.. _installation: Installation ============ Stable Version -------------- We recommend installing Pecan with `pip `_, but you can also try with :command:`easy_install`. Creating a spot in your environment where Pecan can be isolated from other packages is best practice. To get started with an environment for Pecan, we recommend creating a new `virtual environment `_ using `virtualenv `_:: $ virtualenv pecan-env $ cd pecan-env $ source bin/activate The above commands create a virtual environment and *activate* it. This will isolate Pecan's dependency installations from your system packages, making it easier to debug problems if needed. Next, let's install Pecan:: $ pip install pecan Development (Unstable) Version ------------------------------ If you want to run the latest development version of Pecan you will need to install git and clone the repo from GitHub:: $ git clone https://github.com/stackforge/pecan.git Assuming your virtual environment is still activated, call ``setup.py`` to install the development version.:: $ cd pecan $ python setup.py develop .. note:: The ``master`` development branch is volatile and is generally not recommended for production use. Alternatively, you can also install from GitHub directly with ``pip``.:: $ pip install -e git://github.com/stackforge/pecan.git#egg=pecan