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diff --git a/docs/configuration.txt b/docs/configuration.txt
deleted file mode 100644
index a7f155d..0000000
--- a/docs/configuration.txt
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,159 +0,0 @@
-Configuration In Paste
-:author: Ian Bicking <>
-:revision: $Rev$
-:date: $LastChangedDate$
-.. contents::
-This document covers Paste configuration; both how to use the
-configuration from your application, and how to configure Paste
-Configuration Format
-Configuration files are Python syntax. That means any Python
-expression can go in the files, and of course that they must be valid
-By default Paste will look for a configuration file named
-``server.conf``, though you can specify a different (or additional)
-configuration file with the ``-f`` option to ``paster``.
-All global variables in a configuration file are put into the
-configuration. So a configuration file just looks like::
- connection_string = 'dbname=foo'
- server = 'wsgiutils'
- port = 5000
- publish_object = 'myapp:app'
- framework = 'fancy_framework'
-This configuration will be given to nearly all parts of the system,
-and those parts will pick out variables that are of interest to them.
-For example ``server = 'wsgiutils'`` is used by ``paster serve`` to
-pick a server. ``framework = 'fancy_framework'`` is used to build
-your WSGI application from the configuration file.
-``connection_string = 'dbname=foo'`` is, presumably, used by your
-application to open a database connection.
-Command-line Options
-The ``paster serve`` command also takes arbitrary command-line options,
-and turns them into configuration values. So
-``--connection-string=dbname=foo`` will add or overwrite the
-configuration value.
-If the application or component cannot accept strings for a
-configuration value, this will not work. Most components included
-with Paste accept strings. Note that the empty string is false (e.g.,
-``--do-something=``) and a non-empty string is true (e.g.,
-``--do-something=t``). ``--do-something=f`` is **true** (since all
-non-empty strings are true in Python).
-Other ``paster`` commands do not take arbitrary configuration values
-like this.
-Including and Nesting Configuration
-Several configuration files can be loaded, and configuration files can
-include other configuration files. Two commands in particular are
-important for this::
- include('filename.conf')
- options = load('filename.conf')
-``include(filename)`` loads the given file, and uses all its
-configuration values. ``load(filename)`` loads the file, but
-*returns* all its configuration values -- this is for nested
-configuration. So in this example ``options`` would be a dictionary
-of configuration values. In most cases you'll use ``include()``.
-When a configuration file is being evaluated, it also has access to
-all the values already loaded. So you can do::
- index_files = ['index', 'main']
- include('other_file.conf')
-And in ``other_file.conf``::
- index_files.append('default')
-This kind of flexibility is very useful, and gives
-sub-configuration-files the ability to augment or replace previous
-values. You can also use any other Python commands you like,
-including things like::
- js_url = '/js-lib'
- calendar_url = js_url + '/calendar'
-One useful thing is to have "profiles". So you would start your
-server like::
- $ paster serve --profile=devel
-And in your configuration::
- value1 = ...
- (and other defaults)
- include(profile + '.conf')
-This is a good way for overriding configuration for development and
-production environments.
-Accessing Configuration
-When in a request, the object ``environ['paste.config']`` will give
-you the configuration. This object is a dictionary-like object. You
-can change values, and load more configuration files with
-``conf.load(filename)``. For instance, you could use this to load
-additional configuration for different requests. The configuration is
-copied for every request, so modifications to the configuration do not
-effect future or concurrent requests. As an example, if you are using
-``urlparser.URLParser`` you could put this in your ````::
- def urlparser_hook(environ):
- environ['paste.config'].load(
- os.path.join(os.path.dirname(__file__), 'dir.conf'))
-Frameworks are free to make this variable available through more
-convenient means.
-Often, though, you'll find you need a configuration value in some
-routine, and the request or the configuration was not passed in. In
-these cases you can use ``paste.CONFIG``, which acts like a dictionary
-and represents the current configuration (for this request or
-``paste.CONFIG`` is a global object that can have configuration
-*registered*. You do this like::
- from paste import CONFIG
- from paste.pyconfig import Config
- conf = Config()
- conf.load('file.conf')
- CONFIG.push_process_config(conf)
-You can also use ``CONFIG.push_thread_config(conf)`` to just set the
-configuration for the current thread. During a web request this is
-done for you, so you can safely use ``paste.CONFIG`` to access the
-configuration. If you are using the same configuration for other
-means, like a background process, you can use ``push_process_config``
-to load the configuration manually. Also, the "main"
-(``server.conf``) configuration is loaded as the process configuration
-when using ``paster serve``.
-More Information
-For more details of the configuration object and its use, see the
-`reference documentation
diff --git a/docs/integration.txt b/docs/integration.txt
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index 0582283..0000000
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-Integrating Frameworks Into Paste
-:author: Ian Bicking <>
-:revision: $Rev$
-:date: $LastChangedDate$
-.. contents::
-Introduction and Audience
-This document is intended for Python web framework developers who want
-to integrate or support Paste with their frameworks.
-Its Paste's intention to support all frameworks that support WSGI.
-However, there are many levels of integration with paste, and it takes
-some minimal glue.
-`WSGI <>`_ is at the core of
-everything in Paste. For a framework to work in Paste, it has to
-support WSGI. If you haven't done that, then you know where to start.
-Creating the Application
-Once your framework supports WSGI, you will have added the code to
-create a WSGI "application". Paste brings together the WSGI server, a
-series of middleware, and a WSGI application.
-Paste does this with a configuration file. Paste instantiates a
-server based on the configuration, collects the middleware (from the
-``middleware`` configuration variable), and the application.
