ if environ.get('paste.testing'):
+ # In a testing environment this interception isn't
+ # useful:
+ return, start_response)
+ if (not _threadedprint_installed
+ or self._threaded_print_stdout is not sys.stdout):
+ # @@: Not strictly threadsafe
+ _threadedprint_installed = True
+ threadedprint.install(leave_stdout=not self.replace_stdout)
+ self._threaded_print_stdout = sys.stdout
+ removed = []
+ def remove_printdebug():
+ removed.append(None)
+ environ['paste.remove_printdebug'] = remove_printdebug
+ logged = StringIO()
+ listeners = [logged]
+ environ['paste.printdebug_listeners'] = listeners
+ if self.print_wsgi_errors:
+ listeners.append(environ['wsgi.errors'])
+ replacement_stdout = TeeFile(listeners)
+ threadedprint.register(replacement_stdout)
+ try:
+ status, headers, body = wsgilib.intercept_output(
+ environ,
+ if status is None:
+ # Some error occurred
+ status = '500 Server Error'
+ headers = [('Content-type', 'text/html')]
+ start_response(status, headers)
+ if not body:
+ body = 'An error occurred'
+ content_type = response.header_value(headers, 'content-type')
+ if (removed or
+ (not self.force_content_type and
+ (not content_type
+ or not content_type.startswith('text/html')))):
+ if replacement_stdout == logged:
+ # Then the prints will be lost, unless...
+ environ['wsgi.errors'].write(logged.getvalue())
+ start_response(status, headers)
+ return [body]
+ response.remove_header(headers, 'content-length')
+ body = self.add_log(body, logged.getvalue())
+ start_response(status, headers)
+ return [body]
+ finally:
+ threadedprint.deregister()
+ _body_re = re.compile(r'<body[^>]*>', re.I)
+ _explicit_re = re.compile(r'<pre\s*[^>]*id="paste-debug-prints".*?>',
+ re.I+re.S)
+ def add_log(self, html, log):
+ if not log:
+ return html
+ text = cgi.escape(log)
+ text = text.replace('\n', '<br>')
+ text = text.replace(' ', '&nbsp; ')
+ match =
+ if not match:
+ text = self.log_template % text
+ match =
+ if not match:
+ return text + html
+ else:
+ return html[:match.end()] + text + html[match.end():]