Paste Deployment News ===================== 2.1.0 ----- * pytest-runner removed, use tox to run tests. 2.0.0 ----- * Python 3 deprecation warning cleanups * Moved code to `GitHub `_ under the Pylons Project. * Moved documentation under the Pylons Project, hosted by Read the Docs at 1.5.2 ----- * Fixed Python 3 issue in paste.deploy.util.fix_type_error() 1.5.1 ----- * Fixed use of the wrong variable when determining the context protocol * Fixed invalid import of paste.deploy.Config to paste.deploy.config.Config * Fixed multi proxy IPs bug in X-Forwarded-For header in PrefixMiddleware * Fixed TypeError when trying to raise LookupError on Python 3 * Fixed exception reraise on Python 3 Thanks to Alexandre Conrad, Atsushi Odagiri, Pior Bastida and Tres Seaver for their contributions. 1.5.0 ----- * Project is now maintained by Alex Grönholm * Was printing extraneous data when calling * Fixed missing paster template files (fixes "paster create -t paste.deploy") * Excluded tests from release distributions * Added support for the "call:" protocol for loading apps directly as functions (contributed by Jason Stitt) * Added Python 3.x support * Dropped Python 2.4 support * Removed the ``paste.deploy.epdesc`` and ``paste.deploy.interfaces`` modules -- contact the maintainer if you actually needed them 1.3.4 ----- * Fix loadconfig path handling on Jython on Windows. 1.3.3 ----- * In :class:`paste.deploy.config.PrefixMiddleware` the headers ``X-Forwarded-Scheme`` and ``X-Forwarded-Proto`` are now translated to the key ``environ['wsgi.url_scheme']``. Also ``X-Forwarded-For`` is translated to ``environ['REMOTE_ADDR']`` * Also in PrefixMiddleware, if X-Forwarded-Host has multiple (comma-separated) values, use only the first value. 1.3.2 ----- * Added ``paste.deploy.converters.asint()``. * fixed use sections overwriting the config's __file__ value with the use'd filename. * ``paste.deploy.loadwsgi`` now supports variable expansion in the DEFAULT section of config files (unlike plain ConfigParser). 1.3.1 ----- * Fix ``appconfig`` config loading when using a config file with ``filter-with`` in it (previously you'd get TypeError: iteration over non-sequence) 1.3 --- * Added ``scheme`` option to ``PrefixMiddleware``, so you can force a scheme (E.g., when proxying an HTTPS connection over HTTP). * Pop proper values into ``environ['paste.config']`` in ``ConfigMiddleware``. 1.1 --- * Any ``global_conf`` extra keys you pass to ``loadapp`` (or the other loaders) will show up as though they were in ``[DEFAULT]``, so they can be used in variable interpolation. Note: this won't overwrite any existing values in ``[DEFAULT]``. * Added ``force_port`` option to ``paste.deploy.config.PrefixMiddleware``. Also the ``prefix`` argument is stripped of any trailing ``/``, which can't be valid in that position. 1.0 --- * Added some documentation for the different kinds of entry points Paste Deploy uses. * Added a feature to ``PrefixMiddleware`` that translates the ``X-Forwarded-Server`` header to ``Host``. 0.9.6 ----- * Added ``PrefixMiddleware`` which compensates for cases where the wsgi app is behind a proxy of some sort that isn't moving the prefix into the SCRIPT_NAME in advance. * Changed _loadconfig() so that it works with Windows absolute paths. * Make the error messages prettier when you call a function and fail to give an argument, like a required function argument. 0.5 --- * Made the ``paste_deploy`` template (used with ``paster create --template=paste_deploy``) more useful, with an example application and entry point. 0.4 --- * Allow filters to have ``filter-with`` values, just like applications. * Renamed ``composit`` to ``composite`` (old names still work, but aren't documented). * Added ``appconfig()`` to load along with ``loadapp()``, but return the configuration without invoking the application. 0.3 --- * Allow variable setting like:: get local_var = global_var_name To bring in global variables to the local scope. * Allow interpolation in files, like ``%(here)s``. Anything in the ``[DEFAULTS]`` section will be available to substitute into a value, as will variables in the same section. Also, the special value ``here`` will be the directory the configuration file is located in. 0.2 --- Released 26 August 2004 * Added a ``filter-with`` setting to applications. * Removed the ``1`` from all the protocol names (e.g., ``paste.app_factory1`` is not ``paste.app_factory``). * Added ``filter-app:`` and ``pipeline:`` sections. * Added ``paste.filter_app_factory1`` and ``paste.server_runner1`` protocols. * Added ``paste.deploy.converters`` module for handling the string values that are common with this system. 0.1 --- Released 22 August 2004 Initial version released. It's all new.