import os from setuptools import setup, find_packages here = os.path.dirname(__file__) readme_path = os.path.join(here, "README.rst") readme = open(readme_path).read() docs_extras = [ "Sphinx >= 1.7.5", # Read The Docs minimum version "pylons-sphinx-themes", ] setup( name="PasteDeploy", version="2.1.0", description="Load, configure, and compose WSGI applications and servers", long_description=readme, classifiers=[ "Development Status :: 6 - Mature", "Intended Audience :: Developers", "License :: OSI Approved :: MIT License", "Programming Language :: Python", "Programming Language :: Python :: 2.7", "Programming Language :: Python :: 3", "Programming Language :: Python :: 3.4", "Programming Language :: Python :: 3.5", "Programming Language :: Python :: 3.6", "Programming Language :: Python :: 3.7", "Programming Language :: Python :: Implementation :: CPython", "Programming Language :: Python :: Implementation :: PyPy", "Topic :: Internet :: WWW/HTTP", "Topic :: Internet :: WWW/HTTP :: Dynamic Content", "Topic :: Internet :: WWW/HTTP :: WSGI", "Topic :: Internet :: WWW/HTTP :: WSGI :: Middleware", "Topic :: Software Development :: Libraries :: Python Modules", "Framework :: Paste", ], keywords="web wsgi application server", author="Ian Bicking", author_email="", maintainer="Chris Dent", maintainer_email="", url="", project_urls={ "Documentation": "", "Changelog": "", "Issue Tracker": "", }, license="MIT", namespace_packages=["paste"], packages=find_packages(exclude=["tests"]), include_package_data=True, zip_safe=False, install_requires=['setuptools'], extras_require={ "Config": [], "Paste": ["Paste"], "docs": docs_extras, }, entry_points=""" [paste.filter_app_factory] config = paste.deploy.config:make_config_filter [Config] prefix = paste.deploy.config:make_prefix_middleware [paste.paster_create_template] paste_deploy=paste.deploy.paster_templates:PasteDeploy """ )