import sys import os import json import warnings if sys.version_info < (2, 7): import unittest2 as unittest # pragma: nocover else: import unittest # pragma: nocover from webtest import TestApp import six from six import b as b_ from six.moves import cStringIO as StringIO from pecan import ( Pecan, expose, request, response, redirect, abort, make_app, override_template, render ) from pecan.templating import ( _builtin_renderers as builtin_renderers, error_formatters ) from pecan.decorators import accept_noncanonical from pecan.tests import PecanTestCase class SampleRootController(object): pass class TestAppRoot(PecanTestCase): def test_controller_lookup_by_string_path(self): app = Pecan('pecan.tests.test_base.SampleRootController') assert app.root and isinstance(app.root, SampleRootController) class TestEmptyContent(PecanTestCase): @property def app_(self): class RootController(object): @expose() def index(self): pass return TestApp(Pecan(RootController())) def test_empty_index(self): r = self.app_.get('/') self.assertEqual(r.status_int, 200) self.assertEqual(r.headers['Content-Length'], '0') self.assertEqual(len(r.body), 0) class TestIndexRouting(PecanTestCase): @property def app_(self): class RootController(object): @expose() def index(self): return 'Hello, World!' return TestApp(Pecan(RootController())) def test_empty_root(self): r = self.app_.get('/') assert r.status_int == 200 assert r.body == b_('Hello, World!') def test_index(self): r = self.app_.get('/index') assert r.status_int == 200 assert r.body == b_('Hello, World!') def test_index_html(self): r = self.app_.get('/index.html') assert r.status_int == 200 assert r.body == b_('Hello, World!') class TestObjectDispatch(PecanTestCase): @property def app_(self): class SubSubController(object): @expose() def index(self): return '/sub/sub/' @expose() def deeper(self): return '/sub/sub/deeper' class SubController(object): @expose() def index(self): return '/sub/' @expose() def deeper(self): return '/sub/deeper' sub = SubSubController() class RootController(object): @expose() def index(self): return '/' @expose() def deeper(self): return '/deeper' sub = SubController() return TestApp(Pecan(RootController())) def test_index(self): r = self.app_.get('/') assert r.status_int == 200 assert r.body == b_('/') def test_one_level(self): r = self.app_.get('/deeper') assert r.status_int == 200 assert r.body == b_('/deeper') def test_one_level_with_trailing(self): r = self.app_.get('/sub/') assert r.status_int == 200 assert r.body == b_('/sub/') def test_two_levels(self): r = self.app_.get('/sub/deeper') assert r.status_int == 200 assert r.body == b_('/sub/deeper') def test_two_levels_with_trailing(self): r = self.app_.get('/sub/sub/') assert r.status_int == 200 def test_three_levels(self): r = self.app_.get('/sub/sub/deeper') assert r.status_int == 200 assert r.body == b_('/sub/sub/deeper') class TestLookups(PecanTestCase): @property def app_(self): class LookupController(object): def __init__(self, someID): self.someID = someID @expose() def index(self): return '/%s' % self.someID @expose() def name(self): return '/%s/name' % self.someID class RootController(object): @expose() def index(self): return '/' @expose() def _lookup(self, someID, *remainder): return LookupController(someID), remainder return TestApp(Pecan(RootController())) def test_index(self): r = self.app_.get('/') assert r.status_int == 200 assert r.body == b_('/') def test_lookup(self): r = self.app_.get('/100/') assert r.status_int == 200 assert r.body == b_('/100') def test_lookup_with_method(self): r = self.app_.get('/100/name') assert r.status_int == 200 assert r.body == b_('/100/name') def test_lookup_with_wrong_argspec(self): class RootController(object): @expose() def _lookup(self, someID): return 'Bad arg spec' # pragma: nocover with warnings.catch_warnings(): warnings.simplefilter("ignore") app = TestApp(Pecan(RootController())) r = app.get('/foo/bar', expect_errors=True) assert r.status_int == 404 class TestCanonicalLookups(PecanTestCase): @property def app_(self): class LookupController(object): def __init__(self, someID): self.someID = someID @expose() def index(self): return self.someID class UserController(object): @expose() def _lookup(self, someID, *remainder): return LookupController(someID), remainder class RootController(object): users = UserController() return TestApp(Pecan(RootController())) def test_canonical_lookup(self): assert self.app_.get('/users', expect_errors=404).status_int == 404 assert self.app_.get('/users/', expect_errors=404).status_int == 404 assert