""" Shell command for Pecan. """ from pecan.commands import BaseCommand from webtest import TestApp from warnings import warn import sys class NativePythonShell(object): """ Open an interactive python shell with the Pecan app loaded. """ @classmethod def invoke(cls, ns, banner): # pragma: nocover """ :param ns: local namespace :param banner: interactive shell startup banner Embed an interactive native python shell. """ import code py_prefix = sys.platform.startswith('java') and 'J' or 'P' shell_banner = 'Pecan Interactive Shell\n%sython %s\n\n' % \ (py_prefix, sys.version) shell = code.InteractiveConsole(locals=ns) try: import readline # noqa except ImportError: pass shell.interact(shell_banner + banner) class IPythonShell(object): """ Open an interactive ipython shell with the Pecan app loaded. """ @classmethod def invoke(cls, ns, banner): # pragma: nocover """ :param ns: local namespace :param banner: interactive shell startup banner Embed an interactive ipython shell. Try the InteractiveShellEmbed API first, fall back on IPShellEmbed for older IPython versions. """ try: from IPython.frontend.terminal.embed import ( InteractiveShellEmbed ) # try and load their default profile from IPython.frontend.terminal.ipapp import ( load_default_config ) config = load_default_config() shell = InteractiveShellEmbed(config=config, banner2=banner) shell(local_ns=ns) except ImportError: # Support for the IPython <= 0.10 shell API from IPython.Shell import IPShellEmbed shell = IPShellEmbed(argv=[]) shell.set_banner(shell.IP.BANNER + '\n\n' + banner) shell(local_ns=ns, global_ns={}) class BPythonShell(object): """ Open an interactive bpython shell with the Pecan app loaded. """ @classmethod def invoke(cls, ns, banner): # pragma: nocover """ :param ns: local namespace :param banner: interactive shell startup banner Embed an interactive bpython shell. """ from bpython import embed embed(ns, ['-i'], banner) class ShellCommand(BaseCommand): """ Open an interactive shell with the Pecan app loaded. Attempt to invoke the specified python shell flavor (ipython, bpython, etc.). Fall back on the native python shell if the requested flavor variance is not installed. """ SHELLS = { 'python': NativePythonShell, 'ipython': IPythonShell, 'bpython': BPythonShell, } arguments = BaseCommand.arguments + ({ 'name': ['--shell', '-s'], 'help': 'which Python shell to use', 'choices': SHELLS.keys(), 'default': 'python' },) def run(self, args): """ Load the pecan app, prepare the locals, sets the banner, and invokes the python shell. """ super(ShellCommand, self).run(args) # load the application app = self.load_app() # prepare the locals locs = dict(__name__='pecan-admin') locs['wsgiapp'] = app locs['app'] = TestApp(app) model = self.load_model(app.config) if model: locs['model'] = model # insert the pecan locals from pecan import abort, conf, redirect, request, response locs['abort'] = abort locs['conf'] = conf locs['redirect'] = redirect locs['request'] = request locs['response'] = response # prepare the banner banner = ' The following objects are available:\n' banner += ' %-10s - This project\'s WSGI App instance\n' % 'wsgiapp' banner += ' %-10s - The current configuration\n' % 'conf' banner += ' %-10s - webtest.TestApp wrapped around wsgiapp\n' % 'app' if model: model_name = getattr( model, '__module__', getattr(model, '__name__', 'model') ) banner += ' %-10s - Models from %s\n' % ('model', model_name) self.invoke_shell(locs, banner) def invoke_shell(self, locs, banner): """ Invokes the appropriate flavor of the python shell. Falls back on the native python shell if the requested flavor (ipython, bpython,etc) is not installed. """ shell = self.SHELLS[self.args.shell] try: shell().invoke(locs, banner) except ImportError as e: warn(( "%s is not installed, `%s`, " "falling back to native shell") % (self.args.shell, e), RuntimeWarning ) if shell == NativePythonShell: raise NativePythonShell().invoke(locs, banner) def load_model(self, config): """ Load the model extension module """ for package_name in getattr(config.app, 'modules', []): module = __import__(package_name, fromlist=['model']) if hasattr(module, 'model'): return module.model return None