from formencode import Schema, validators from paste.recursive import ForwardRequestException from paste.translogger import TransLogger from unittest import TestCase from webtest import TestApp from pecan import Pecan, expose, request, response, redirect, abort, make_app, override_template, render from pecan.templating import _builtin_renderers as builtin_renderers, error_formatters from pecan.decorators import accept_noncanonical import os class SampleRootController(object): pass class TestBase(TestCase): def test_simple_app(self): class RootController(object): @expose() def index(self): return 'Hello, World!' app = TestApp(Pecan(RootController())) r = app.get('/') assert r.status_int == 200 assert r.body == 'Hello, World!' r = app.get('/index') assert r.status_int == 200 assert r.body == 'Hello, World!' r = app.get('/index.html') assert r.status_int == 200 assert r.body == 'Hello, World!' def test_controller_lookup_by_string_path(self): app = Pecan('pecan.tests.test_base.SampleRootController') assert app.root and isinstance(app.root, SampleRootController) def test_object_dispatch(self): class SubSubController(object): @expose() def index(self): return '/sub/sub/' @expose() def deeper(self): return '/sub/sub/deeper' class SubController(object): @expose() def index(self): return '/sub/' @expose() def deeper(self): return '/sub/deeper' sub = SubSubController() class RootController(object): @expose() def index(self): return '/' @expose() def deeper(self): return '/deeper' sub = SubController() app = TestApp(Pecan(RootController())) for path in ('/', '/deeper', '/sub/', '/sub/deeper', '/sub/sub/', '/sub/sub/deeper'): r = app.get(path) assert r.status_int == 200 assert r.body == path def test_lookup(self): class LookupController(object): def __init__(self, someID): self.someID = someID @expose() def index(self): return '/%s' % self.someID @expose() def name(self): return '/%s/name' % self.someID class RootController(object): @expose() def index(self): return '/' @expose() def _lookup(self, someID, *remainder): return LookupController(someID), remainder app = TestApp(Pecan(RootController())) r = app.get('/') assert r.status_int == 200 assert r.body == '/' r = app.get('/100/') assert r.status_int == 200 assert r.body == '/100' r = app.get('/100/name') assert r.status_int == 200 assert r.body == '/100/name' def test_lookup_with_wrong_argspec(self): class RootController(object): @expose() def _lookup(self, someID): return 'Bad arg spec' app = TestApp(Pecan(RootController())) r = app.get('/foo/bar', expect_errors=True) r.status_int == 404 def test_controller_args(self): class RootController(object): @expose() def index(self, id): return 'index: %s' % id @expose() def multiple(self, one, two): return 'multiple: %s, %s' % (one, two) @expose() def optional(self, id=None): return 'optional: %s' % str(id) @expose() def multiple_optional(self, one=None, two=None, three=None): return 'multiple_optional: %s, %s, %s' % (one, two, three) @expose() def variable_args(self, *args): return 'variable_args: %s' % ', '.join(args) @expose() def variable_kwargs(self, **kwargs): data = ['%s=%s' % (key, kwargs[key]) for key in sorted(kwargs.keys())] return 'variable_kwargs: %s' % ', '.join(data) @expose() def variable_all(self, *args, **kwargs): data = ['%s=%s' % (key, kwargs[key]) for key in sorted(kwargs.keys())] return 'variable_all: %s' % ', '.join(list(args) + data) @expose() def eater(self, id, dummy=None, *args, **kwargs): data = ['%s=%s' % (key, kwargs[key]) for key in sorted(kwargs.keys())] return 'eater: %s, %s, %s' % (id, dummy, ', '.join(list(args) + data)) @expose() def _route(self, args): if hasattr(self, args[0]): return getattr(self, args[0]), args[1:] else: return self.index, args app = TestApp(Pecan(RootController())) # required arg try: r = app.get('/') assert r.status_int != 200 except Exception, ex: assert type(ex) == TypeError assert ex.args[0] == 'index() takes exactly 2 arguments (1 given)' r = app.get('/1') assert r.status_int == 200 assert r.body == 'index: 1' r = app.get('/This%20is%20a%20test%21') assert r.status_int == 200 assert r.body == 'index: This is a test!' r = app.get('/1/dummy', status=404) assert r.status_int == 404 r = app.get('/?id=2') assert r.status_int == 200 assert r.body == 'index: 2' r = app.get('/?id=This%20is%20a%20test%21') assert r.status_int == 200 assert r.body == 'index: This is a test!' r = app.get('/3?id=three') assert r.status_int == 200 assert r.body == 'index: 3' r = app.get('/This%20is%20a%20test%21?id=three') assert r.status_int == 200 assert r.body == 'index: This is a test!' r ='/', {'id': '4'}) assert r.status_int == 200 assert r.body == 'index: 4' r ='/4', {'id': 'four'}) assert r.status_int == 200 assert r.body == 'index: 4' r = app.get('/?id=5&dummy=dummy') assert r.status_int == 200 assert r.body == 'index: 5' r ='/', {'id': '6', 'dummy': 'dummy'}) assert r.status_int == 200 assert r.body == 'index: 6' # multiple args r = app.get('/multiple/one/two') assert r.status_int == 200 assert r.body == 'multiple: one, two' r = app.get('/multiple/One%20/Two%21') assert r.status_int == 200 assert r.body == 'multiple: One , Two!' r = app.get('/multiple?one=three&two=four') assert r.status_int == 200 assert r.body == 'multiple: three, four' r = app.get('/multiple?one=Three%20&two=Four%20%21') assert r.status_int == 200 assert r.body == 'multiple: Three , Four !' r ='/multiple', {'one': 'five', 'two': 'six'}) assert r.status_int == 200 assert r.body == 'multiple: five, six' r ='/multiple', {'one': 'Five%20', 'two': 'Six%20%21'}) assert r.status_int == 200 assert r.body == 'multiple: Five%20, Six%20%21' # optional arg r = app.get('/optional') assert r.status_int == 200 assert r.body == 'optional: None' r = app.get('/optional/1') assert r.status_int == 200 assert r.body == 'optional: 1' r = app.get('/optional/Some%20Number') assert r.status_int == 200 assert r.body == 'optional: Some Number' r = app.get('/optional/2/dummy', status=404) assert r.status_int == 404 r = app.get('/optional?id=2') assert r.status_int == 200 assert r.body == 'optional: 2' r = app.get('/optional?id=Some%20Number') assert r.status_int == 200 assert r.body == 'optional: Some Number' r = app.get('/optional/3?id=three') assert r.status_int == 200 assert r.body == 'optional: 3' r = app.get('/optional/Some%20Number?id=three') assert r.status_int == 200 assert r.body == 'optional: Some Number' r ='/optional', {'id': '4'}) assert r.status_int == 200 assert r.body == 'optional: 4' r ='/optional', {'id': 'Some%20Number'}) assert r.status_int == 200 assert r.body == 'optional: Some%20Number' r ='/optional/5', {'id': 'five'}) assert r.status_int == 200 assert r.body == 'optional: 5' r ='/optional/Some%20Number', {'id': 'five'}) assert r.status_int == 200 assert r.body == 'optional: Some Number' r = app.get('/optional?id=6&dummy=dummy') assert r.status_int == 200 assert r.body == 'optional: 6' r = app.get('/optional?id=Some%20Number&dummy=dummy') assert r.status_int == 200 assert r.body == 'optional: Some Number' r ='/optional', {'id': '7', 'dummy': 'dummy'}) assert r.status_int == 200 assert r.body == 'optional: 7' r ='/optional', {'id': 'Some%20Number', 'dummy': 'dummy'}) assert r.status_int == 200 assert r.body == 'optional: Some%20Number' # multiple optional args r = app.get('/multiple_optional') assert r.status_int == 200 assert r.body == 'multiple_optional: None, None, None' r = app.get('/multiple_optional/1') assert r.status_int == 200 assert r.body == 'multiple_optional: 1, None, None' r = app.get('/multiple_optional/One%21') assert r.status_int == 200 assert r.body == 'multiple_optional: One!, None, None' r = app.get('/multiple_optional/1/2/3') assert r.status_int == 200 assert r.body == 'multiple_optional: 1, 2, 3' r = app.get('/multiple_optional/One%21/Two%21/Three%21') assert r.status_int == 200 assert r.body == 'multiple_optional: One!, Two!, Three!' r = app.get('/multiple_optional/1/2/3/dummy', status=404) assert r.status_int == 404 r = app.get('/multiple_optional?one=1') assert r.status_int == 200 assert r.body == 'multiple_optional: 1, None, None' r = app.get('/multiple_optional?one=One%21') assert r.status_int == 200 assert r.body == 'multiple_optional: One!, None, None' r = app.get('/multiple_optional/1?one=one') assert r.status_int == 200 assert r.body == 'multiple_optional: 1, None, None' r = app.get('/multiple_optional/One%21?one=one') assert r.status_int == 200 assert r.body == 'multiple_optional: One!, None, None' r ='/multiple_optional', {'one': '1'}) assert r.status_int == 200 assert r.body == 'multiple_optional: 1, None, None' r ='/multiple_optional', {'one': 'One%21'}) assert r.status_int == 200 assert r.body == 'multiple_optional: One%21, None, None' r ='/multiple_optional/1', {'one': 'one'}) assert r.status_int == 200 assert r.body == 'multiple_optional: 1, None, None' r ='/multiple_optional/One%21', {'one': 'one'}) assert r.status_int == 200 assert r.body == 'multiple_optional: One!, None, None' r = app.get('/multiple_optional?one=1&two=2&three=3&four=4') assert r.status_int == 200 assert r.body == 'multiple_optional: 1, 2, 3' r = app.get('/multiple_optional?one=One%21&two=Two%21&three=Three%21&four=4') assert r.status_int == 200 assert r.body == 'multiple_optional: One!, Two!, Three!' r ='/multiple_optional', {'one': '1', 'two': '2', 'three': '3', 'four': '4'}) assert r.status_int == 200 assert r.body == 'multiple_optional: 1, 2, 3' r ='/multiple_optional', {'one': 'One%21', 'two': 'Two%21', 'three': 'Three%21', 'four': '4'}) assert r.status_int == 200 assert r.body == 'multiple_optional: One%21, Two%21, Three%21' r = app.get('/multiple_optional?three=3') assert r.status_int == 200 assert r.body == 'multiple_optional: None, None, 3' r = app.get('/multiple_optional?three=Three%21') assert r.status_int == 200 assert r.body == 'multiple_optional: None, None, Three!' r = app.get('/multiple_optional', {'two': '2'}) assert r.status_int == 200 assert r.body == 'multiple_optional: None, 2, None' # variable args r = app.get('/variable_args') assert r.status_int == 200 assert r.body == 'variable_args: ' r = app.get('/variable_args/1/dummy') assert r.status_int == 200 assert r.body == 'variable_args: 1, dummy' r = app.get('/variable_args/Testing%20One%20Two/Three%21') assert r.status_int == 200 assert r.body == 'variable_args: Testing One Two, Three!' r = app.get('/variable_args?id=2&dummy=dummy') assert r.status_int == 200 assert r.body == 'variable_args: ' r ='/variable_args', {'id': '3', 'dummy': 'dummy'}) assert r.status_int == 200 assert r.body == 'variable_args: ' # variable keyword args r = app.get('/variable_kwargs') assert r.status_int == 200 assert r.body == 'variable_kwargs: ' r = app.get('/variable_kwargs/1/dummy', status=404) assert r.status_int == 404 r = app.get('/variable_kwargs?id=2&dummy=dummy') assert r.status_int == 200 assert r.body == 'variable_kwargs: dummy=dummy, id=2' r = app.get('/variable_kwargs?id=Two%21&dummy=This%20is%20a%20test') assert r.status_int == 200 assert r.body == 'variable_kwargs: dummy=This is a test, id=Two!' r ='/variable_kwargs', {'id': '3', 'dummy': 'dummy'}) assert r.status_int == 200 assert r.body == 'variable_kwargs: dummy=dummy, id=3' r ='/variable_kwargs', {'id': 'Three%21', 'dummy': 'This%20is%20a%20test'}) assert r.status_int == 200 assert r.body == 'variable_kwargs: dummy=This%20is%20a%20test, id=Three%21' # variable args & keyword args r = app.get('/variable_all') assert r.status_int == 200 assert r.body == 'variable_all: ' r = app.get('/variable_all/1') assert r.status_int == 200 assert r.body == 'variable_all: 1' r = app.get('/variable_all/2/dummy') assert r.status_int == 200 assert r.body == 'variable_all: 2, dummy' r = app.get('/variable_all/3?month=1&day=12') assert r.status_int == 200 assert r.body == 'variable_all: 3, day=12, month=1' r = app.get('/variable_all/4?id=four&month=1&day=12') assert r.status_int == 200 assert r.body == 'variable_all: 4, day=12, id=four, month=1' r ='/variable_all/5/dummy') assert r.status_int == 200 assert r.body == 'variable_all: 5, dummy' r ='/variable_all/6', {'month': '1', 'day': '12'}) assert r.status_int == 200 assert r.body == 'variable_all: 6, day=12, month=1' r ='/variable_all/7', {'id': 'seven', 'month': '1', 'day': '12'}) assert r.status_int == 200 assert r.body == 'variable_all: 7, day=12, id=seven, month=1' # the "everything" controller try: r = app.get('/eater') assert r.status_int != 200 except Exception, ex: assert type(ex) == TypeError assert ex.args[0] == 'eater() takes at least 2 arguments (1 given)' r = app.get('/eater/1') assert r.status_int == 200 assert r.body == 'eater: 1, None, ' r = app.get('/eater/2/dummy') assert r.status_int == 200 assert r.body == 'eater: 2, dummy, ' r = app.get('/eater/3/dummy/foo/bar') assert r.status_int == 200 assert r.body == 'eater: 3, dummy, foo, bar' r = app.get('/eater/4?month=1&day=12') assert r.status_int == 200 assert r.body == 'eater: 4, None, day=12, month=1' r = app.get('/eater/5?id=five&month=1&day=12&dummy=dummy') assert r.status_int == 200 assert r.body == 'eater: 5, dummy, day=12, month=1' r ='/eater/6') assert r.status_int == 200 assert r.body == 'eater: 6, None, ' r ='/eater/7/dummy') assert r.status_int == 200 assert r.body == 'eater: 7, dummy, ' r ='/eater/8/dummy/foo/bar') assert r.status_int == 200 assert r.body == 'eater: 8, dummy, foo, bar' r ='/eater/9', {'month': '1', 'day': '12'}) assert r.status_int == 200 assert r.body == 'eater: 9, None, day=12, month=1' r ='/eater/10', {'id': 'ten', 'month': '1', 'day': '12', 'dummy': 'dummy'}) assert r.status_int == 200 assert r.body == 'eater: 10, dummy, day=12, month=1' def test_abort(self): class RootController(object): @expose() def