__CONFIG_HELP__ = '''
To disable this interface, set
conf.app.debug = False
''' # noqa try: import re from backlash.debug import DebuggedApplication class DebugMiddleware(DebuggedApplication): body_re = re.compile('(]*>)', re.I) def debug_application(self, environ, start_response): for part in super(DebugMiddleware, self).debug_application( environ, start_response ): yield self.body_re.sub('\g<1>%s' % __CONFIG_HELP__, part) except ImportError: from traceback import print_exc from pprint import pformat from mako.template import Template from six.moves import cStringIO as StringIO from webob import Response from webob.exc import HTTPException debug_template_raw = ''' Pecan - Application Error

An error occurred!

%(config_help)s Pecan offers support for interactive debugging by installing the backlash package:

pip install backlash
...and reloading this page.



WSGI Environment

''' % {'config_help': __CONFIG_HELP__} # noqa debug_template = Template(debug_template_raw) class DebugMiddleware(object): def __init__(self, app, *args, **kwargs): self.app = app def __call__(self, environ, start_response): try: return self.app(environ, start_response) except Exception as exc: # get a formatted exception out = StringIO() print_exc(file=out) # get formatted WSGI environment formatted_environ = pformat(environ) # render our template result = debug_template.render( traceback=out.getvalue(), environment=formatted_environ ) # construct and return our response response = Response() if isinstance(exc, HTTPException): response.status_int = exc.status else: response.status_int = 500 response.unicode_body = result return response(environ, start_response)