path: root/paste/
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authorMarc Abramowitz <>2016-03-07 14:05:52 -0800
committerMarc Abramowitz <>2016-03-07 14:05:52 -0800
commit42b22881290e00e06b840dee1e42f0f5ef044d47 (patch)
treeb4fef928625acd3e8ee45ccaa8c7a6c9810b3601 /paste/
tox.ini: Add py35 to envlisttox_add_py35
Diffstat (limited to 'paste/')
1 files changed, 581 insertions, 0 deletions
diff --git a/paste/ b/paste/
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..908bc0d
--- /dev/null
+++ b/paste/
@@ -0,0 +1,581 @@
+# (c) 2005 Ben Bangert
+# This module is part of the Python Paste Project and is released under
+# the MIT License:
+"""Registry for handling request-local module globals sanely
+Dealing with module globals in a thread-safe way is good if your
+application is the sole responder in a thread, however that approach fails
+to properly account for various scenarios that occur with WSGI applications
+and middleware.
+What is actually needed in the case where a module global is desired that
+is always set properly depending on the current request, is a stacked
+thread-local object. Such an object is popped or pushed during the request
+cycle so that it properly represents the object that should be active for
+the current request.
+To make it easy to deal with such variables, this module provides a special
+StackedObjectProxy class which you can instantiate and attach to your
+module where you'd like others to access it. The object you'd like this to
+actually "be" during the request is then registered with the
+RegistryManager middleware, which ensures that for the scope of the current
+WSGI application everything will work properly.
+.. code-block:: python
+ #yourpackage/
+ from paste.registry import RegistryManager, StackedObjectProxy
+ myglobal = StackedObjectProxy()
+ #wsgi app stack
+ app = RegistryManager(yourapp)
+ #inside your wsgi app
+ class yourapp(object):
+ def __call__(self, environ, start_response):
+ obj = someobject # The request-local object you want to access
+ # via yourpackage.myglobal
+ if environ.has_key('paste.registry'):
+ environ['paste.registry'].register(myglobal, obj)
+You will then be able to import yourpackage anywhere in your WSGI app or in
+the calling stack below it and be assured that it is using the object you
+registered with Registry.
+RegistryManager can be in the WSGI stack multiple times, each time it
+appears it registers a new request context.
+The overhead of the proxy object is very minimal, however if you are using
+proxy objects extensively (Thousands of accesses per request or more), there
+are some ways to avoid them. A proxy object runs approximately 3-20x slower
+than direct access to the object, this is rarely your performance bottleneck
+when developing web applications.
+Should you be developing a system which may be accessing the proxy object
+thousands of times per request, the performance of the proxy will start to
+become more noticeable. In that circumstance, the problem can be avoided by
+getting at the actual object via the proxy with the ``_current_obj`` function:
+.. code-block:: python
+ Session = StackedObjectProxy()
+ # ... initialization code, etc.
+ #
+ import sessions
+ def somefunc():
+ session = sessions.Session._current_obj()
+ # ... tons of session access
+This way the proxy is used only once to retrieve the object for the current
+context and the overhead is minimized while still making it easy to access
+the underlying object. The ``_current_obj`` function is preceded by an
+underscore to more likely avoid clashing with the contained object's
+**NOTE:** This is *highly* unlikely to be an issue in the vast majority of
+cases, and requires incredibly large amounts of proxy object access before
+one should consider the proxy object to be causing slow-downs. This section
+is provided solely in the extremely rare case that it is an issue so that a
+quick way to work around it is documented.
+import six
+import paste.util.threadinglocal as threadinglocal
+__all__ = ['StackedObjectProxy', 'RegistryManager', 'StackedObjectRestorer',
+ 'restorer']
+class NoDefault(object): pass
+class StackedObjectProxy(object):
+ """Track an object instance internally using a stack
+ The StackedObjectProxy proxies access to an object internally using a
+ stacked thread-local. This makes it safe for complex WSGI environments
+ where access to the object may be desired in multiple places without
+ having to pass the actual object around.
