import pkg_resources import argparse import logging import sys from warnings import warn import six log = logging.getLogger(__name__) class HelpfulArgumentParser(argparse.ArgumentParser): def error(self, message): # pragma: nocover """error(message: string) Prints a usage message incorporating the message to stderr and exits. If you override this in a subclass, it should not return -- it should either exit or raise an exception. """ self.print_help(sys.stderr) self._print_message('\n') self.exit(2, '%s: %s\n' % (self.prog, message)) class CommandManager(object): """ Used to discover `pecan.command` entry points. """ def __init__(self): self.commands = {} self.load_commands() def load_commands(self): for ep in pkg_resources.iter_entry_points('pecan.command'): log.debug('%s loading plugin %s', self.__class__.__name__, ep) if in self.commands: warn( "Duplicate entry points found on `%s` - ignoring %s" % (, ep ), RuntimeWarning ) continue try: cmd = ep.load() assert hasattr(cmd, 'run') except Exception as e: # pragma: nocover warn("Unable to load plugin %s: %s" % (ep, e), RuntimeWarning) continue self.add({ cmd}) def add(self, cmd): self.commands.update(cmd) class CommandRunner(object): """ Dispatches `pecan` command execution requests. """ def __init__(self): self.manager = CommandManager() self.parser = HelpfulArgumentParser(add_help=True) self.parser.add_argument( '--version', action='version', version='Pecan %s' % self.version ) self.parse_sub_commands() def parse_sub_commands(self): subparsers = self.parser.add_subparsers( dest='command_name', metavar='command' ) for name, cmd in self.commands.items(): sub = subparsers.add_parser( name, help=cmd.summary ) for arg in getattr(cmd, 'arguments', tuple()): arg = arg.copy() if isinstance(arg.get('name'), six.string_types): sub.add_argument(arg.pop('name'), **arg) elif isinstance(arg.get('name'), list): sub.add_argument(*arg.pop('name'), **arg) def run(self, args): ns = self.parser.parse_args(args) self.commands[ns.command_name]().run(ns) @classmethod def handle_command_line(cls): # pragma: nocover runner = CommandRunner()[1:]) @property def version(self): return pkg_resources.get_distribution('pecan').version @property def commands(self): return self.manager.commands class BaseCommandMeta(type): @property def summary(cls): """ This is used to populate the --help argument on the command line. This provides a default behavior which takes the first sentence of the command's docstring and uses it. """ return cls.__doc__.strip().splitlines()[0].rstrip('.') class BaseCommandParent(object): """ A base interface for Pecan commands. Can be extended to support ``pecan`` command extensions in individual Pecan projects, e.g., $ ``pecan my-custom-command`` :: # myapp/myapp/ class CustomCommand(pecan.commands.base.BaseCommand): ''' (First) line of the docstring is used to summarize the command. ''' arguments = ({ 'name': '--extra_arg', 'help': 'an extra command line argument', 'optional': True }) def run(self, args): super(SomeCommand, self).run(args) if args.extra_arg: pass """ arguments = ({ 'name': 'config_file', 'help': 'a Pecan configuration file', 'nargs': '?', 'default': None, },) def run(self, args): """To be implemented by subclasses.""" self.args = args def load_app(self): from pecan import load_app return load_app(self.args.config_file) BaseCommand = BaseCommandMeta('BaseCommand', (BaseCommandParent,), { '__doc__': BaseCommandParent.__doc__ })