from .core import ( abort, override_template, Pecan, load_app, redirect, render, request, response ) from .decorators import expose from .hooks import RequestViewerHook from .middleware.debug import DebugMiddleware from .middleware.errordocument import ErrorDocumentMiddleware from .middleware.recursive import RecursiveMiddleware from .middleware.static import StaticFileMiddleware from .configuration import set_config, Config from .configuration import _runtime_conf as conf try: from logging.config import dictConfig as load_logging_config except ImportError: from logutils.dictconfig import dictConfig as load_logging_config # noqa import warnings __all__ = [ 'make_app', 'load_app', 'Pecan', 'request', 'response', 'override_template', 'expose', 'conf', 'set_config', 'render', 'abort', 'redirect' ] def make_app(root, **kw): ''' Utility for creating the Pecan application object. This function should generally be called from the ``setup_app`` function in your project's ```` file. :param root: A string representing a root controller object (e.g., "myapp.controller.root.RootController") :param static_root: The relative path to a directory containing static files. Serving static files is only enabled when debug mode is set. :param debug: A flag to enable debug mode. This enables the debug middleware and serving static files. :param wrap_app: A function or middleware class to wrap the Pecan app. This must either be a wsgi middleware class or a function that returns a wsgi application. This wrapper is applied first before wrapping the application in other middlewares such as Pecan's debug middleware. This should be used if you want to use middleware to perform authentication or intercept all requests before they are routed to the root controller. :param logging: A dictionary used to configure logging. This uses ``logging.config.dictConfig``. All other keyword arguments are passed in to the Pecan app constructor. :returns: a ``Pecan`` object. ''' # Pass logging configuration (if it exists) on to the Python logging module logging = kw.get('logging', {}) debug = kw.get('debug', False) if logging: if debug: try: # # By default, Python 2.7+ silences DeprecationWarnings. # However, if is True, we should probably ensure # that users see these types of warnings. # from logging import captureWarnings captureWarnings(True) warnings.simplefilter("default", DeprecationWarning) except ImportError: # No captureWarnings on Python 2.6, DeprecationWarnings are on pass if isinstance(logging, Config): logging = logging.to_dict() if 'version' not in logging: logging['version'] = 1 load_logging_config(logging) # Instantiate the WSGI app by passing **kw onward app = Pecan(root, **kw) # Optionally wrap the app in another WSGI app wrap_app = kw.get('wrap_app', None) if wrap_app: app = wrap_app(app) # Configuration for serving custom error messages errors = kw.get('errors', getattr(, 'errors', {})) if errors: app = ErrorDocumentMiddleware(app, errors) # Included for internal redirect support app = RecursiveMiddleware(app) # When in debug mode, load our exception dumping middleware static_root = kw.get('static_root', None) if debug: app = DebugMiddleware(app) # Support for serving static files (for development convenience) if static_root: app = StaticFileMiddleware(app, static_root) elif static_root: warnings.warn( "`static_root` is only used when `debug` is True, ignoring", RuntimeWarning ) if hasattr(conf, 'requestviewer'): warnings.warn(''.join([ "`pecan.conf.requestviewer` is deprecated. To apply the ", "`RequestViewerHook` to your application, add it to ", "`` or manually in your project's `` ", "file."]), DeprecationWarning ) return app