+ New objects are added to the top of the stack with _push_object while
+ objects can be removed with _pop_object.
+ """
+ def __init__(self, default=NoDefault, name="Default"):
+ """Create a new StackedObjectProxy
+ If a default is given, its used in every thread if no other object
+ has been pushed on.
+ """
+ self.__dict__['____name__'] = name
+ self.__dict__['____local__'] = threadinglocal.local()
+ if default is not NoDefault:
+ self.__dict__['____default_object__'] = default
+ def __dir__(self):
+ """Return a list of the StackedObjectProxy's and proxied
+ object's (if one exists) names.
+ """
+ dir_list = dir(self.__class__) + self.__dict__.keys()
+ try:
+ dir_list.extend(dir(self._current_obj()))
+ except TypeError:
+ pass
+ dir_list.sort()
+ return dir_list
+ def __getattr__(self, attr):
+ return getattr(self._current_obj(), attr)
+ def __setattr__(self, attr, value):
+ setattr(self._current_obj(), attr, value)
+ def __delattr__(self, name):
+ delattr(self._current_obj(), name)
+ def __getitem__(self, key):
+ return self._current_obj()[key]
+ def __setitem__(self, key, value):
+ self._current_obj()[key] = value
+ def __delitem__(self, key):
+ del self._current_obj()[key]
+ def __call__(self, *args, **kw):
+ return self._current_obj()(*args, **kw)
+ def __repr__(self):
+ try:
+ return repr(self._current_obj())
+ except (TypeError, AttributeError):
+ return '<%s.%s object at 0x%x>' % (self.__class__.__module__,
+ self.__class__.__name__,
+ id(self))
+ def __iter__(self):
+ return iter(self._current_obj())
+ def __len__(self):
+ return len(self._current_obj())
+ def __contains__(self, key):
+ return key in self._current_obj()
+ def __nonzero__(self):
+ return bool(self._current_obj())
+ def _current_obj(self):
+ """Returns the current active object being proxied to
+ In the event that no object was pushed, the default object if
+ provided will be used. Otherwise, a TypeError will be raised.
+ """
+ try:
+ objects = self.____local__.objects
+ except AttributeError:
+ objects = None
+ if objects:
+ return objects[-1]
+ else:
+ obj = self.__dict__.get('____default_object__', NoDefault)
+ if obj is not NoDefault:
+ return obj
+ else:
+ raise TypeError(
+ 'No object (name: %s) has been registered for this '
+ 'thread' % self.____name__)
+ def _push_object(self, obj):
+ """Make ``obj`` the active object for this thread-local.
+ This should be used like:
+ .. code-block:: python
+ obj = yourobject()
+ module.glob = StackedObjectProxy()
+ module.glob._push_object(obj)
+ try:
+ ... do stuff ...
+ finally:
+ module.glob._pop_object(conf)
+ """
+ try:
+ self.____local__.objects.append(obj)
+ except AttributeError:
+ self.____local__.objects = []
+ self.____local__.objects.append(obj)
+ def _pop_object(self, obj=None):
+ """Remove a thread-local object.
+ If ``obj`` is given, it is checked against the popped object and an
+ error is emitted if they don't match.
