try: from simplejson import dumps, loads except ImportError: # pragma: no cover from json import dumps, loads # noqa from inspect import Arguments from itertools import chain, tee from mimetypes import guess_type, add_type from os.path import splitext import logging import operator import types import six from webob import (Request as WebObRequest, Response as WebObResponse, exc, acceptparse) from .compat import urlparse, unquote_plus, izip from .secure import handle_security from .templating import RendererFactory from .routing import lookup_controller, NonCanonicalPath from .util import _cfg, encode_if_needed from .middleware.recursive import ForwardRequestException # make sure that json is defined in mimetypes add_type('application/json', '.json', True) state = None logger = logging.getLogger(__name__) class RoutingState(object): def __init__(self, request, response, app, hooks=[], controller=None, arguments=None): self.request = request self.response = response = app self.hooks = hooks self.controller = controller self.arguments = arguments class Request(WebObRequest): pass class Response(WebObResponse): pass def proxy(key): class ObjectProxy(object): explanation_ = AttributeError( "`pecan.state` is not bound to a context-local context.\n" "Ensure that you're accessing `pecan.request` or `pecan.response` " "from within the context of a WSGI `__call__` and that " "`use_context_locals` = True." ) def __getattr__(self, attr): try: obj = getattr(state, key) except AttributeError: raise self.explanation_ return getattr(obj, attr) def __setattr__(self, attr, value): obj = getattr(state, key) return setattr(obj, attr, value) def __delattr__(self, attr): obj = getattr(state, key) return delattr(obj, attr) def __dir__(self): obj = getattr(state, key) return dir(obj) return ObjectProxy() request = proxy('request') response = proxy('response') def override_template(template, content_type=None): ''' Call within a controller to override the template that is used in your response. :param template: a valid path to a template file, just as you would specify in an ``@expose``. :param content_type: a valid MIME type to use for the response.func_closure ''' request.pecan['override_template'] = template if content_type: request.pecan['override_content_type'] = content_type def abort(status_code=None, detail='', headers=None, comment=None, **kw): ''' Raise an HTTP status code, as specified. Useful for returning status codes like 401 Unauthorized or 403 Forbidden. :param status_code: The HTTP status code as an integer. :param detail: The message to send along, as a string. :param headers: A dictionary of headers to send along with the response. :param comment: A comment to include in the response. ''' raise exc.status_map[status_code]( detail=detail, headers=headers, comment=comment, **kw ) def redirect(location=None, internal=False, code=None, headers={}, add_slash=False, request=None): ''' Perform a redirect, either internal or external. An internal redirect performs the redirect server-side, while the external redirect utilizes an HTTP 302 status code. :param location: The HTTP location to redirect to. :param internal: A boolean indicating whether the redirect should be internal. :param code: The HTTP status code to use for the redirect. Defaults to 302. :param headers: Any HTTP headers to send with the response, as a dictionary. :param request: The :class:`pecan.Request` instance to use. ''' request = request or state.request if add_slash: if location is None: split_url = list(urlparse.urlsplit(request.url)) new_proto = request.environ.get( 'HTTP_X_FORWARDED_PROTO', split_url[0] ) split_url[0] = new_proto else: split_url = urlparse.urlsplit(location) split_url[2] = split_url[2].rstrip('/') + '/' location = urlparse.urlunsplit(split_url) if not headers: headers = {} if internal: if code is not None: raise ValueError('Cannot specify a code for internal redirects') request.environ['pecan.recursive.context'] = request.context raise ForwardRequestException(location) if code is None: code = 302 raise exc.status_map[code](location=location, headers=headers) def render(template, namespace, app=None): ''' Render the specified template using the Pecan rendering framework with the specified template namespace as a dictionary. Useful in a controller where you have no template specified in the ``@expose``. :param template: The path to your template, as you would specify in ``@expose``. :param namespace: The namespace to use for rendering the template, as a dictionary. :param app: The instance of :class:`pecan.Pecan` to use ''' app = app or return app.render(template, namespace) def load_app(config, **kwargs): ''' Used to load a ``Pecan`` application and its environment based on passed configuration. :param config: Can be a dictionary containing configuration, a string which represents a (relative) configuration filename returns a pecan.Pecan object ''' from .configuration import _runtime_conf, set_config set_config(config, overwrite=True) for package_name in getattr(, 'modules', []): module = __import__(package_name, fromlist=['app']) if hasattr(module, 'app') and hasattr(, 'setup_app'): app =, **kwargs) app.config = _runtime_conf return app raise RuntimeError( 'No app.setup_app found in any of the configured app.modules' ) class PecanBase(object): SIMPLEST_CONTENT_TYPES = ( ['text/html'], ['text/plain'] ) def __init__(self, root, default_renderer='mako', template_path='templates', hooks=lambda: [], custom_renderers={}, extra_template_vars={}, force_canonical=True, guess_content_type_from_ext=True, context_local_factory=None, request_cls=Request, response_cls=Response, **kw): if isinstance(root, six.string_types): root = self.