import sys from six import b as b_ from .recursive import ForwardRequestException, RecursionLoop class StatusPersist(object): def __init__(self, app, status, url): = app self.status = status self.url = url def __call__(self, environ, start_response): def keep_status_start_response(status, headers, exc_info=None): return start_response(self.status, headers, exc_info) parts = self.url.split('?') environ['PATH_INFO'] = parts[0] if len(parts) > 1: environ['QUERY_STRING'] = parts[1] else: environ['QUERY_STRING'] = '' try: return, keep_status_start_response) except RecursionLoop as e: environ['wsgi.errors'].write( 'Recursion error getting error page: %s\n' % e ) keep_status_start_response( '500 Server Error', [('Content-type', 'text/plain')], sys.exc_info() ) return [b_( 'Error: %s. (Error page could not be fetched)' % self.status )] class ErrorDocumentMiddleware(object): ''' Intersects HTTP response status code, looks it up in the error map defined in the Pecan app, and routes to the controller assigned to that status. ''' def __init__(self, app, error_map): = app self.error_map = error_map def __call__(self, environ, start_response): def replacement_start_response(status, headers, exc_info=None): ''' Overrides the default response if the status is defined in the Pecan app error map configuration. ''' try: status_code = int(status.split(' ')[0]) except (ValueError, TypeError): # pragma: nocover raise Exception(( 'ErrorDocumentMiddleware received an invalid ' 'status %s' % status )) if status_code in self.error_map: def factory(app): return StatusPersist( app, status, self.error_map[status_code] ) raise ForwardRequestException(factory=factory) return start_response(status, headers, exc_info) app_iter =, replacement_start_response) return app_iter