from core import ( abort, override_template, Pecan, load_app, redirect, render, request, response ) from decorators import expose from hooks import RequestViewerHook from middleware.debug import DebugMiddleware from middleware.errordocument import ErrorDocumentMiddleware from middleware.recursive import RecursiveMiddleware from middleware.static import StaticFileMiddleware from configuration import set_config, Config from configuration import _runtime_conf as conf try: from logging.config import dictConfig as load_logging_config except ImportError: from .compat.dictconfig import dictConfig as load_logging_config __all__ = [ 'make_app', 'load_app', 'Pecan', 'request', 'response', 'override_template', 'expose', 'conf', 'set_config', 'render', 'abort', 'redirect' ] def make_app(root, static_root=None, logging={}, debug=False, wrap_app=None, **kw): # A shortcut for the RequestViewerHook middleware. if hasattr(conf, 'requestviewer'): existing_hooks = kw.get('hooks', []) existing_hooks.append(RequestViewerHook(conf.requestviewer)) kw['hooks'] = existing_hooks # Instantiate the WSGI app by passing **kw onward app = Pecan(root, **kw) # Optionally wrap the app in another WSGI app if wrap_app: app = wrap_app(app) # Configuration for serving custom error messages if hasattr(, 'errors'): app = ErrorDocumentMiddleware(app, # Included for internal redirect support app = RecursiveMiddleware(app) # Pass logging configuration (if it exists) on to the Python logging module if logging: if isinstance(logging, Config): logging = logging.to_dict() if 'version' not in logging: logging['version'] = 1 load_logging_config(logging) # When in debug mode, load our exception dumping middleware if debug: app = DebugMiddleware(app) # Support for serving static files (for development convenience) if static_root: app = StaticFileMiddleware(app, static_root) elif static_root: from warnings import warn warn( "`static_root` is only used when `debug` is True, ignoring", RuntimeWarning ) return app