Paste Installation ++++++++++++++++++ Installation of Paste-enabled applications is consistent and reliable; you don't have to understand what technologies those applications used. Paste-enabled applications are installable with `easy_install <>`_, like:: $ easy_install FileBrowser ... messages ... Once an application is installed, you can set up an instance of that application with ``paste deploy``:: $ paste deploy FileBrowser location ... @@: make this work ;) ... This just wrote to ``location/filebrowser.ini`` -- you can configure the application there, with whatever specifics that application needs. Then you can integrate it into your website and other applications, with a file like:: [composit:main] use = egg:Paste#urlmap /browser = config:filebrowser.ini You can attach applications to many locations using this. Once you've set that file up with your local settings and preferences, you can run:: $ paster serve location/apps.ini --daemon And it will be running in the background.