__translate_root__(root) self.root = root self.request_cls = request_cls self.response_cls = response_cls self.renderers = RendererFactory(custom_renderers, extra_template_vars) self.default_renderer = default_renderer # pre-sort these so we don't have to do it per-request if six.callable(hooks): hooks = hooks() self.hooks = list(sorted( hooks, key=operator.attrgetter('priority') )) self.template_path = template_path self.force_canonical = force_canonical self.guess_content_type_from_ext = guess_content_type_from_ext def __translate_root__(self, item): ''' Creates a root controller instance from a string root, e.g., > __translate_root__("myproject.controllers.RootController") myproject.controllers.RootController() :param item: The string to the item ''' if '.' in item: parts = item.split('.') name = '.'.join(parts[:-1]) fromlist = parts[-1:] module = __import__(name, fromlist=fromlist) kallable = getattr(module, parts[-1]) msg = "%s does not represent a callable class or function." assert hasattr(kallable, '__call__'), msg % item return kallable() raise ImportError('No item named %s' % item) def route(self, req, node, path): ''' Looks up a controller from a node based upon the specified path. :param node: The node, such as a root controller object. :param path: The path to look up on this node. ''' path = path.split('/')[1:] try: node, remainder = lookup_controller(node, path, req) return node, remainder except NonCanonicalPath as e: if self.force_canonical and \ not _cfg(e.controller).get('accept_noncanonical', False): if req.method == 'POST': raise RuntimeError( "You have POSTed to a URL '%s' which " "requires a slash. Most browsers will not maintain " "POST data when redirected. Please update your code " "to POST to '%s/' or set force_canonical to False" % (req.pecan['routing_path'], req.pecan['routing_path']) ) redirect(code=302, add_slash=True, request=req) return e.controller, e.remainder def determine_hooks(self, controller=None): ''' Determines the hooks to be run, in which order. :param controller: If specified, includes hooks for a specific controller. ''' controller_hooks = [] if controller: controller_hooks = _cfg(controller).get('hooks', []) if controller_hooks: return list( sorted( chain(controller_hooks, self.hooks), key=operator.attrgetter('priority') ) ) return self.hooks def handle_hooks(self, hooks, hook_type, *args): ''' Processes hooks of the specified type. :param hook_type: The type of hook, including ``before``, ``after``, ``on_error``, and ``on_route``. :param \*args: Arguments to pass to the hooks. ''' if hook_type not in ['before', 'on_route']: hooks = reversed(hooks) for hook in hooks: result = getattr(hook, hook_type)(*args) # on_error hooks can choose to return a Response, which will # be used instead of the standard error pages. if hook_type == 'on_error' and isinstance(result, WebObResponse): return result def get_args(self, state, all_params, remainder, argspec, im_self): ''' Determines the arguments for a controller based upon parameters passed the argument specification for the controller. ''' args = [] varargs = [] kwargs = dict() valid_args = argspec.args[1:] # pop off `self` pecan_state = state.request.pecan def _decode(x): return unquote_plus(x) if isinstance(x, six.string_types) \ else x remainder = [_decode(x) for x in remainder] if im_self is not None: args.append(im_self) # grab the routing args from nested REST controllers if 'routing_args' in pecan_state: remainder = pecan_state['routing_args'] + list(remainder) del pecan_state['routing_args'] # handle positional arguments if valid_args and remainder: args.extend(remainder[:len(valid_args)]) remainder = remainder[len(valid_args):] valid_args = valid_args[len(args):] # handle wildcard arguments if [i for i in remainder if i]: if not argspec[1]: abort(404) varargs.extend(remainder) # get the default positional arguments if argspec[3]: defaults = dict(izip(argspec[0][-len(argspec[3]):], argspec[3])) else: defaults = dict() # handle positional GET/POST params for name in valid_args: if name in all_params: args.append(all_params.pop(name)) elif name in defaults: args.append(defaults[name]) else: break # handle wildcard GET/POST params if argspec[2]: for name, value in six.iteritems(all_params): if name not in argspec[0]: kwargs[encode_if_needed(name)] = value return args, varargs, kwargs def render(self, template, namespace): renderer = self.renderers.get( self.default_renderer, self.template_path ) if template == 'json': renderer = self.renderers.get('json', self.template_path) if ':' in template: renderer = self.renderers.get( template.split(':')[0], self.template_path ) template = template.split(':')[1] return renderer.render(template, namespace) def find_controller(self, state): ''' The main request handler for Pecan applications. ''' # get a sorted list of hooks, by priority (no controller hooks yet) req = state.request pecan_state = req.pecan # store the routing path for the current application to allow hooks to # modify it pecan_state['routing_path'] = path = req.encget('PATH_INFO') # handle "on_route" hooks self.handle_hooks(self.hooks, 'on_route', state) # lookup the controller, respecting content-type as requested # by the file extension on the URI pecan_state['extension'] = None # attempt to guess the content type based on the file extension if self.guess_content_type_from_ext \ and not pecan_state['content_type'] \ and '.' in path: new_path, extension = splitext(path) # preface with a letter to ensure compat for 2.5 potential_type = guess_type('x' + extension)[0] if potential_type is not None: path = new_path pecan_state['extension'] = extension pecan_state['content_type'] = potential_type controller, remainder = self.route(req, self.root, path) cfg = _cfg(controller) if cfg.get('generic_handler'): raise exc.HTTPNotFound # handle generic controllers im_self = None if cfg.get('generic'): im_self = six.get_method_self(controller) handlers = cfg['generic_handlers'] controller = handlers.get(req.method, handlers['DEFAULT']) handle_security(controller, im_self) cfg = _cfg(controller) # add the controller to the state so that hooks can use it state.controller = controller # if unsure ask the controller for the default content type content_types = cfg.get('content_types', {}) if not pecan_state['content_type']: # attempt to find a best match based on accept headers (if they # exist) accept = getattr(req.accept, 'header_value', '*/*') if accept == '*/*' or ( accept.startswith('text/html,') and list(content_types.keys()) in self.SIMPLEST_CONTENT_TYPES): pecan_state['content_type'] = cfg.get( 'content_type', 'text/html' ) else: best_default = acceptparse.MIMEAccept( accept ).best_match( content_types.keys() ) if best_default is None: msg = "Controller '%s' defined does not support " + \ "content_type '%s'. Supported type(s): %s" logger.error( msg % ( controller.__name__, pecan_state['content_type'], content_types.keys() ) ) raise exc.HTTPNotAcceptable() pecan_state['content_type'] = best_default elif cfg.get('content_type') is not None and \ pecan_state['content_type'] not in content_types: msg = "Controller '%s' defined does not support content_type " + \ "'%s'. Supported type(s): %s" logger.error( msg % ( controller.__name__, pecan_state['content_type'], content_types.keys() ) ) raise exc.HTTPNotFound # fetch any parameters if req.method == 'GET': params = dict(req.GET) else: params = dict(req.params) # fetch the arguments for the controller args, varargs, kwargs = self.get_args( state, params, remainder, cfg['argspec'], im_self ) state.arguments = Arguments(args, varargs, kwargs) # handle "before" hooks self.handle_hooks(self.determine_hooks(controller), 'before', state) return controller, args+varargs, kwargs def invoke_controller(self, controller, args, kwargs, state): ''' The main request handler for Pecan applications. ''' cfg = _cfg(controller) content_types = cfg.get('content_types', {}) req = state.request resp = state.response pecan_state = req.pecan # get the result from the controller result = controller(*args, **kwargs) # a controller can return the response object which means they've taken # care of filling it out if result is response: return elif isinstance(result, WebObResponse): state.response = result return raw_namespace = result # pull the template out based upon content type and handle overrides template = content_types.get(pecan_state['content_type']) # check if for controller override of template template = pecan_state.get('override_template', template) or ( 'json' if self.default_renderer == 'json' else None ) pecan_state['content_type'] = pecan_state.get( 'override_content_type', pecan_state['content_type'] ) # if there is a template, render it if template: if template == 'json': pecan_state['content_type'] = 'application/json' result = self.render(template, result) # If we are in a test request put the namespace where it can be # accessed directly if req.environ.get('paste.testing'): testing_variables = req.environ['paste.testing_variables'] testing_variables['namespace'] = raw_namespace testing_variables['template_name'] = template testing_variables['controller_output'] = result # set the body content if result and isinstance(result, six.text_type): resp.text = result elif result: resp.body = result if pecan_state['content_type']: # set the content type resp.content_type = pecan_state['content_type'] def _handle_empty_response_body(self, state): # Enforce HTTP 204 for responses which contain no body if state.response.status_int == 200: # If the response is a generator... if isinstance(state.response.app_iter, types.GeneratorType): # Split the generator into two so we can peek at one of them # and determine if there is any response body content a, b = tee(state.response.app_iter) try: next(a) except StopIteration: # If we hit StopIteration, the body is empty state.response.status = 204 finally: state.response.app_iter = b else: text = None if state.response.charset: # `response.text` cannot be accessed without a charset # (because we don't know which encoding to use) text = state.response.text if not any((state.response.body, text)): state.response.status = 204 if state.response.status_int in (204, 304): state.response.content_type = None def __call__(self, environ, start_response): ''' Implements the WSGI specification for Pecan applications, utilizing ``WebOb``. ''' # create the request and response object req = self.request_cls(environ) resp = self.response_cls() state = RoutingState(req, resp, self) controller = None # handle the request try: # add context and environment to the request req.context = environ.get('pecan.recursive.context', {}) req.pecan = dict(content_type=None) controller, args, kwargs = self.find_controller(state) self.invoke_controller(controller, args, kwargs, state) except Exception as e: # if this is an HTTP Exception, set it as the response if isinstance(e, exc.HTTPException): # if the client asked for JSON, do our best to provide it best_match = acceptparse.MIMEAccept( getattr(req.accept, 'header_value', '*/*') ).best_match(('text/plain', 'text/html', 'application/json')) state.response = e if best_match == 'application/json': json_body = dumps({ 'code': e.status_int, 'title': e.title, 'description': e.detail }) if isinstance(json_body, six.text_type): e.text = json_body else: e.body = json_body state.response.content_type = best_match environ['pecan.original_exception'] = e # if this is not an internal redirect, run error hooks on_error_result = None if not isinstance(e, ForwardRequestException): on_error_result = self.handle_hooks( self.determine_hooks(state.controller), 'on_error', state, e ) # if the on_error handler returned a Response, use it. if isinstance(on_error_result, WebObResponse): state.response = on_error_result else: if not isinstance(e, exc.HTTPException): raise # if this is an HTTP 405, attempt to specify an Allow header if isinstance(e, exc.HTTPMethodNotAllowed) and controller: allowed_methods = _cfg(controller).get('allowed_methods', []) if allowed_methods: state.response.allow = sorted(allowed_methods) finally: # handle "after" hooks self.handle_hooks( self.determine_hooks(state.controller), 'after', state ) self._handle_empty_response_body(state) # get the response return state.response(environ, start_response) class ExplicitPecan(PecanBase): def get_args(self, state, all_params, remainder, argspec, im_self): # When comparing the argspec of the method to GET/POST params, # ignore the implicit (req, resp) at the beginning of the function # signature signature_error = TypeError( 'When `use_context_locals` is `False`, pecan passes an explicit ' 'reference to the request and response as the first two arguments ' 'to the controller.\nChange the `%s.%s.%s` signature to accept ' 'exactly 2 initial arguments (req, resp)' % ( state.controller.__self__.__class__.__module__, state.controller.__self__.__class__.__name__, state.controller.__name__ ) ) try: positional = argspec.args[:] positional.pop(1) # req positional.pop(1) # resp argspec = argspec._replace(args=positional) except IndexError: raise signature_error args, varargs, kwargs = super(ExplicitPecan, self).get_args( state, all_params, remainder, argspec, im_self ) args = [state.request, state.response] + args return args, varargs, kwargs class Pecan(PecanBase): ''' Pecan application object. Generally created using ``pecan.make_app``, rather than being created manually. Creates a Pecan application instance, which is a WSGI application. :param root: A string representing a root controller object (e.g., "myapp.controller.root.RootController") :param default_renderer: The default template rendering engine to use. Defaults to mako. :param template_path: A relative file system path (from the project root) where template files live. Defaults to 'templates'. :param hooks: A callable which returns a list of :class:`pecan.hooks.PecanHook` :param custom_renderers: Custom renderer objects, as a dictionary keyed by engine name. :param extra_template_vars: Any variables to inject into the template namespace automatically. :param force_canonical: A boolean indicating if this project should require canonical URLs. :param guess_content_type_from_ext: A boolean indicating if this project should use the extension in the URL for guessing the content type to return. :param use_context_locals: When `True`, `pecan.request` and `pecan.response` will be available as thread-local references. :param request_cls: Can be used to specify a custom `pecan.request` object. Defaults to `pecan.Request`. :param response_cls: Can be used to specify a custom `pecan.response` object. Defaults to `pecan.Response`. ''' def __new__(cls, *args, **kw): if kw.get('use_context_locals') is False: self = super(Pecan, cls).__new__(ExplicitPecan, *args, **kw) self.__init__(*args, **kw) return self return super(Pecan, cls).__new__(cls) def __init__(self, *args, **kw): self.init_context_local(kw.get('context_local_factory')) super(Pecan, self).__init__(*args, **kw) def __call__(self, environ, start_response): try: state.hooks = [] = self state.controller = None state.arguments = None return super(Pecan, self).__call__(environ, start_response) finally: del state.hooks del state.request del state.response del state.controller del state.arguments del def init_context_local(self, local_factory): global state if local_factory is None: from threading import local as local_factory state = local_factory() def find_controller(self, _state): state.request = _state.request state.response = _state.response controller, args, kw = super(Pecan, self).find_controller(_state) state.controller = controller state.arguments = _state.arguments return controller, args, kw def handle_hooks(self, hooks, *args, **kw): state.hooks = hooks return super(Pecan, self).handle_hooks(hooks, *args, **kw)