self.app_.get('/users/100').status_int == 302 assert self.app_.get('/users/100/').body == b_('100') class TestControllerArguments(PecanTestCase): @property def app_(self): class RootController(object): @expose() def index(self, id): return 'index: %s' % id @expose() def multiple(self, one, two): return 'multiple: %s, %s' % (one, two) @expose() def optional(self, id=None): return 'optional: %s' % str(id) @expose() def multiple_optional(self, one=None, two=None, three=None): return 'multiple_optional: %s, %s, %s' % (one, two, three) @expose() def variable_args(self, *args): return 'variable_args: %s' % ', '.join(args) @expose() def variable_kwargs(self, **kwargs): data = [ '%s=%s' % (key, kwargs[key]) for key in sorted(kwargs.keys()) ] return 'variable_kwargs: %s' % ', '.join(data) @expose() def variable_all(self, *args, **kwargs): data = [ '%s=%s' % (key, kwargs[key]) for key in sorted(kwargs.keys()) ] return 'variable_all: %s' % ', '.join(list(args) + data) @expose() def eater(self, id, dummy=None, *args, **kwargs): data = [ '%s=%s' % (key, kwargs[key]) for key in sorted(kwargs.keys()) ] return 'eater: %s, %s, %s' % ( id, dummy, ', '.join(list(args) + data) ) @expose() def _route(self, args): if hasattr(self, args[0]): return getattr(self, args[0]), args[1:] else: return self.index, args return TestApp(Pecan(RootController())) def test_required_argument(self): try: r = self.app_.get('/') assert r.status_int != 200 # pragma: nocover except Exception as ex: assert type(ex) == TypeError assert ex.args[0] in ( "index() takes exactly 2 arguments (1 given)", "index() missing 1 required positional argument: 'id'" ) # this messaging changed in Python 3.3 def test_single_argument(self): r = self.app_.get('/1') assert r.status_int == 200 assert r.body == b_('index: 1') def test_single_argument_with_encoded_url(self): r = self.app_.get('/This%20is%20a%20test%21') assert r.status_int == 200 assert r.body == b_('index: This is a test!') def test_two_arguments(self): r = self.app_.get('/1/dummy', status=404) assert r.status_int == 404 def test_keyword_argument(self): r = self.app_.get('/?id=2') assert r.status_int == 200 assert r.body == b_('index: 2') def test_keyword_argument_with_encoded_url(self): r = self.app_.get('/?id=This%20is%20a%20test%21') assert r.status_int == 200 assert r.body == b_('index: This is a test!') def test_argument_and_keyword_argument(self): r = self.app_.get('/3?id=three') assert r.status_int == 200 assert r.body == b_('index: 3') def test_encoded_argument_and_keyword_argument(self): r = self.app_.get('/This%20is%20a%20test%21?id=three') assert r.status_int == 200 assert r.body == b_('index: This is a test!') def test_explicit_kwargs(self): r ='/', {'id': '4'}) assert r.status_int == 200 assert r.body == b_('index: 4') def test_path_with_explicit_kwargs(self): r ='/4', {'id': 'four'}) assert r.status_int == 200 assert r.body == b_('index: 4') def test_multiple_kwargs(self): r = self.app_.get('/?id=5&dummy=dummy') assert r.status_int == 200 assert r.body == b_('index: 5') def test_kwargs_from_root(self): r ='/', {'id': '6', 'dummy': 'dummy'}) assert r.status_int == 200 assert r.body == b_('index: 6') # multiple args def test_multiple_positional_arguments(self): r = self.app_.get('/multiple/one/two') assert r.status_int == 200 assert r.body == b_('multiple: one, two') def test_multiple_positional_arguments_with_url_encode(self): r = self.app_.get('/multiple/One%20/Two%21') assert r.status_int == 200 assert r.body == b_('multiple: One , Two!') def test_multiple_positional_arguments_with_kwargs(self): r = self.app_.get('/multiple?one=three&two=four') assert r.status_int == 200 assert r.body == b_('multiple: three, four') def test_multiple_positional_arguments_with_url_encoded_kwargs(self): r = self.app_.get('/multiple?one=Three%20&two=Four%20%21') assert r.status_int == 200 assert r.body == b_('multiple: Three , Four !') def test_positional_args_with_dictionary_kwargs(self): r ='/multiple', {'one': 'five', 'two': 'six'}) assert r.status_int == 200 assert r.body == b_('multiple: five, six') def test_positional_args_with_url_encoded_dictionary_kwargs(self): r ='/multiple', {'one': 'Five%20', 'two': 'Six%20%21'}) assert r.status_int == 200 assert r.body == b_('multiple: Five%20, Six%20%21') # optional arg def test_optional_arg(self): r = self.app_.get('/optional') assert r.status_int == 200 assert r.body == b_('optional: None') def test_multiple_optional(self): r = self.app_.get('/optional/1') assert r.status_int == 200 assert r.body == b_('optional: 1') def test_multiple_optional_url_encoded(self): r = self.app_.get('/optional/Some%20Number') assert r.status_int == 200 assert r.body == b_('optional: Some Number') def test_multiple_optional_missing(self): r = self.app_.get('/optional/2/dummy', status=404) assert r.status_int == 404 def test_multiple_with_kwargs(self): r = self.app_.get('/optional?id=2') assert r.status_int == 200 assert r.body == b_('optional: 2') def test_multiple_with_url_encoded_kwargs(self): r = self.app_.get('/optional?id=Some%20Number') assert r.status_int == 200 assert r.body == b_('optional: Some Number') def test_multiple_args_with_url_encoded_kwargs(self): r = self.app_.get('/optional/3?id=three') assert r.status_int == 200 assert r.body == b_('optional: 3') def test_url_encoded_positional_args(self): r = self.app_.get('/optional/Some%20Number?id=three') assert r.status_int == 200 assert r.body == b_('optional: Some Number') def test_optional_arg_with_kwargs(self): r ='/optional', {'id': '4'}) assert r.status_int == 200 assert r.body == b_('optional: 4') def test_optional_arg_with_url_encoded_kwargs(self): r ='/optional', {'id': 'Some%20Number'}) assert r.status_int == 200 assert r.body == b_('optional: Some%20Number') def test_multiple_positional_arguments_with_dictionary_kwargs(self): r ='/optional/5', {'id': 'five'}) assert r.status_int == 200 assert r.body == b_('optional: 5') def test_multiple_positional_url_encoded_arguments_with_kwargs(self): r ='/optional/Some%20Number', {'id': 'five'}) assert r.status_int == 200 assert r.body == b_('optional: Some Number') def test_optional_arg_with_multiple_kwargs(self): r = self.app_.get('/optional?id=6&dummy=dummy') assert r.status_int == 200 assert r.body == b_('optional: 6') def test_optional_arg_with_multiple_url_encoded_kwargs(self): r = self.app_.get('/optional?id=Some%20Number&dummy=dummy') assert r.status_int == 200 assert r.body == b_('optional: Some Number') def test_optional_arg_with_multiple_dictionary_kwargs(self): r ='/optional', {'id': '7', 'dummy': 'dummy'}) assert r.status_int == 200 assert r.body == b_('optional: 7') def test_optional_arg_with_multiple_url_encoded_dictionary_kwargs(self): r ='/optional', { 'id': 'Some%20Number', 'dummy': 'dummy' }) assert r.status_int == 200 assert r.body == b_('optional: Some%20Number') # multiple optional args def test_multiple_optional_positional_args(self): r = self.app_.get('/multiple_optional') assert r.status_int == 200 assert r.body == b_('multiple_optional: None, None, None') def test_multiple_optional_positional_args_one_arg(self): r = self.app_.get('/multiple_optional/1') assert r.status_int == 200 assert r.body == b_('multiple_optional: 1, None, None') def test_multiple_optional_positional_args_one_url_encoded_arg(self): r = self.app_.get('/multiple_optional/One%21') assert r.status_int == 200 assert r.body == b_('multiple_optional: One!, None, None') def test_multiple_optional_positional_args_all_args(self): r = self.app_.get('/multiple_optional/1/2/3') assert r.status_int == 200 assert r.body == b_('multiple_optional: 1, 2, 3') def test_multiple_optional_positional_args_all_url_encoded_args(self): r = self.app_.get('/multiple_optional/One%21/Two%21/Three%21') assert r.status_int == 200 assert r.body == b_('multiple_optional: One!, Two!, Three!') def test_multiple_optional_positional_args_too_many_args(self): r = self.app_.get('/multiple_optional/1/2/3/dummy', status=404) assert r.status_int == 404 def test_multiple_optional_positional_args_with_kwargs(self): r = self.app_.get('/multiple_optional?one=1') assert r.status_int == 200 assert r.body == b_('multiple_optional: 1, None, None') def test_multiple_optional_positional_args_with_url_encoded_kwargs(self): r = self.app_.get('/multiple_optional?one=One%21') assert r.status_int == 200 assert r.body == b_('multiple_optional: One!, None, None') def test_multiple_optional_positional_args_with_string_kwargs(self): r = self.app_.get('/multiple_optional/1?one=one') assert r.status_int == 200 assert r.body == b_('multiple_optional: 1, None, None') def test_multiple_optional_positional_args_with_encoded_str_kwargs(self): r = self.app_.get('/multiple_optional/One%21?one=one') assert r.status_int == 200 assert r.body == b_('multiple_optional: One!, None, None') def test_multiple_optional_positional_args_with_dict_kwargs(self): r ='/multiple_optional', {'one': '1'}) assert r.status_int == 200 assert r.body == b_('multiple_optional: 1, None, None') def test_multiple_optional_positional_args_with_encoded_dict_kwargs(self): r ='/multiple_optional', {'one': 'One%21'}) assert r.status_int == 200 assert