index(self): abort(404) app = TestApp(Pecan(RootController())) r = app.get('/', status=404) assert r.status_int == 404 def test_abort_with_detail(self): class RootController(object): @expose() def index(self): abort(status_code=401, detail='Not Authorized') app = TestApp(Pecan(RootController())) r = app.get('/', status=401) assert r.status_int == 401 def test_redirect(self): class RootController(object): @expose() def index(self): redirect('/testing') @expose() def internal(self): redirect('/testing', internal=True) @expose() def bad_internal(self): redirect('/testing', internal=True, code=301) @expose() def permanent(self): redirect('/testing', code=301) @expose() def testing(self): return 'it worked!' app = TestApp(make_app(RootController(), debug=True)) r = app.get('/') assert r.status_int == 302 r = r.follow() assert r.status_int == 200 assert r.body == 'it worked!' r = app.get('/internal') assert r.status_int == 200 assert r.body == 'it worked!' self.assertRaises(ValueError, app.get, '/bad_internal') r = app.get('/permanent') assert r.status_int == 301 r = r.follow() assert r.status_int == 200 assert r.body == 'it worked!' def test_x_forward_proto(self): class ChildController(object): @expose() def index(self): redirect('/testing') class RootController(object): @expose() def index(self): redirect('/testing') @expose() def testing(self): return 'it worked!' child = ChildController() app = TestApp(make_app(RootController(), debug=True)) response = app.get('/child', extra_environ=dict(HTTP_X_FORWARDED_PROTO='https')) ##non-canonical url will redirect, so we won't get a 301 assert response.status_int == 302 ##should add trailing / and changes location to https assert response.location == 'https://localhost/child/' assert response.request.environ['HTTP_X_FORWARDED_PROTO'] == 'https' def test_streaming_response(self): import StringIO class RootController(object): @expose(content_type='text/plain') def test(self, foo): if foo == 'stream': # mimic large file contents = StringIO.StringIO('stream') response.content_type='application/octet-stream', os.SEEK_END) response.content_length = contents.tell(), os.SEEK_SET) response.app_iter = contents return response else: return 'plain text' app = TestApp(Pecan(RootController())) r = app.get('/test/stream') assert r.content_type == 'application/octet-stream' assert r.body == 'stream' r = app.get('/test/plain') assert r.content_type == 'text/plain' assert r.body == 'plain text' def test_request_state_cleanup(self): """ After a request, the state local() should be totally clean except for (so that objects don't leak between requests) """ from pecan.core import state class RootController(object): @expose() def index(self): return '/' app = TestApp(Pecan(RootController())) r = app.get('/') assert r.status_int == 200 assert r.body == '/' assert state.__dict__.keys() == ['app'] def test_extension(self): """ Test extension splits """ class RootController(object): @expose(content_type=None) def _default(self, *args): from pecan.core import request return request.pecan['extension'] app = TestApp(Pecan(RootController())) r = app.get('/index.html') assert r.status_int == 200 assert r.body == '.html' r = app.get('/image.png') assert r.status_int == 200 assert r.body == '.png' r = app.get('/.vimrc') assert r.status_int == 200 assert r.body == '' r = app.get('/gradient.js.js') assert r.status_int == 200 assert r.body == '.js' def test_app_wrap(self): class RootController(object): pass wrapped_apps = [] def wrap(app): wrapped_apps.append(app) return app app = make_app(RootController(), wrap_app=wrap, debug=True) assert len(wrapped_apps) == 1 def test_bad_content_type(self): class RootController(object): @expose() def index(self): return '/' app = TestApp(Pecan(RootController())) r = app.get('/') assert r.status_int == 200 assert r.body == '/' r = app.get('/index.html', expect_errors=True) assert r.status_int == 200 assert r.body == '/' r = app.get('/index.txt', expect_errors=True) assert r.status_int == 404 def test_canonical_index(self): class ArgSubController(object): @expose() def index(self, arg): return arg class AcceptController(object): @accept_noncanonical @expose() def index(self): return 'accept' class SubController(object): @expose() def index(self, **kw): return 'subindex' class RootController(object): @expose() def index(self): return 'index' sub = SubController() arg = ArgSubController() accept = AcceptController() app = TestApp(Pecan(RootController())) r = app.get('/') assert r.status_int == 200 assert 'index' in r.body r = app.get('/index') assert r.status_int == 200 assert 'index' in r.body # for broken clients r = app.get('', status=302) assert r.status_int == 302 assert r.location == 'http://localhost/' r = app.get('/sub/') assert r.status_int == 200 assert 'subindex' in r.body r = app.get('/sub', status=302) assert r.status_int == 302 assert r.location == 'http://localhost/sub/' # try with query string r = app.get('/sub?foo=bar', status=302) assert r.status_int == 302 assert r.location == 'http://localhost/sub/?foo=bar' try: r ='/sub', dict(foo=1)) raise Exception, "Post should fail" except Exception, e: assert isinstance(e, RuntimeError) r = app.get('/arg/index/foo') assert r.status_int == 200 assert r.body == 'foo' r = app.get('/accept/') assert r.status_int == 200 assert 'accept' == r.body r = app.get('/accept') assert r.status_int == 200 assert 'accept' == r.body app = TestApp(Pecan(RootController(), force_canonical=False)) r = app.get('/') assert r.status_int == 200 assert 'index' in r.body r = app.get('/sub') assert r.status_int == 200 assert 'subindex' in r.body r ='/sub', dict(foo=1)) assert r.status_int == 200 assert 'subindex' in r.body r = app.get('/sub/') assert r.status_int == 200 assert 'subindex' in r.body def test_proxy(self): class RootController(object): @expose() def index(self): request.testing = True assert request.testing == True del request.testing assert hasattr(request, 'testing') == False return '/' app = TestApp(make_app(RootController(), debug=True)) r = app.get('/') assert r.status_int == 200 class TestLogging(TestCase): """ Mocks logging calls so we can make sure they get called. We could use Fudge for this, but it would add an additional dependency to Pecan for a single set of tests. """ def setUp(self): self._write_log = TransLogger.write_log def tearDown(self): TransLogger.write_log = self._write_log def test_default(self): class RootController(object): @expose() def index(self): return '/' # monkeypatch the logger writes = [] def _write_log(self, *args, **kwargs): writes.append(1) TransLogger.write_log = _write_log # check the request app = TestApp(make_app(RootController(), debug=True)) r = app.get('/') assert r.status_int == 200 assert writes == [] def test_default(self): class RootController(object): @expose() def index(self): return '/' # monkeypatch the logger writes = [] def _write_log(self, *args, **kwargs): writes.append(1) TransLogger.write_log = _write_log # check the request app = TestApp(make_app(RootController(), debug=True)) r = app.get('/') assert r.status_int == 200 assert len(writes) == 0 def test_no_logging(self): class RootController(object): @expose() def index(self): return '/' # monkeypatch the logger writes = [] def _write_log(self, *args, **kwargs): writes.append(1) TransLogger.write_log = _write_log # check the request app = TestApp(make_app(RootController(), debug=True, logging=False)) r = app.get('/') assert r.status_int == 200 assert len(writes) == 0 def test_basic_logging(self): class RootController(object): @expose() def index(self): return '/' # monkeypatch the logger writes = [] def _write_log(self, *args, **kwargs): writes.append(1) TransLogger.write_log = _write_log # check the request app = TestApp(make_app(RootController(), debug=True, logging=True)) r = app.get('/') assert r.status_int == 200 assert len(writes) == 1 def test_empty_config(self): class RootController(object): @expose() def index(self): return '/' # monkeypatch the logger writes = [] def _write_log(self, *args, **kwargs): writes.append(1) TransLogger.write_log = _write_log # check the request app = TestApp(make_app(RootController(), debug=True, logging={})) r = app.get('/') assert r.status_int == 200 assert len(writes) == 1 def test_custom_config(self): class RootController(object): @expose() def index(self): return '/' # create a custom logger writes = [] class FakeLogger(object): def log(self, *args, **kwargs): writes.append(1) # check the request app = TestApp(make_app(RootController(), debug=True, logging={'logger': FakeLogger()})) r = app.get('/') assert r.status_int == 200 assert len(writes) == 1 class TestEngines(object): template_path = os.path.join(os.path.dirname(__file__), 'templates') def test_genshi(self): if 'genshi' not in builtin_renderers: return class RootController(object): @expose('genshi:genshi.html') def index(self, name='Jonathan'): return dict(name=name) @expose('genshi:genshi_bad.html') def badtemplate(self): return dict() app = TestApp(Pecan(RootController(), template_path=self.template_path)) r = app.get('/') assert r.status_int == 200 assert "

