""" Serve command for Pecan. """ from __future__ import print_function import logging import os import sys import time import subprocess from wsgiref.simple_server import WSGIRequestHandler from pecan.commands import BaseCommand from pecan import util logger = logging.getLogger(__name__) class ServeCommand(BaseCommand): """ Serves a Pecan web application. This command serves a Pecan web application using the provided configuration file for the server and application. """ arguments = BaseCommand.arguments + ({ 'name': '--reload', 'help': 'Watch for changes and automatically reload.', 'default': False, 'action': 'store_true' },) def run(self, args): super(ServeCommand, self).run(args) app = self.load_app() self.serve(app, app.config) def create_subprocess(self): self.server_process = subprocess.Popen( [arg for arg in sys.argv if arg != '--reload'], stdout=sys.stdout, stderr=sys.stderr ) def watch_and_spawn(self, conf): from watchdog.observers import Observer from watchdog.events import ( FileSystemEventHandler, FileSystemMovedEvent, FileModifiedEvent, DirModifiedEvent ) print('Monitoring for changes...') self.create_subprocess() parent = self class AggressiveEventHandler(FileSystemEventHandler): def should_reload(self, event): for t in ( FileSystemMovedEvent, FileModifiedEvent, DirModifiedEvent ): if isinstance(event, t): return True return False def on_modified(self, event): if self.should_reload(event): parent.server_process.kill() parent.create_subprocess() # Determine a list of file paths to monitor paths = self.paths_to_monitor(conf) event_handler = AggressiveEventHandler() for path, recurse in paths: observer = Observer() observer.schedule( event_handler, path=path, recursive=recurse ) observer.start() try: while True: time.sleep(1) except KeyboardInterrupt: pass def paths_to_monitor(self, conf): paths = [] for package_name in getattr(conf.app, 'modules', []): module = __import__(package_name, fromlist=['app']) if hasattr(module, 'app') and hasattr(module.app, 'setup_app'): paths.append(( os.path.dirname(module.__file__), True )) break paths.append((os.path.dirname(conf.__file__), False)) return paths def _serve(self, app, conf): from wsgiref.simple_server import make_server host, port = conf.server.host, int(conf.server.port) srv = make_server( host, port, app, handler_class=PecanWSGIRequestHandler, ) print('Starting server in PID %s' % os.getpid()) if host == '': print( 'serving on, view at' % (port, port) ) else: print("serving on http://%s:%s" % (host, port)) try: srv.serve_forever() except KeyboardInterrupt: # allow CTRL+C to shutdown pass def serve(self, app, conf): """ A very simple approach for a WSGI server. """ if self.args.reload: try: self.watch_and_spawn(conf) except ImportError: print('The `--reload` option requires `watchdog` to be ' 'installed.') print(' $ pip install watchdog') else: self._serve(app, conf) def gunicorn_run(): """ The ``gunicorn_pecan`` command for launching ``pecan`` applications """ try: from gunicorn.app.wsgiapp import WSGIApplication except ImportError as exc: args = exc.args arg0 = args[0] if args else '' arg0 += ' (are you sure `gunicorn` is installed?)' exc.args = (arg0,) + args[1:] raise class PecanApplication(WSGIApplication): def init(self, parser, opts, args): if len(args) != 1: parser.error("No configuration file was specified.") self.cfgfname = os.path.normpath( os.path.join(os.getcwd(), args[0]) ) self.cfgfname = os.path.abspath(self.cfgfname) if not os.path.exists(self.cfgfname): parser.error("Config file not found: %s" % self.cfgfname) from pecan.configuration import _runtime_conf, set_config set_config(self.cfgfname, overwrite=True) # If available, use the host and port from the pecan config file cfg = {} if _runtime_conf.get('server'): server = _runtime_conf['server'] if hasattr(server, 'host') and hasattr(server, 'port'): cfg['bind'] = '%s:%s' % ( server.host, server.port ) return cfg def load(self): from pecan.deploy import deploy return deploy(self.cfgfname) PecanApplication("%(prog)s [OPTIONS] config.py").run() class PecanWSGIRequestHandler(WSGIRequestHandler, object): """ A wsgiref request handler class that allows actual log output depending on the application configuration. """ def __init__(self, *args, **kwargs): # We set self.path to avoid crashes in log_message() on unsupported # requests (like "OPTIONS"). self.path = '' super(PecanWSGIRequestHandler, self).__init__(*args, **kwargs) def log_message(self, format, *args): """ overrides the ``log_message`` method from the wsgiref server so that normal logging works with whatever configuration the application has been set to. Levels are inferred from the HTTP status code, 4XX codes are treated as warnings, 5XX as errors and everything else as INFO level. """ code = args[1][0] levels = { '4': 'warning', '5': 'error' } log_handler = getattr(logger, levels.get(code, 'info')) log_handler(format % args)