+ """
+ try:
+ popped = self.____local__.objects.pop()
+ if obj and popped is not obj:
+ raise AssertionError(
+ 'The object popped (%s) is not the same as the object '
+ 'expected (%s)' % (popped, obj))
+ except AttributeError:
+ raise AssertionError('No object has been registered for this thread')
+ def _object_stack(self):
+ """Returns all of the objects stacked in this container
+ (Might return [] if there are none)
+ """
+ try:
+ try:
+ objs = self.____local__.objects
+ except AttributeError:
+ return []
+ return objs[:]
+ except AssertionError:
+ return []
+ # The following methods will be swapped for their original versions by
+ # StackedObjectRestorer when restoration is enabled. The original
+ # functions (e.g. _current_obj) will be available at _current_obj_orig
+ def _current_obj_restoration(self):
+ request_id = restorer.in_restoration()
+ if request_id:
+ return restorer.get_saved_proxied_obj(self, request_id)
+ return self._current_obj_orig()
+ _current_obj_restoration.__doc__ = \
+ ('%s\n(StackedObjectRestorer restoration enabled)' % \
+ _current_obj.__doc__)
+ def _push_object_restoration(self, obj):
+ if not restorer.in_restoration():
+ self._push_object_orig(obj)
+ _push_object_restoration.__doc__ = \
+ ('%s\n(StackedObjectRestorer restoration enabled)' % \
+ _push_object.__doc__)
+ def _pop_object_restoration(self, obj=None):
+ if not restorer.in_restoration():
+ self._pop_object_orig(obj)
+ _pop_object_restoration.__doc__ = \
+ ('%s\n(StackedObjectRestorer restoration enabled)' % \
+ _pop_object.__doc__)
+class Registry(object):
+ """Track objects and stacked object proxies for removal
+ The Registry object is instantiated a single time for the request no
+ matter how many times the RegistryManager is used in a WSGI stack. Each
+ RegistryManager must call ``prepare`` before continuing the call to
+ start a new context for object registering.
+ Each context is tracked with a dict inside a list. The last list
+ element is the currently executing context. Each context dict is keyed
+ by the id of the StackedObjectProxy instance being proxied, the value
+ is a tuple of the StackedObjectProxy instance and the object being
+ tracked.
+ """
+ def __init__(self):
+ """Create a new Registry object
+ ``prepare`` must still be called before this Registry object can be
+ used to register objects.
+ """
+ self.reglist = []
+ def prepare(self):
+ """Used to create a new registry context
+ Anytime a new RegistryManager is called, ``prepare`` needs to be
+ called on the existing Registry object. This sets up a new context
+ for registering objects.
+ """
+ self.reglist.append({})
+ def register(self, stacked, obj):
+ """Register an object with a StackedObjectProxy"""
+ myreglist = self.reglist[-1]
+ stacked_id = id(stacked)
+ if stacked_id in myreglist:
+ stacked._pop_object(myreglist[stacked_id][1])
+ del myreglist[stacked_id]
+ stacked._push_object(obj)
+ myreglist[stacked_id] = (stacked, obj)
+ def multiregister(self, stacklist):
+ """Register a list of tuples
+ Similar call semantics as register, except this registers
+ multiple objects at once.
+ Example::
+ registry.multiregister([(sop, obj), (anothersop, anotherobj)])
+ """
+ myreglist = self.reglist[-1]
+ for stacked, obj in stacklist:
+ stacked_id = id(stacked)
+ if stacked_id in myreglist:
+ stacked._pop_object(myreglist[stacked_id][1])
+ del myreglist[stacked_id]
+ stacked._push_object(obj)
+ myreglist[stacked_id] = (stacked, obj)
+ # Replace now does the same thing as register
+ replace = register
+ def cleanup(self):
+ """Remove all objects from all StackedObjectProxy instances that
+ were tracked at this Registry context"""
+ for stacked, obj in six.itervalues(self.reglist[-1]):
+ stacked._pop_object(obj)
+ self.reglist.pop()
+class RegistryManager(object):
+ """Creates and maintains a Registry context
+ RegistryManager creates a new registry context for the registration of
+ StackedObjectProxy instances. Multiple RegistryManager's can be in a
+ WSGI stack and will manage the context so that the StackedObjectProxies
+ always proxy to the proper object.
+ The object being registered can be any object sub-class, list, or dict.
+ Registering objects is done inside a WSGI application under the
+ RegistryManager instance, using the ``environ['paste.registry']``
+ object which is a Registry instance.
