.. _routing: Controllers and Routing ======================= Pecan uses a routing strategy known as **object-dispatch** to map an HTTP request to a controller, and then the method to call. Object-dispatch begins by splitting the path into a list of components and then walking an object path, starting at the root controller. You can imagine your application's controllers as a tree of objects (branches of the object tree map directly to URL paths). Let's look at a simple bookstore application: :: from pecan import expose class BooksController(object): @expose() def index(self): return "Welcome to book section." @expose() def bestsellers(self): return "We have 5 books in the top 10." class CatalogController(object): @expose() def index(self): return "Welcome to the catalog." books = BooksController() class RootController(object): @expose() def index(self): return "Welcome to store.example.com!" @expose() def hours(self): return "Open 24/7 on the web." catalog = CatalogController() A request for ``/catalog/books/bestsellers`` from the online store would begin with Pecan breaking the request up into ``catalog``, ``books``, and ``bestsellers``. Next, Pecan would lookup ``catalog`` on the root controller. Using the ``catalog`` object, Pecan would then lookup ``books``, followed by ``bestsellers``. What if the URL ends in a slash? Pecan will check for an ``index`` method on the last controller object. To illustrate further, the following paths: ::    └── /    ├── /hours    └── /catalog    └── /catalog/books    └── /catalog/books/bestsellers route to the following controller methods: ::    └── RootController.index    ├── RootController.hours    └── CatalogController.index    └── BooksController.index    └── BooksController.bestsellers Exposing Controllers -------------------- You tell Pecan which methods in a class are publically-visible via :func:`~pecan.decorators.expose`. If a method is *not* decorated with :func:`~pecan.decorators.expose`, Pecan will never route a request to it. :func:`~pecan.decorators.expose` accepts three optional parameters, some of which can impact routing and the content type of the response body. :: from pecan import expose class RootController(object): @expose( template = None, content_type = 'text/html', generic = False ) def hello(self): return 'Hello World' Let's look at an example using ``template`` and ``content_type``: :: from pecan import expose class RootController(object): @expose('json') @expose('text_template.mako', content_type='text/plain') @expose('html_template.mako') def hello(self): return {'msg': 'Hello!'} You'll notice that we called :func:`~pecan.decorators.expose` three times, with different arguments. :: @expose('json') The first tells Pecan to serialize the response namespace using JSON serialization when the client requests ``/hello.json``. :: @expose('text_template.mako', content_type='text/plain') The second tells Pecan to use the ``text_template.mako`` template file when the client requests ``/hello.txt``. :: @expose('html_template.mako') The third tells Pecan to use the ``html_template.mako`` template file when the client requests ``/hello.html``. If the client requests ``/hello``, Pecan will use the ``text/html`` content type by default. .. seealso:: * :ref:`pecan_decorators` Specifying Explicit Path Segments --------------------------------- Occasionally, you may want to use a path segment in your routing that doesn't work with Pecan's declarative approach to routing because of restrictions in Python's syntax. For example, if you wanted to route for a path that includes dashes, such as ``/some-path/``, the following is *not* valid Python:: class RootController(object): @pecan.expose() def some-path(self): return dict() To work around this, pecan allows you to specify an explicit path segment in the :func:`~pecan.decorators.expose` decorator:: class RootController(object): @pecan.expose(route='some-path') def some_path(self): return dict() In this example, the pecan application will reply with an ``HTTP 200`` for requests made to ``/some-path/``, but requests made to ``/some_path/`` will yield an ``HTTP 404``. :func:`~pecan.routing.route` can also be used explicitly as an alternative to the ``route`` argument in :func:`~pecan.decorators.expose`:: class RootController(object): @pecan.expose() def some_path(self): return dict() pecan.route('some-path', RootController.some_path) Routing to child controllers can be handled simliarly by utilizing :func:`~pecan.routing.route`:: class ChildController(object): @pecan.expose() def child(self): return dict() class RootController(object): pass pecan.route(RootController, 'child-path', ChildController()) In this example, the pecan application will reply with an ``HTTP 200`` for requests made to ``/child-path/child/``. Routing Based on Request Method ------------------------------- The ``generic`` argument to :func:`~pecan.decorators.expose` provides support for overloading URLs based on the request method. In the following example, the same URL can be serviced by two