path: root/paste/util/
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authorMarc Abramowitz <>2016-03-07 18:52:36 -0800
committerMarc Abramowitz <>2016-03-07 18:52:36 -0800
commitcc83e06efff71b81ca5a3ac6df65775971181295 (patch)
treed52fa3f1a93730f263c2c5ac8266de8e5fb12abf /paste/util/
tox.ini: Measure test coveragetox_coverage
Diffstat (limited to 'paste/util/')
1 files changed, 160 insertions, 0 deletions
diff --git a/paste/util/ b/paste/util/
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..b796c8b
--- /dev/null
+++ b/paste/util/
@@ -0,0 +1,160 @@
+"""MIME-Type Parser
+This module provides basic functions for handling mime-types. It can handle
+matching mime-types against a list of media-ranges. See section 14.1 of
+the HTTP specification [RFC 2616] for a complete explanation.
+Based on mimeparse 0.1.2 by Joe Gregorio:
+ - parse_mime_type(): Parses a mime-type into its component parts.
+ - parse_media_range(): Media-ranges are mime-types with wild-cards and a 'q' quality parameter.
+ - quality(): Determines the quality ('q') of a mime-type when compared against a list of media-ranges.
+ - quality_parsed(): Just like quality() except the second parameter must be pre-parsed.
+ - best_match(): Choose the mime-type with the highest quality ('q') from a list of candidates.
+ - desired_matches(): Filter against a list of desired mime-types in the order the server prefers.
+def parse_mime_type(mime_type):
+ """Carves up a mime-type and returns a tuple of the
+ (type, subtype, params) where 'params' is a dictionary
+ of all the parameters for the media range.
+ For example, the media range 'application/xhtml;q=0.5' would
+ get parsed into:
+ ('application', 'xhtml', {'q', '0.5'})
+ """
+ type = mime_type.split(';')
+ type, plist = type[0], type[1:]
+ try:
+ type, subtype = type.split('/', 1)
+ except ValueError:
+ type, subtype = type.strip() or '*', '*'
+ else:
+ type = type.strip() or '*'
+ subtype = subtype.strip() or '*'
+ params = {}
+ for param in plist:
+ param = param.split('=', 1)
+ if len(param) == 2:
+ key, value = param[0].strip(), param[1].strip()
+ if key and value:
+ params[key] = value
+ return type, subtype, params
+def parse_media_range(range):
+ """Carves up a media range and returns a tuple of the
+ (type, subtype, params) where 'params' is a dictionary
+ of all the parameters for the media range.
+ For example, the media range 'application/*;q=0.5' would
+ get parsed into:
+ ('application', '*', {'q', '0.5'})
+ In addition this function also guarantees that there
+ is a value for 'q' in the params dictionary, filling it
+ in with a proper default if necessary.
+ """
+ type, subtype, params = parse_mime_type(range)
+ try:
+ if not 0 <= float(params['q']) <= 1:
+ raise ValueError
+ except (KeyError, ValueError):
+ params['q'] = '1'
+ return type, subtype, params
+def fitness_and_quality_parsed(mime_type, parsed_ranges):
+ """Find the best match for a given mime-type against
+ a list of media_ranges that have already been
+ parsed by parse_media_range(). Returns a tuple of
+ the fitness value and the value of the 'q' quality
+ parameter of the best match, or (-1, 0) if no match
+ was found. Just as for quality_parsed(), 'parsed_ranges'
+ must be a list of parsed media ranges."""
+ best_fitness, best_fit_q = -1, 0
+ target_type, target_subtype, target_params = parse_media_range(mime_type)
+ for type, subtype, params in parsed_ranges:
+ if (type == target_type
+ or type == '*' or target_type == '*') and (
+ subtype == target_subtype
+ or subtype == '*' or target_subtype == '*'):
+ fitness = 0
+ if type == target_type:
+ fitness += 100
+ if subtype == target_subtype:
+ fitness += 10
+ for key in target_params:
+ if key != 'q' and key in params:
+ if params[key] == target_params[key]:
+ fitness += 1
+ if fitness > best_fitness:
+ best_fitness = fitness
+ best_fit_q = params['q']
+ return best_fitness, float(best_fit_q)
+def quality_parsed(mime_type, parsed_ranges):
+ """Find the best match for a given mime-type against
+ a list of media_ranges that have already been
+ parsed by parse_media_range(). Returns the
+ 'q' quality parameter of the best match, 0 if no
+ match was found. This function behaves the same as quality()
+ except that 'parsed_ranges' must be a list of
+ parsed media ranges."""
+ return fitness_and_quality_parsed(mime_type, parsed_ranges)[1]
+def quality(mime_type, ranges):
+ """Returns the quality 'q' of a mime-type when compared
+ against the media-ranges in ranges. For example:
+ >>> quality('text/html','text/*;q=0.3, text/html;q=0.7, text/html;level=1, text/html;level=2;q=0.4, */*;q=0.5')
+ 0.7
+ """
+ parsed_ranges = map(parse_media_range, ranges.split(','))
+ return quality_parsed(mime_type, parsed_ranges)
+def best_match(supported, header):
+ """Takes a list of supported mime-types and finds the best
+ match for all the media-ranges listed in header. In case of
+ ambiguity, whatever comes first in the list will be chosen.
+ The value of header must be a string that conforms to the format
+ of the HTTP Accept: header. The value of 'supported' is a list
+ of mime-types.
+ >>> best_match(['application/xbel+xml', 'text/xml'], 'text/*;q=0.5,*/*; q=0.1')
+ 'text/xml'
+ """
+ if not supported:
+ return ''
+ parsed_header = list(map(parse_media_range, header.split(',')))
+ best_type = max([
+ (fitness_and_quality_parsed(mime_type, parsed_header), -n)
+ for n, mime_type in enumerate(supported)])
+ return best_type[0][1] and supported[-best_type[1]] or ''
+def desired_matches(desired, header):
+ """Takes a list of desired mime-types in the order the server prefers to
+ send them regardless of the browsers preference.
+ Browsers (such as Firefox) technically want XML over HTML depending on how
+ one reads the specification. This function is provided for a server to
+ declare a set of desired mime-types it supports, and returns a subset of
+ the desired list in the same order should each one be Accepted by the
+ browser.
+ >>> desired_matches(['text/html', 'application/xml'], \
+ ... 'text/xml,application/xml,application/xhtml+xml,text/html;q=0.9,text/plain;q=0.8,image/png')
+ ['text/html', 'application/xml']
+ >>> desired_matches(['text/html', 'application/xml'], 'application/xml,application/json')
+ ['application/xml']
+ """
+ parsed_ranges = list(map(parse_media_range, header.split(',')))
+ return [mimetype for mimetype in desired
+ if quality_parsed(mimetype, parsed_ranges)]