r.body == b_('multiple_optional: One%21, None, None') def test_multiple_optional_positional_args_and_dict_kwargs(self): r ='/multiple_optional/1', {'one': 'one'}) assert r.status_int == 200 assert r.body == b_('multiple_optional: 1, None, None') def test_multiple_optional_encoded_positional_args_and_dict_kwargs(self): r ='/multiple_optional/One%21', {'one': 'one'}) assert r.status_int == 200 assert r.body == b_('multiple_optional: One!, None, None') def test_multiple_optional_args_with_multiple_kwargs(self): r = self.app_.get('/multiple_optional?one=1&two=2&three=3&four=4') assert r.status_int == 200 assert r.body == b_('multiple_optional: 1, 2, 3') def test_multiple_optional_args_with_multiple_encoded_kwargs(self): r = self.app_.get( '/multiple_optional?one=One%21&two=Two%21&three=Three%21&four=4' ) assert r.status_int == 200 assert r.body == b_('multiple_optional: One!, Two!, Three!') def test_multiple_optional_args_with_multiple_dict_kwargs(self): r = '/multiple_optional', {'one': '1', 'two': '2', 'three': '3', 'four': '4'} ) assert r.status_int == 200 assert r.body == b_('multiple_optional: 1, 2, 3') def test_multiple_optional_args_with_multiple_encoded_dict_kwargs(self): r = '/multiple_optional', { 'one': 'One%21', 'two': 'Two%21', 'three': 'Three%21', 'four': '4' } ) assert r.status_int == 200 assert r.body == b_('multiple_optional: One%21, Two%21, Three%21') def test_multiple_optional_args_with_last_kwarg(self): r = self.app_.get('/multiple_optional?three=3') assert r.status_int == 200 assert r.body == b_('multiple_optional: None, None, 3') def test_multiple_optional_args_with_last_encoded_kwarg(self): r = self.app_.get('/multiple_optional?three=Three%21') assert r.status_int == 200 assert r.body == b_('multiple_optional: None, None, Three!') def test_multiple_optional_args_with_middle_arg(self): r = self.app_.get('/multiple_optional', {'two': '2'}) assert r.status_int == 200 assert r.body == b_('multiple_optional: None, 2, None') def test_variable_args(self): r = self.app_.get('/variable_args') assert r.status_int == 200 assert r.body == b_('variable_args: ') def test_multiple_variable_args(self): r = self.app_.get('/variable_args/1/dummy') assert r.status_int == 200 assert r.body == b_('variable_args: 1, dummy') def test_multiple_encoded_variable_args(self): r = self.app_.get('/variable_args/Testing%20One%20Two/Three%21') assert r.status_int == 200 assert r.body == b_('variable_args: Testing One Two, Three!') def test_variable_args_with_kwargs(self): r = self.app_.get('/variable_args?id=2&dummy=dummy') assert r.status_int == 200 assert r.body == b_('variable_args: ') def test_variable_args_with_dict_kwargs(self): r ='/variable_args', {'id': '3', 'dummy': 'dummy'}) assert r.status_int == 200 assert r.body == b_('variable_args: ') def test_variable_kwargs(self): r = self.app_.get('/variable_kwargs') assert r.status_int == 200 assert r.body == b_('variable_kwargs: ') def test_multiple_variable_kwargs(self): r = self.app_.get('/variable_kwargs/1/dummy', status=404) assert r.status_int == 404 def test_multiple_variable_kwargs_with_explicit_kwargs(self): r = self.app_.get('/variable_kwargs?id=2&dummy=dummy') assert r.status_int == 200 assert r.body == b_('variable_kwargs: dummy=dummy, id=2') def test_multiple_variable_kwargs_with_explicit_encoded_kwargs(self): r = self.app_.get( '/variable_kwargs?id=Two%21&dummy=This%20is%20a%20test' ) assert r.status_int == 200 assert r.body == b_('variable_kwargs: dummy=This is a test, id=Two!') def test_multiple_variable_kwargs_with_dict_kwargs(self): r ='/variable_kwargs', {'id': '3', 'dummy': 'dummy'}) assert r.status_int == 200 assert r.body == b_('variable_kwargs: dummy=dummy, id=3') def test_multiple_variable_kwargs_with_encoded_dict_kwargs(self): r = '/variable_kwargs', {'id': 'Three%21', 'dummy': 'This%20is%20a%20test'} ) assert r.status_int == 200 result = 'variable_kwargs: dummy=This%20is%20a%20test, id=Three%21' assert r.body == b_(result) def test_variable_all(self): r = self.app_.get('/variable_all') assert r.status_int == 200 assert r.body == b_('variable_all: ') def test_variable_all_with_one_extra(self): r = self.app_.get('/variable_all/1') assert r.status_int == 200 assert r.body == b_('variable_all: 1') def test_variable_all_with_two_extras(self): r = self.app_.get('/variable_all/2/dummy') assert r.status_int == 200 assert r.body == b_('variable_all: 2, dummy') def test_variable_mixed(self): r = self.app_.get('/variable_all/3?month=1&day=12') assert r.status_int == 200 assert r.body == b_('variable_all: 3, day=12, month=1') def