different methods (one for handling HTTP ``GET``, another for HTTP ``POST``) using `generic controllers`: :: from pecan import expose class RootController(object): # HTTP GET / @expose(generic=True, template='json') def index(self): return dict() # HTTP POST / @index.when(method='POST', template='json') def index_POST(self, **kw): uuid = create_something() return dict(uuid=uuid) Pecan's Routing Algorithm ------------------------- Sometimes, the standard object-dispatch routing isn't adequate to properly route a URL to a controller. Pecan provides several ways to short-circuit the object-dispatch system to process URLs with more control, including the special :func:`_lookup`, :func:`_default`, and :func:`_route` methods. Defining these methods on your controller objects provides additional flexibility for processing all or part of a URL. Routing to Subcontrollers with ``_lookup`` ------------------------------------------ The :func:`_lookup` special method provides a way to process a portion of a URL, and then return a new controller object to route to for the remainder. A :func:`_lookup` method may accept one or more arguments, segments of the URL path to be processed (split on ``/``). :func:`_lookup` should also take variable positional arguments representing the rest of the path, and it should include any portion of the path it does not process in its return value. The example below uses a ``*remainder`` list which will be passed to the returned controller when the object-dispatch algorithm continues. In addition to being used for creating controllers dynamically, :func:`_lookup` is called as a last resort, when no other controller method matches the URL and there is no :func:`_default` method. :: from pecan import expose, abort from somelib import get_student_by_name class StudentController(object): def __init__(self, student): self.student = student @expose() def name(self): return self.student.name class RootController(object): @expose() def _lookup(self, primary_key, *remainder): student = get_student_by_primary_key(primary_key) if student: return StudentController(student), remainder else: abort(404) An HTTP GET request to ``/8/name`` would return the name of the student where ``primary_key == 8``. Falling Back with ``_default`` ------------------------------ The :func:`_default` method is called as a last resort when no other controller methods match the URL via standard object-dispatch. :: from pecan import expose class RootController(object): @expose() def english(self): return 'hello' @expose() def french(self): return 'bonjour' @expose() def _default(self): return 'I cannot say hello in that language' In the example above, a request to ``/spanish`` would route to :func:`RootController._default`. Defining Customized Routing with ``_route`` ------------------------------------------- The :func:`_route` method allows a controller to completely override the routing mechanism of Pecan. Pecan itself uses the :func:`_route` method to implement its :class:`~pecan.rest.RestController`. If you want to design an alternative routing system on top of Pecan, defining a base controller class that defines a :func:`_route` method will enable you to have total control. Interacting with the Request and Response Object ================================================ For every HTTP request, Pecan maintains a :ref:`thread-local reference ` to the request and response object, ``pecan.request`` and ``pecan.response``. These are instances of :class:`pecan.Request` and :class:`pecan.Response`, respectively, and can be interacted with from within Pecan controller code:: @pecan.expose() def login(self): assert pecan.request.path == '/login' username = pecan.request.POST.get('username') password = pecan.request.POST.get('password') pecan.response.status = 403 pecan.response.text = 'Bad Login!' While Pecan abstracts away much of the need to interact with these objects directly, there may be situations where you want to access them, such as: * Inspecting components of the URI * Determining aspects of the request, such as the user's IP address, or the referer header * Setting specific response headers * Manually rendering a response body Specifying a Custom Response ---------------------------- Set a specific HTTP response code (such as ``203 Non-Authoritative Information``) by modifying the ``status`` attribute of the response object. :: from pecan import expose, response class RootController(object): @expose('json') def hello(self): response.status = 203 return {'foo': 'bar'} Use the utility function :func:`~pecan.core.abort` to raise HTTP errors. :: from pecan import expose, abort class RootController(object): @expose('json') def hello(self): abort(404) :func:`~pecan.core.abort` raises an instance of :class:`~webob.exc.WSGIHTTPException` which is used by Pecan to render default response bodies for HTTP errors. This exception is stored in the WSGI request environ at ``pecan.original_exception``, where it can be accessed later in the request cycle (by, for example, other middleware