+ """
+ def __init__(self, application, streaming=False):
+ self.application = application
+ self.streaming = streaming
+ def __call__(self, environ, start_response):
+ app_iter = None
+ reg = environ.setdefault('paste.registry', Registry())
+ reg.prepare()
+ if self.streaming:
+ return self.streaming_iter(reg, environ, start_response)
+ try:
+ app_iter = self.application(environ, start_response)
+ except Exception as e:
+ # Regardless of if the content is an iterable, generator, list
+ # or tuple, we clean-up right now. If its an iterable/generator
+ # care should be used to ensure the generator has its own ref
+ # to the actual object
+ if environ.get('paste.evalexception'):
+ # EvalException is present in the WSGI stack
+ expected = False
+ for expect in environ.get('paste.expected_exceptions', []):
+ if isinstance(e, expect):
+ expected = True
+ if not expected:
+ # An unexpected exception: save state for EvalException
+ restorer.save_registry_state(environ)
+ reg.cleanup()
+ raise
+ except:
+ # Save state for EvalException if it's present
+ if environ.get('paste.evalexception'):
+ restorer.save_registry_state(environ)
+ reg.cleanup()
+ raise
+ else:
+ reg.cleanup()
+ return app_iter
+ def streaming_iter(self, reg, environ, start_response):
+ try:
+ for item in self.application(environ, start_response):
+ yield item
+ except Exception as e:
+ # Regardless of if the content is an iterable, generator, list
+ # or tuple, we clean-up right now. If its an iterable/generator
+ # care should be used to ensure the generator has its own ref
+ # to the actual object
+ if environ.get('paste.evalexception'):
+ # EvalException is present in the WSGI stack
+ expected = False
+ for expect in environ.get('paste.expected_exceptions', []):
+ if isinstance(e, expect):
+ expected = True
+ if not expected:
+ # An unexpected exception: save state for EvalException
+ restorer.save_registry_state(environ)
+ reg.cleanup()
+ raise
+ except:
+ # Save state for EvalException if it's present
+ if environ.get('paste.evalexception'):
+ restorer.save_registry_state(environ)
+ reg.cleanup()
+ raise
+ else:
+ reg.cleanup()
+class StackedObjectRestorer(object):
+ """Track StackedObjectProxies and their proxied objects for automatic
+ restoration within EvalException's interactive debugger.
+ An instance of this class tracks all StackedObjectProxy state in existence
+ when unexpected exceptions are raised by WSGI applications housed by
+ EvalException and RegistryManager. Like EvalException, this information is
+ stored for the life of the process.
+ When an unexpected exception occurs and EvalException is present in the
+ WSGI stack, save_registry_state is intended to be called to store the
+ Registry state and enable automatic restoration on all currently registered
+ StackedObjectProxies.
+ With restoration enabled, those StackedObjectProxies' _current_obj
+ (overwritten by _current_obj_restoration) method's strategy is modified:
+ it will return its appropriate proxied object from the restorer when
+ a restoration context is active in the current thread.
+ The StackedObjectProxies' _push/pop_object methods strategies are also
+ changed: they no-op when a restoration context is active in the current
+ thread (because the pushing/popping work is all handled by the
+ Registry/restorer).
+ The request's Registry objects' reglists are restored from the restorer
+ when a restoration context begins, enabling the Registry methods to work
+ while their changes are tracked by the restorer.
