from inspect import getargspec, ismethod from webob import exc from .core import abort, request from .decorators import expose from .routing import lookup_controller, handle_lookup_traversal from .util import iscontroller class RestController(object): ''' A base class for ``REST`` based controllers. Inherit from this class to implement a REST controller. ``RestController`` implements a set of routing functions which override the default pecan routing with behavior consistent with RESTful routing. This functionality covers navigation to the requested resource controllers, and the appropriate handling of both the common (``GET``, ``POST``, ``PUT``, ``DELETE``) as well as custom-defined REST action methods. For more on developing **RESTful** web applications with Pecan, see :ref:`rest`. ''' _custom_actions = {} @expose() def _route(self, args): ''' Routes a request to the appropriate controller and returns its result. Performs a bit of validation - refuses to route delete and put actions via a GET request). ''' # convention uses "_method" to handle browser-unsupported methods if request.environ.get('pecan.validation_redirected', False) is True: # # If the request has been internally redirected due to a validation # exception, we want the request method to be enforced as GET, not # the `_method` param which may have been passed for REST support. # method = request.method.lower() else: method = request.params.get('_method', request.method).lower() # make sure DELETE/PUT requests don't use GET if request.method == 'GET' and method in ('delete', 'put'): abort(405) # check for nested controllers result = self._find_sub_controllers(args) if result: return result # handle the request handler = getattr(self, '_handle_%s' % method, self._handle_custom) try: result = handler(method, args) # # If the signature of the handler does not match the number # of remaining positional arguments, attempt to handle # a _lookup method (if it exists) # argspec = getargspec(result[0]) num_args = len(argspec[0][1:]) if num_args < len(args): _lookup_result = self._handle_lookup(args) if _lookup_result: return _lookup_result except exc.HTTPNotFound: # # If the matching handler results in a 404, attempt to handle # a _lookup method (if it exists) # _lookup_result = self._handle_lookup(args) if _lookup_result: return _lookup_result raise # return the result return result def _handle_lookup(self, args): # check for lookup controllers lookup = getattr(self, '_lookup', None) if args and iscontroller(lookup): result = handle_lookup_traversal(lookup, args) if result: return lookup_controller(*result) def _find_controller(self, *args): ''' Returns the appropriate controller for routing a custom action. ''' for name in args: obj = getattr(self, name, None) if obj and iscontroller(obj): return obj return None def _find_sub_controllers(self, remainder): ''' Identifies the correct controller to route to by analyzing the request URI. ''' # need either a get_one or get to parse args method = None for name in ('get_one', 'get'): if hasattr(self, name): method = name break if not method: return # get the args to figure out how much to chop off args = getargspec(getattr(self, method)) fixed_args = len(args[0][1:]) - len( request.pecan.get('routing_args', []) ) var_args = args[1] # attempt to locate a sub-controller if var_args: for i, item in enumerate(remainder): controller = getattr(self, item, None) if controller and not ismethod(controller): self._set_routing_args(remainder[:i]) return lookup_controller(controller, remainder[i + 1:]) elif fixed_args < len(remainder) and hasattr( self, remainder[fixed_args] ): controller = getattr(self, remainder[fixed_args]) if not ismethod(controller): self._set_routing_args(remainder[:fixed_args]) return lookup_controller( controller, remainder[fixed_args + 1:] ) def _handle_custom(self, method, remainder): ''' Routes ``_custom`` actions to the appropriate controller. ''' # try finding a post_{custom} or {custom} method first controller = self._find_controller('post_%s' % method, method) if controller: return controller, remainder # if no controller exists, try routing to a sub-controller; note that # since this isn't a safe GET verb, any local exposes are 405'd if remainder: if self._find_controller(remainder[0]): abort(405) sub_controller = getattr(self, remainder[0], None) if sub_controller: return lookup_controller(sub_controller, remainder[1:]) abort(404) def _handle_get(self, method, remainder): ''' Routes ``GET`` actions to the appropriate controller. ''' # route to a get_all or get if no additional parts are available if not remainder or remainder == ['']: controller = self._find_controller('get_all', 'get') if controller: return controller, [] abort(404) method_name = remainder[-1] # check for new/edit/delete GET requests if method_name in ('new', 'edit', 'delete'): if method_name == 'delete': method_name = 'get_delete' controller = self._find_controller(method_name) if controller: return controller, remainder[:-1] # check for custom GET requests if method.upper() in self._custom_actions.get(method_name, []): controller = self._find_controller( 'get_%s' % method_name, method_name ) if controller: return controller, remainder[:-1] controller = getattr(self, remainder[0], None) if controller and not ismethod(controller): return lookup_controller(controller, remainder[1:]) # finally, check for the regular get_one/get requests controller = self._find_controller('get_one', 'get') if controller: return controller, remainder abort(404) def _handle_delete(self, method, remainder): ''' Routes ``DELETE`` actions to the appropriate controller. ''' if remainder: controller = getattr(self, remainder[0], None) if controller and not ismethod(controller): return lookup_controller(controller, remainder[1:]) # check for post_delete/delete requests first controller = self._find_controller('post_delete', 'delete') if controller: return controller, remainder # if no controller exists, try routing to a sub-controller; note that # since this is a DELETE verb, any local exposes are 405'd if remainder: if self._find_controller(remainder[0]): abort(405) sub_controller = getattr(self, remainder[0], None) if sub_controller: return lookup_controller(sub_controller, remainder[1:]) abort(404) def _handle_post(self, method, remainder): ''' Routes ``POST`` requests. ''' # check for custom POST/PUT requests if remainder: method_name = remainder[-1] if method.upper() in self._custom_actions.get(method_name, []): controller = self._find_controller( '%s_%s' % (method, method_name), method_name ) if controller: return controller, remainder[:-1] controller = getattr(self, remainder[0], None) if controller and not ismethod(controller): return lookup_controller(controller, remainder[1:]) # check for regular POST/PUT requests controller = self._find_controller(method) if controller: return controller, remainder abort(404) def _handle_put(self, method, remainder): return self._handle_post(method, remainder) def _set_routing_args(self, args): ''' Sets default routing arguments. ''' request.pecan.setdefault('routing_args', []).extend(args)