# -*- coding: iso-8859-15 -*- """IP4 address range set implementation. Implements an IPv4-range type. Copyright (C) 2006, Heiko Wundram. Released under the MIT-license. """ # Version information # ------------------- __author__ = "Heiko Wundram " __version__ = "0.2" __revision__ = "3" __date__ = "2006-01-20" # Imports # ------- from paste.util import intset import socket import six # IP4Range class # -------------- class IP4Range(intset.IntSet): """IP4 address range class with efficient storage of address ranges. Supports all set operations.""" _MINIP4 = 0 _MAXIP4 = (1<<32) - 1 _UNITYTRANS = "".join([chr(n) for n in range(256)]) _IPREMOVE = "0123456789." def __init__(self,*args): """Initialize an ip4range class. The constructor accepts an unlimited number of arguments that may either be tuples in the form (start,stop), integers, longs or strings, where start and stop in a tuple may also be of the form integer, long or string. Passing an integer or long means passing an IPv4-address that's already been converted to integer notation, whereas passing a string specifies an address where this conversion still has to be done. A string address may be in the following formats: - - a plain address, interpreted as a single address - 1.2.3 - a set of addresses, interpreted as - localhost - hostname to look up, interpreted as single address - 1.2.3<->5 - a set of addresses, interpreted as - - a set of addresses, interpreted as Only the first three notations are valid if you use a string address in a tuple, whereby notation 2 is interpreted as if specified as lower bound and if specified as upper bound, not as a range of addresses. Specifying a range is done with the <-> operator. This is necessary because '-' might be present in a hostname. '<->' shouldn't be, ever. """ # Special case copy constructor. if len(args) == 1 and isinstance(args[0],IP4Range): super(IP4Range,self).__init__(args[0]) return # Convert arguments to tuple syntax. args = list(args) for i in range(len(args)): argval = args[i] if isinstance(argval,str): if "<->" in argval: # Type 4 address. args[i] = self._parseRange(*argval.split("<->",1)) continue elif "/" in argval: # Type 5 address. args[i] = self._parseMask(*argval.split("/",1)) else: # Type 1, 2 or 3. args[i] = self._parseAddrRange(argval) elif isinstance(argval,tuple): if len(tuple) != 2: raise ValueError("Tuple is of invalid length.") addr1, addr2 = argval if isinstance(addr1,str): addr1 = self._parseAddrRange(addr1)[0] elif not isinstance(addr1, six.integer_types): raise TypeError("Invalid argument.") if isinstance(addr2,str): addr2 = self._parseAddrRange(addr2)[1] elif not isinstance(addr2, six.integer_types): raise TypeError("Invalid argument.") args[i] = (addr1,addr2) elif not isinstance(argval, six.integer_types): raise TypeError("Invalid argument.") # Initialize the integer set. super(IP4Range,self).__init__(min=self._MINIP4,max=self._MAXIP4,*args) # Parsing functions # ----------------- def _parseRange(self,addr1,addr2): naddr1, naddr1len = _parseAddr(addr1) naddr2, naddr2len = _parseAddr(addr2) if naddr2len < naddr1len: naddr2 += naddr1&(((1<<((naddr1len-naddr2len)*8))-1)<< (naddr2len*8)) naddr2len = naddr1len elif naddr2len > naddr1len: raise ValueError("Range has more dots than address.") naddr1 <<= (4-naddr1len)*8 naddr2 <<= (4-naddr2len)*8 naddr2 += (1<<((4-naddr2len)*8))-1 return (naddr1,naddr2) def _parseMask(self,addr,mask): naddr, naddrlen = _parseAddr(addr) naddr <<= (4-naddrlen)*8 try: if not mask: masklen = 0 else: masklen = int(mask) if not 0 <= masklen <= 32: raise ValueError except ValueError: try: mask = _parseAddr(mask,False) except ValueError: raise ValueError("Mask isn't parseable.") remaining = 0 masklen = 0 if not mask: masklen = 0 else: while not (mask&1): remaining += 1 while (mask&1): mask >>= 1 masklen += 1 if remaining+masklen != 32: raise ValueError("Mask isn't a proper host mask.") naddr1 = naddr & (((1<>= 8 return ".".join(reversed(rv)) # Iterating # --------- def iteraddresses(self): """Returns an iterator which iterates over ips in this iprange. An IP is returned in string form (e.g. '').""" for v in super(IP4Range,self).__iter__(): yield self._int2ip(v) def iterranges(self): """Returns an iterator which iterates over ip-ip ranges which build this iprange if combined. An ip-ip pair is returned in string form (e.g. '').""" for r in self._ranges: if r[1]-r[0] == 1: yield self._int2ip(r[0]) else: yield '%s-%s' % (self._int2ip(r[0]),self._int2ip(r[1]-1)) def itermasks(self): """Returns an iterator which iterates over ip/mask pairs which build this iprange if combined. An IP/Mask pair is returned in string form (e.g. '').""" for r in self._ranges: for v in self._itermasks(r): yield v def _itermasks(self,r): ranges = [r] while ranges: cur = ranges.pop() curmask = 0 while True: curmasklen = 1<<(32-curmask) start = (cur[0]+curmasklen-1)&(((1<= cur[0] and start+curmasklen <= cur[1]: break else: curmask += 1 yield "%s/%s" % (self._int2ip(start),curmask) if cur[0] < start: ranges.append((cur[0],start)) if cur[1] > start+curmasklen: ranges.append((start+curmasklen,cur[1])) __iter__ = iteraddresses # Printing # -------- def __repr__(self): """Returns a string which can be used to reconstruct this iprange.""" rv = [] for start, stop in self._ranges: if stop-start == 1: rv.append("%r" % (self._int2ip(start),)) else: rv.append("(%r,%r)" % (self._int2ip(start), self._int2ip(stop-1))) return "%s(%s)" % (self.__class__.__name__,",".join(rv)) def _parseAddr(addr,lookup=True): if lookup and any(ch not in IP4Range._IPREMOVE for ch in addr): try: addr = socket.gethostbyname(addr) except socket.error: raise ValueError("Invalid Hostname as argument.") naddr = 0 for naddrpos, part in enumerate(addr.split(".")): if naddrpos >= 4: raise ValueError("Address contains more than four parts.") try: if not part: part = 0 else: part = int(part) if not 0 <= part < 256: raise ValueError except ValueError: raise ValueError("Address part out of range.") naddr <<= 8 naddr += part return naddr, naddrpos+1 def ip2int(addr, lookup=True): return _parseAddr(addr, lookup=lookup)[0] if __name__ == "__main__": # Little test script. x = IP4Range("") y = IP4Range("","","<->255") print(x) for val in x.itermasks(): print(val) for val in y.itermasks(): print(val) for val in (x|y).itermasks(): print(val) for val in (x^y).iterranges(): print(val) for val in x: print(val)