test_variable_mixed_explicit(self): r = self.app_.get('/variable_all/4?id=four&month=1&day=12') assert r.status_int == 200 assert r.body == b_('variable_all: 4, day=12, id=four, month=1') def test_variable_post(self): r ='/variable_all/5/dummy') assert r.status_int == 200 assert r.body == b_('variable_all: 5, dummy') def test_variable_post_with_kwargs(self): r ='/variable_all/6', {'month': '1', 'day': '12'}) assert r.status_int == 200 assert r.body == b_('variable_all: 6, day=12, month=1') def test_variable_post_mixed(self): r = '/variable_all/7', {'id': 'seven', 'month': '1', 'day': '12'} ) assert r.status_int == 200 assert r.body == b_('variable_all: 7, day=12, id=seven, month=1') def test_no_remainder(self): try: r = self.app_.get('/eater') assert r.status_int != 200 # pragma: nocover except Exception as ex: assert type(ex) == TypeError assert ex.args[0] in ( "eater() takes at least 2 arguments (1 given)", "eater() missing 1 required positional argument: 'id'" ) # this messaging changed in Python 3.3 def test_one_remainder(self): r = self.app_.get('/eater/1') assert r.status_int == 200 assert r.body == b_('eater: 1, None, ') def test_two_remainders(self): r = self.app_.get('/eater/2/dummy') assert r.status_int == 200 assert r.body == b_('eater: 2, dummy, ') def test_many_remainders(self): r = self.app_.get('/eater/3/dummy/foo/bar') assert r.status_int == 200 assert r.body == b_('eater: 3, dummy, foo, bar') def test_remainder_with_kwargs(self): r = self.app_.get('/eater/4?month=1&day=12') assert r.status_int == 200 assert r.body == b_('eater: 4, None, day=12, month=1') def test_remainder_with_many_kwargs(self): r = self.app_.get('/eater/5?id=five&month=1&day=12&dummy=dummy') assert r.status_int == 200 assert r.body == b_('eater: 5, dummy, day=12, month=1') def test_post_remainder(self): r ='/eater/6') assert r.status_int == 200 assert r.body == b_('eater: 6, None, ') def test_post_three_remainders(self): r ='/eater/7/dummy') assert r.status_int == 200 assert r.body == b_('eater: 7, dummy, ') def test_post_many_remainders(self): r ='/eater/8/dummy/foo/bar') assert r.status_int == 200 assert r.body == b_('eater: 8, dummy, foo, bar') def test_post_remainder_with_kwargs(self): r ='/eater/9', {'month': '1', 'day': '12'}) assert r.status_int == 200 assert r.body == b_('eater: 9, None, day=12, month=1') def test_post_many_remainders_with_many_kwargs(self): r = '/eater/10', {'id': 'ten', 'month': '1', 'day': '12', 'dummy': 'dummy'} ) assert r.status_int == 200 assert r.body == b_('eater: 10, dummy, day=12, month=1') class TestAbort(PecanTestCase): def test_abort(self): class RootController(object): @expose() def index(self): abort(404) app = TestApp(Pecan(RootController())) r = app.get('/', status=404) assert r.status_int == 404 def test_abort_with_detail(self): class RootController(object): @expose() def index(self): abort(status_code=401, detail='Not Authorized') app = TestApp(Pecan(RootController())) r = app.get('/', status=401) assert r.status_int == 401 class TestScriptName(PecanTestCase): def setUp(self): super(TestScriptName, self).setUp() self.environ = {'SCRIPT_NAME': '/foo'} def test_handle_script_name(self): class RootController(object): @expose() def index(self): return 'Root Index' app = TestApp(Pecan(RootController()), extra_environ=self.environ) r = app.get('/foo/') assert r.status_int == 200 class TestRedirect(PecanTestCase): @property def app_(self): class RootController(object): @expose() def index(self): redirect('/testing') @expose() def internal(self): redirect('/testing', internal=True) @expose() def bad_internal(self): redirect('/testing', internal=True, code=301) @expose() def permanent(self): redirect('/testing', code=301) @expose() def testing(self): return 'it worked!' return TestApp(make_app(RootController(), debug=False)) def test_index(self): r = self.app_.get('/') assert r.status_int == 302 r = r.follow() assert r.status_int == 200 assert r.body == b_('it worked!') def test_internal(self): r = self.app_.get('/internal') assert r.status_int == 200 assert r.body == b_('it worked!') def test_internal_with_301(self): self.assertRaises(ValueError, self.app_.get, '/bad_internal') def test_permanent_redirect(self): r = self.app_.get('/permanent') assert r.status_int == 301 r = r.follow() assert r.status_int == 200 assert r.body == b_('it worked!') def test_x_forward_proto(self): class ChildController(object): @expose() def index(self): redirect('/testing') # pragma: nocover class RootController(object): @expose() def index(self): redirect('/testing') # pragma: nocover @expose() def