News ==== .. contents:: development version ------------------- * Fix paste.util.html_quote(unicode): don't encode the string to escape it 2.0 --- * Experimental Python 3 support. * paste now requires the six module. * Drop support of Python 2.5 and older. * Fixed ``egg:Paste#cgi`` * In ``paste.httpserver``: give a 100 Continue response even when the server has been configured as an HTTP/1.0 server (clients may send ``Expect: 100-Continue`` before they know the version), and wrap 100 Continue ``environ['wsgi.input']`` files with LimitedLengthFile just like normal request bodies are wrapped, keeping WSGI applications from over-reading from the socket. * Fixed parsing of paths beginning with multiple forward slashes. * Add tox.ini to run tests with tox on Python 2.6, 2.7 and 3.4. ------- * Fix bug introduced in :mod:`paste.auth.auth_tkt` (with ``url_unquote``) 1.7.5 ----- * Won't install ``tests/`` directory (also caused installation problems on some Mac systems). * Fixed problem with gzip middleware and zero-length responses. * Use ``X-Forwarded-For`` header in :mod:`paste.translogger` * Fixed problems with mimeparse code * Fixed some corner cases with CGI scripts * :mod:`paste.auth.auth_tkt` will URL-quote usernames, avoiding some errors with usernames with ``!`` in them. * Improve handling of errors in fetching error pages in :mod:`paste.errordocument`. 1.7.4 ----- * Fix XSS bug (security issue) with not found handlers for :class:`paste.urlparser.StaticURLParser` and :class:`paste.urlmap.URLMap`. If you ask for a path with ``/-->