Hello, Jonathan!

" in r.body r = app.get('/index.html?name=World') assert r.status_int == 200 assert "

Hello, World!

" in r.body error_msg = None try: r = app.get('/badtemplate.html') except Exception, e: for error_f in error_formatters: error_msg = error_f(e) if error_msg: break assert error_msg is not None def test_kajiki(self): if 'kajiki' not in builtin_renderers: return class RootController(object): @expose('kajiki:kajiki.html') def index(self, name='Jonathan'): return dict(name=name) app = TestApp(Pecan(RootController(), template_path=self.template_path)) r = app.get('/') assert r.status_int == 200 assert "

Hello, Jonathan!

" in r.body r = app.get('/index.html?name=World') assert r.status_int == 200 assert "

Hello, World!

" in r.body def test_jinja(self): if 'jinja' not in builtin_renderers: return class RootController(object): @expose('jinja:jinja.html') def index(self, name='Jonathan'): return dict(name=name) @expose('jinja:jinja_bad.html') def badtemplate(self): return dict() app = TestApp(Pecan(RootController(), template_path=self.template_path)) r = app.get('/') assert r.status_int == 200 assert "

Hello, Jonathan!

" in r.body error_msg = None try: r = app.get('/badtemplate.html') except Exception, e: for error_f in error_formatters: error_msg = error_f(e) if error_msg: break assert error_msg is not None def test_mako(self): if 'mako' not in builtin_renderers: return class RootController(object): @expose('mako:mako.html') def index(self, name='Jonathan'): return dict(name=name) @expose('mako:mako_bad.html') def badtemplate(self): return dict() app = TestApp(Pecan(RootController(), template_path=self.template_path)) r = app.get('/') assert r.status_int == 200 assert "

Hello, Jonathan!

" in r.body r = app.get('/index.html?name=World') assert r.status_int == 200 assert "

Hello, World!

" in r.body error_msg = None try: r = app.get('/badtemplate.html') except Exception, e: for error_f in error_formatters: error_msg = error_f(e) if error_msg: break assert error_msg is not None def test_json(self): try: from simplejson import loads except: from json import loads expected_result = dict(name='Jonathan', age=30, nested=dict(works=True)) class RootController(object): @expose('json') def index(self): return expected_result app = TestApp(Pecan(RootController())) r = app.get('/') assert r.status_int == 200 result = dict(loads(r.body)) assert result == expected_result def test_override_template(self): class RootController(object): @expose('foo.html') def index(self): override_template(None, content_type='text/plain') return 'Override' app = TestApp(Pecan(RootController())) r = app.get('/') assert r.status_int == 200 assert 'Override' in r.body assert r.content_type == 'text/plain' def test_render(self): #if 'mako' not in builtin_renderers: # return class RootController(object): @expose() def index(self, name='Jonathan'): return render('mako.html', dict(name=name)) return dict(name=name) app = TestApp(Pecan(RootController(), template_path=self.template_path)) r = app.get('/') assert r.status_int == 200 assert "

Hello, Jonathan!

" in r.body