-Configuration in Paste is "pull". That is, the configuration is a
-dumb dictionary, and you pull whatever keys out of it that you are
-interested in. The sole function your framework needs to provide is
-``build_application(conf)``, which takes the `configuration
-<>`_ object and returns
-a WSGI application. That's it.
-However, to be a friendly framework, this function should look
-something like this::
- from paste import makeapp
- def build_application(conf):
- app = (something framework specific)
- app = makeapp.apply_conf_middleware(
- app, conf, [other middleware])
- app = makeapp.apply_default_middleware(app, conf)
- return app
-The ``makeapp.apply_conf_middleware`` function uses the ``middleware``
-configuration variable. The third argument is an optional list of
-other middleware. All this middleware must take just one argument,
-the application that it wraps.
-The ``makeapp.apply_default_middleware`` function applies middleware
-that should always be present, specifically `ConfigMiddleware
-and `ErrorMiddleware
-The ``(something framework specific)`` portion is up to you. You
-might pull out configuration variables, e.g., ``publish_dir`` or
-``publish_object``. Whatever you want; just be sure to tell your
-Paste Plugins
-Now you are thinking, *where do I put build_application*? Well, I'm
-glad you asked.
-First, every framework has a name. The configuration file must
-contain ``framework = "framework_name"``.
-Paste puts different plugins in different directories in the ``paste``
-package. The framework plugins go in
-For instance, the ``webkit`` framework goes in
-``paste/frameworks/webkit_framework.txt``. The file can be either a
-``.txt`` file, or a ``.py`` file.
-A ``.py`` file is a module that contains the ``build_application``
-function. A ``.txt`` file contains the name of the module that
-contains the ``build_application`` function. So if you don't want to
-put a Python file in the ``paste`` package, you can just put a
-reference back into your package.
-To install a plugin, you can do::
- import os
- import paste
- f = open(os.path.join(os.path.dirname(paste.__file__),
- 'frameworks', 'foobar_framework.txt'), 'w')
- f.write('.'.join(__name__.split('.')[:-1] + ['paste_setup']))
- f.write('\n')
- f.close()
-This is assuming that this is a module in the package, and there's a
-sister module in ``package.paste_setup``.
-Application Templates
-The framework is a good starting point. An application template is a
-nice second step.
-An application template is a set of commands to ``paster``, and
-typically a bare set of files for a new application. This is meant to
-help users get examples set up quickly, and provide some guidance. A
-framework can have multiple application templates.
-For now, the best way to understand this is to look at the
-``webkit_zpt`` template included with Paste. This combines
-Webkit/Webware and Zope Page Templates; another application template
-might use a different templating language, or might bring in other
-Application templates are also plugins, put in
-``paste/app_templates/*_tmpl.*``. They contain one function, ``run``.
-This is typically implemented by
-````, and the actual commands (since
-``paster`` is a two-level command-line application) are subclasses of
diff --git a/docs/rebuild b/docs/rebuild
index ea73637..114ea9b 100755
--- a/docs/rebuild
+++ b/docs/rebuild
@@ -6,9 +6,9 @@ echo "Adding $parent to \$PYTHONPATH"
-NORMAL="DeveloperGuidelines Paste servers StyleGuide index web/index \
+NORMAL="DeveloperGuidelines Paste StyleGuide index web/index \
what-is-paste testing-applications url-parsing-with-wsgi \
- roadmap configuration integration web/community/mailing-list
+ roadmap web/community/mailing-list
web/community/repository web/community/index
web/download/index web/package_index"
DOCTEST_BUILD="blog-tutorial TodoTutorial"
diff --git a/docs/servers.txt b/docs/servers.txt
deleted file mode 100644
index a0a478e..0000000
--- a/docs/servers.txt
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,97 +0,0 @@
-Python Paste Servers
-:author: A.M. Kuchling <>
-:revision: $Rev$
-:date: $LastChangedDate$
-This file describes the operation of the wsgi-server script, and
-explains how to package applications so that wsgi-server can run them.
-Overview: wsgi-server creates a configuration, which contains both
-information about a particular application and how the application
-should be executed (e.g. as a CGI, as a standalone server).
-Configuration files are just Python code that sets variables; the
-configuration is then just a dictionary constructed from the resulting
-The application is then executed based on this configuration.
-Applications can be run in different modes (CGI, standalone HTTP,
-etc.); the different modes look at various configuration parameters to
-control the results.
-Configuration information is read from a number of sources, in the
-following order.
- 1. A set of default values, contained in the code of the
- paste.server module.
- 2. From wsgi-server's command line arguments.
- 3. From the ``default_config.conf`` file in the installed ``paste`` directory.
- 4. From the `server.conf` file in the current working directory.
- (You can set a `no_server_conf` config setting to skip
- reading this file.)
- 5. If the `config_file` setting is present at this point,
- it should contain the path of a configuration file.
- This file is parsed and processed last.
-After going through these steps, configuration is complete.
-Paste can run a web application in a number of different modes: CGI,
-standalone HTTP, SCGI, and a console mode which simulates CGI. Some
-of these modes require additional software; the ``build-pkg`` script
-will download the necessary packages for you.
-Outputs a CGI script to standard output for running the application.
-Simulates a web application from the console.
-Runs a SCGI server.
-Configuration settings:
- * ``scgi_prefix`` -- URL prefix that the SCGI server will expect.
- * ``port`` -- port number that SCGI server will listen on
-Runs an HTTP server using Twisted.
-Runs an HTTP server using the wsgiref code and the Python stdlib.
-Configuration settings:
- * ``host`` -- hostname that the HTTP server will bind to (default:
- localhost).
- * ``port`` -- port number that HTTP server will listen on (default: 8080)