+ The overhead of enabling restoration is negligible (another threadlocal
+ access for the changed StackedObjectProxy methods) for normal use outside
+ of a restoration context, but worth mentioning when combined with
+ StackedObjectProxies normal overhead. Once enabled it does not turn off,
+ however:
+ o Enabling restoration only occurs after an unexpected exception is
+ detected. The server is likely to be restarted shortly after the exception
+ is raised to fix the cause
+ o StackedObjectRestorer is only enabled when EvalException is enabled (not
+ on a production server) and RegistryManager exists in the middleware
+ stack"""
+ def __init__(self):
+ # Registries and their saved reglists by request_id
+ self.saved_registry_states = {}
+ self.restoration_context_id = threadinglocal.local()
+ def save_registry_state(self, environ):
+ """Save the state of this request's Registry (if it hasn't already been
+ saved) to the saved_registry_states dict, keyed by the request's unique
+ identifier"""
+ registry = environ.get('paste.registry')
+ if not registry or not len(registry.reglist) or \
+ self.get_request_id(environ) in self.saved_registry_states:
+ # No Registry, no state to save, or this request's state has
+ # already been saved
+ return
+ self.saved_registry_states[self.get_request_id(environ)] = \
+ (registry, registry.reglist[:])
+ # Tweak the StackedObjectProxies we want to save state for -- change
+ # their methods to act differently when a restoration context is active
+ # in the current thread
+ for reglist in registry.reglist:
+ for stacked, obj in six.itervalues(reglist):
+ self.enable_restoration(stacked)
+ def get_saved_proxied_obj(self, stacked, request_id):
+ """Retrieve the saved object proxied by the specified
+ StackedObjectProxy for the request identified by request_id"""
+ # All state for the request identified by request_id
+ reglist = self.saved_registry_states[request_id][1]
+ # The top of the stack was current when the exception occurred
+ stack_level = len(reglist) - 1
+ stacked_id = id(stacked)
+ while True:
+ if stack_level < 0:
+ # Nothing registered: Call _current_obj_orig to raise a
+ # TypeError
+ return stacked._current_obj_orig()
+ context = reglist[stack_level]
+ if stacked_id in context:
+ break
+ # This StackedObjectProxy may not have been registered by the
+ # RegistryManager that was active when the exception was raised --
+ # continue searching down the stack until it's found
+ stack_level -= 1
+ return context[stacked_id][1]
+ def enable_restoration(self, stacked):
+ """Replace the specified StackedObjectProxy's methods with their
+ respective restoration versions.
+ _current_obj_restoration forces recovery of the saved proxied object
+ when a restoration context is active in the current thread.
+ _push/pop_object_restoration avoid pushing/popping data
+ (pushing/popping is only done at the Registry level) when a restoration
+ context is active in the current thread"""
+ if '_current_obj_orig' in stacked.__dict__:
+ # Restoration already enabled
+ return
+ for func_name in ('_current_obj', '_push_object', '_pop_object'):
+ orig_func = getattr(stacked, func_name)
+ restoration_func = getattr(stacked, func_name + '_restoration')
+ stacked.__dict__[func_name + '_orig'] = orig_func
+ stacked.__dict__[func_name] = restoration_func
+ def get_request_id(self, environ):
+ """Return a unique identifier for the current request"""
+ from paste.evalexception.middleware import get_debug_count
+ return get_debug_count(environ)
+ def restoration_begin(self, request_id):
+ """Enable a restoration context in the current thread for the specified
+ request_id"""
+ if request_id in self.saved_registry_states:
+ # Restore the old Registry object's state
+ registry, reglist = self.saved_registry_states[request_id]
+ registry.reglist = reglist
+ self.restoration_context_id.request_id = request_id
+ def restoration_end(self):
+ """Register a restoration context as finished, if one exists"""
+ try:
+ del self.restoration_context_id.request_id
+ except AttributeError:
+ pass
+ def in_restoration(self):
+ """Determine if a restoration context is active for the current thread.
+ Returns the request_id it's active for if so, otherwise False"""
+ return getattr(self.restoration_context_id, 'request_id', False)
+restorer = StackedObjectRestorer()
+# Paste Deploy entry point
+def make_registry_manager(app, global_conf):
+ return RegistryManager(app)
+make_registry_manager.__doc__ = RegistryManager.__doc__