or :ref:`errors`). If you'd like to return an explicit response, you can do so using :class:`~pecan.core.Response`: :: from pecan import expose, Response class RootController(object): @expose() def hello(self): return Response('Hello, World!', 202) Extending Pecan's Request and Response Object --------------------------------------------- The request and response implementations provided by WebOb are powerful, but at times, it may be useful to extend application-specific behavior onto your request and response (such as specialized parsing of request headers or customized response body serialization). To do so, define custom classes that inherit from ``pecan.Request`` and ``pecan.Response``, respectively:: class MyRequest(pecan.Request): pass class MyResponse(pecan.Response): pass and modify your application configuration to use them:: from myproject import MyRequest, MyResponse app = { 'root' : 'project.controllers.root.RootController', 'modules' : ['project'], 'static_root' : '%(confdir)s/public', 'template_path' : '%(confdir)s/project/templates', 'request_cls': MyRequest, 'response_cls': MyResponse } Mapping Controller Arguments ---------------------------- In Pecan, HTTP ``GET`` and ``POST`` variables that are not consumed during the routing process can be passed onto the controller method as arguments. Depending on the signature of the method, these arguments can be mapped explicitly to arguments: :: from pecan import expose class RootController(object): @expose() def index(self, arg): return arg @expose() def kwargs(self, **kwargs): return str(kwargs) :: $ curl http://localhost:8080/?arg=foo foo $ curl http://localhost:8080/kwargs?a=1&b=2&c=3 {u'a': u'1', u'c': u'3', u'b': u'2'} or can be consumed positionally: :: from pecan import expose class RootController(object): @expose() def args(self, *args): return ','.join(args) :: $ curl http://localhost:8080/args/one/two/three one,two,three The same effect can be achieved with HTTP ``POST`` body variables: :: from pecan import expose class RootController(object): @expose() def index(self, arg): return arg :: $ curl -X POST "http://localhost:8080/" -H "Content-Type: application/x-www-form-urlencoded" -d "arg=foo" foo Static File Serving ------------------- Because Pecan gives you direct access to the underlying :class:`~webob.request.Request`, serving a static file download is as simple as setting the WSGI ``app_iter`` and specifying the content type:: import os from random import choice from webob.static import FileIter from pecan import expose, response class RootController(object): @expose(content_type='image/gif') def gifs(self): filepath = choice(( "/path/to/funny/gifs/catdance.gif", "/path/to/funny/gifs/babydance.gif", "/path/to/funny/gifs/putindance.gif" )) f = open(filepath, 'rb') response.app_iter = FileIter(f) response.headers[ 'Content-Disposition' ] = 'attachment; filename="%s"' % os.path.basename(f.name) If you don't know the content type ahead of time (for example, if you're retrieving files and their content types from a data store), you can specify it via ``response.headers`` rather than in the :func:`~pecan.decorators.expose` decorator:: import os from mimetypes import guess_type from webob.static import FileIter from pecan import expose, response class RootController(object): @expose() def download(self): f = open('/path/to/some/file', 'rb') response.app_iter = FileIter(f) response.headers['Content-Type'] = guess_type(f.name) response.headers[ 'Content-Disposition' ] = 'attachment; filename="%s"' % os.path.basename(f.name) Handling File Uploads --------------------- Pecan makes it easy to handle file uploads via standard multipart forms. Simply define your form with a file input: .. code-block:: html
You can then read the uploaded file off of the request object in your application's controller: :: from pecan import expose, request class RootController(object): @expose() def upload(self): assert isinstance(request.POST['file'], cgi.FieldStorage) data = request.POST['file'].file.read() Thread-Safe Per-Request Storage ------------------------------- For convenience, Pecan provides a Python dictionary on every request which can be accessed and modified in a thread-safe manner throughout the life-cycle of an individual request:: pecan.request.context['current_user'] = some_user print pecan.request.context.items() This is particularly useful in situations where you want to store metadata/context about a request (e.g., in middleware, or per-routing hooks) and access it later (e.g., in controller code). For more fine-grained control of the request, the underlying WSGI environ for a given Pecan request can be accessed and modified via ``pecan.request.environ``. Helper Functions ---------------- Pecan also provides several useful helper functions for moving between different routes. The :func:`~pecan.core.redirect` function allows you to issue internal or ``HTTP 302`` redirects. .. seealso:: The :func:`redirect` utility, along with several other useful helpers, are documented in :ref:`pecan_core`.