testing(self): return 'it worked!' # pragma: nocover child = ChildController() app = TestApp(make_app(RootController(), debug=True)) res = app.get( '/child', extra_environ=dict(HTTP_X_FORWARDED_PROTO='https') ) ##non-canonical url will redirect, so we won't get a 301 assert res.status_int == 302 ##should add trailing / and changes location to https assert res.location == 'https://localhost/child/' assert res.request.environ['HTTP_X_FORWARDED_PROTO'] == 'https' class TestInternalRedirectContext(PecanTestCase): @property def app_(self): class RootController(object): @expose() def redirect_with_context(self): request.context['foo'] = 'bar' redirect('/testing') @expose() def internal_with_context(self): request.context['foo'] = 'bar' redirect('/testing', internal=True) @expose('json') def testing(self): return request.context return TestApp(make_app(RootController(), debug=False)) def test_internal_with_request_context(self): r = self.app_.get('/internal_with_context') assert r.status_int == 200 assert json.loads(r.body.decode()) == {'foo': 'bar'} def test_context_does_not_bleed(self): r = self.app_.get('/redirect_with_context').follow() assert r.status_int == 200 assert json.loads(r.body.decode()) == {} class TestStreamedResponse(PecanTestCase): def test_streaming_response(self): class RootController(object): @expose(content_type='text/plain') def test(self, foo): if foo == 'stream': # mimic large file contents = six.BytesIO(b_('stream')) response.content_type = 'application/octet-stream', os.SEEK_END) response.content_length = contents.tell(), os.SEEK_SET) response.app_iter = contents return response else: return 'plain text' app = TestApp(Pecan(RootController())) r = app.get('/test/stream') assert r.content_type == 'application/octet-stream' assert r.body == b_('stream') r = app.get('/test/plain') assert r.content_type == 'text/plain' assert r.body == b_('plain text') class TestThreadLocalState(PecanTestCase): def test_thread_local_dir(self): """ Threadlocal proxies for request and response should properly proxy ``dir()`` calls to the underlying webob class. """ class RootController(object): @expose() def index(self): assert 'method' in dir(request) assert 'status' in dir(response) return '/' app = TestApp(Pecan(RootController())) r = app.get('/') assert r.status_int == 200 assert r.body == b_('/') def test_request_state_cleanup(self): """ After a request, the state local() should be totally clean except for (so that objects don't leak between requests) """ from pecan.core import state class RootController(object): @expose() def index(self): return '/' app = TestApp(Pecan(RootController())) r = app.get('/') assert r.status_int == 200 assert r.body == b_('/') assert state.__dict__ == {} class TestFileTypeExtensions(PecanTestCase): @property def app_(self): """ Test extension splits """ class RootController(object): @expose(content_type=None) def _default(self, *args): ext = request.pecan['extension'] assert len(args) == 1 if ext: assert ext not in args[0] return ext or '' return TestApp(Pecan(RootController())) def test_html_extension(self): r = self.app_.get('/index.html') assert r.status_int == 200 assert r.body == b_('.html') def test_image_extension(self): r = self.app_.get('/image.png') assert r.status_int == 200 assert r.body == b_('.png') def test_hidden_file(self): r = self.app_.get('/.vimrc') assert r.status_int == 200 assert r.body == b_('') def test_multi_dot_extension(self): r = self.app_.get('/gradient.min.js') assert r.status_int == 200 assert r.body == b_('.js') def test_bad_content_type(self): class RootController(object): @expose() def index(self): return '/' app = TestApp(Pecan(RootController())) r = app.get('/') assert r.status_int == 200 assert r.body == b_('/') r = app.get('/index.html', expect_errors=True) assert r.status_int == 200 assert r.body == b_('/') with warnings.catch_warnings(): warnings.simplefilter("ignore") r = app.get('/index.txt', expect_errors=True) assert r.status_int == 404 def test_unknown_file_extension(self): class RootController(object): @expose(content_type=None) def _default(self, *args): assert 'example:x.tiny' in args assert request.pecan['extension'] is None return 'SOME VALUE' app = TestApp(Pecan(RootController())) r = app.get('/example:x.tiny') assert r.status_int == 200 assert r.body == b_('SOME VALUE') def test_guessing_disabled(self): class RootController(object): @expose(content_type=None) def _default(self, *args): assert 'index.html' in args assert request.pecan['extension'] is None return 'SOME VALUE' app = TestApp(Pecan(RootController(), guess_content_type_from_ext=False)) r = app.get('/index.html') assert r.status_int == 200 assert r.body == b_('SOME VALUE') class TestContentTypeByAcceptHeaders(PecanTestCase): @property def app_(self): """ Test that content type is set appropriately based on Accept headers. """ class RootController(object): @expose(content_type='text/html') @expose(content_type='application/json') def index(self, *args): return 'Foo' return TestApp(Pecan(RootController())) def test_quality(self): r = self.app_.get('/', headers={ 'Accept': 'text/html,application/json;q=0.9,*/*;q=0.8' }) assert r.status_int == 200 assert r.content_type == 'text/html' r = self.app_.get('/', headers={ 'Accept': 'application/json,text/html;q=0.9,*/*;q=0.8' }) assert r.status_int == 200 assert r.content_type == 'application/json' def test_file_extension_has_higher_precedence(self): r = self.app_.get('/index.html', headers={ 'Accept': 'application/json,text/html;q=0.9,*/*;q=0.8' }) assert r.status_int == 200 assert r.content_type == 'text/html' def test_not_acceptable(self): r = self.app_.get('/', headers={ 'Accept': 'application/xml', }, status=406) assert r.status_int == 406 def test_accept_header_missing(self): r = self.app_.get('/') assert r.status_int == 200 assert r.content_type == 'text/html' class TestCanonicalRouting(PecanTestCase): @property def app_(self): class ArgSubController(object): @expose() def index(self, arg): return arg class AcceptController(object): @accept_noncanonical @expose() def index(self): return 'accept' class SubController(object): @expose() def index(self, **kw): return 'subindex' class RootController(object): @expose() def index(self): return 'index' sub = SubController() arg = ArgSubController() accept = AcceptController() return TestApp(Pecan(RootController())) def test_root(self): r = self.app_.get('/') assert r.status_int == 200 assert b_('index') in r.body def test_index(self): r = self.app_.get('/index') assert r.status_int == 200 assert b_('index') in r.body def test_broken_clients(self): # for broken clients r = self.app_.get('', status=302) assert r.status_int == 302 assert r.location == 'http://localhost/' def test_sub_controller_with_trailing(self): r = self.app_.get('/sub/') assert r.status_int == 200 assert b_('subindex') in r.body def test_sub_controller_redirect(self): r = self.app_.get('/sub', status=302) assert r.status_int == 302 assert r.location == 'http://localhost/sub/' def test_with_query_string(self): # try with query string r = self.app_.get('/sub?foo=bar', status=302) assert r.status_int == 302 assert r.location == 'http://localhost/sub/?foo=bar' def test_posts_fail(self): try:'/sub', dict(foo=1)) raise Exception("Post should fail") # pragma: nocover except Exception as e: assert isinstance(e, RuntimeError) def test_with_args(self): r = self.app_.get('/arg/index/foo') assert r.status_int == 200 assert r.body == b_('foo') def test_accept_noncanonical(self): r = self.app_.get('/accept/') assert r.status_int == 200 assert r.body == b_('accept') def test_accept_noncanonical_no_trailing_slash(self): r = self.app_.get('/accept') assert r.status_int == 200 assert r.body == b_('accept') class TestNonCanonical(PecanTestCase): @property def app_(self): class ArgSubController(object): @expose() def index(self, arg): return arg # pragma: nocover class AcceptController(object): @accept_noncanonical @expose() def index(self): return 'accept' # pragma: nocover class SubController(object): @expose() def index(self, **kw): return 'subindex' class RootController(object): @expose() def index(self): return 'index' sub = SubController() arg = ArgSubController() accept = AcceptController() return TestApp(Pecan(RootController(), force_canonical=False)) def test_index(self): r = self.app_.get('/') assert r.status_int == 200 assert b_('index') in r.body def test_subcontroller(self): r = self.app_.get('/sub') assert r.status_int == 200 assert b_('subindex') in r.body def test_subcontroller_with_kwargs(self): r ='/sub', dict(foo=1)) assert r.status_int == 200 assert b_('subindex') in r.body def test_sub_controller_with_trailing(self): r = self.app_.get('/sub/') assert r.status_int == 200 assert b_('subindex') in r.body def test_proxy(self): class RootController(object): @expose() def index(self): request.testing = True assert request.testing is True del request.testing assert hasattr(request, 'testing') is False return '/' app = TestApp(make_app(RootController(), debug=True)) r = app.get('/') assert r.status_int == 200 def test_app_wrap(self): class RootController(object): pass wrapped_apps = [] def wrap(app): wrapped_apps.append(app) return app make_app(RootController(), wrap_app=wrap, debug=True) assert len(wrapped_apps) == 1 class TestLogging(PecanTestCase): def test_logging_setup(self): class RootController(object): @expose() def index(self): import logging logging.getLogger('pecantesting').info('HELLO WORLD') return "HELLO WORLD" f = StringIO() app = TestApp(make_app(RootController(), logging={ 'loggers': { 'pecantesting': { 'level': 'INFO', 'handlers': ['memory'] } }, 'handlers': { 'memory': { 'level': 'INFO', 'class': 'logging.StreamHandler', 'stream': f } } })) app.get('/') assert f.getvalue() == 'HELLO WORLD\n' def test_logging_setup_with_config_obj(self): class RootController(object): @expose() def index(self): import logging logging.getLogger('pecantesting').info('HELLO WORLD') return "HELLO WORLD" f = StringIO() from pecan.configuration import conf_from_dict app = TestApp(make_app(RootController(), logging=conf_from_dict({ 'loggers': { 'pecantesting': { 'level': 'INFO', 'handlers': ['memory'] } }, 'handlers': { 'memory': { 'level': 'INFO', 'class': 'logging.StreamHandler', 'stream': f } } }))) app.get('/') assert f.getvalue() == 'HELLO WORLD\n' class TestEngines(PecanTestCase): template_path = os.path.join(os.path.dirname(__file__), 'templates') @unittest.skipIf('genshi' not in builtin_renderers, 'Genshi not installed') def test_genshi(self): class RootController(object): @expose('genshi:genshi.html') def index(self, name='Jonathan'): return dict(name=name) @expose('genshi:genshi_bad.html') def badtemplate(self): return dict() app = TestApp( Pecan(RootController(), template_path=self.template_path) ) r = app.get('/') assert r.status_int == 200 assert b_("

Hello, Jonathan!

") in r.body r = app.get('/index.html?name=World') assert r.status_int == 200 assert b_("

Hello, World!

") in r.body error_msg = None try: r = app.get('/badtemplate.html') except Exception as e: for error_f in error_formatters: error_msg = error_f(e) if error_msg: break assert error_msg is not None @unittest.skipIf('kajiki' not in builtin_renderers, 'Kajiki not installed') def test_kajiki(self): class RootController(object): @expose('kajiki:kajiki.html') def index(self, name='Jonathan'): return dict(name=name) app = TestApp( Pecan(RootController(), template_path=self.template_path) ) r = app.get('/') assert r.status_int == 200 assert b_("

Hello, Jonathan!

") in r.body r = app.get('/index.html?name=World') assert r.status_int == 200 assert b_("

Hello, World!

") in r.body @unittest.skipIf('jinja' not in builtin_renderers, 'Jinja not installed') def test_jinja(self): class RootController(object): @expose('jinja:jinja.html') def index(self, name='Jonathan'): return dict(name=name) @expose('jinja:jinja_bad.html') def badtemplate(self): return dict() app = TestApp( Pecan(RootController(), template_path=self.template_path) ) r = app.get('/') assert r.status_int == 200 assert b_("

Hello, Jonathan!

") in r.body error_msg = None try: r = app.get('/badtemplate.html') except Exception as e: for error_f in error_formatters: error_msg = error_f(e) if error_msg: break assert error_msg is not None @unittest.skipIf('mako' not in builtin_renderers, 'Mako not installed') def test_mako(self): class RootController(object): @expose('mako:mako.html') def index(self, name='Jonathan'): return dict(name=name) @expose('mako:mako_bad.html') def badtemplate(self): return dict() app = TestApp( Pecan(RootController(), template_path=self.template_path) ) r = app.get('/') assert r.status_int == 200 assert b_("

Hello, Jonathan!

") in r.body r = app.get('/index.html?name=World') assert r.status_int == 200 assert b_("

Hello, World!

") in r.body error_msg = None try: r = app.get('/badtemplate.html') except Exception as e: for error_f in error_formatters: error_msg = error_f(e) if error_msg: break assert error_msg is not None def test_json(self): try: from simplejson import loads except: from json import loads # noqa expected_result = dict( name='Jonathan', age=30, nested=dict(works=True) ) class RootController(object): @expose('json') def index(self): return expected_result app = TestApp(Pecan(RootController())) r = app.get('/') assert r.status_int == 200 result = dict(loads(r.body.decode())) assert result == expected_result def test_override_template(self): class RootController(object): @expose('foo.html') def index(self): override_template(None, content_type='text/plain') return 'Override' app = TestApp(Pecan(RootController())) r = app.get('/') assert r.status_int == 200 assert b_('Override') in r.body assert r.content_type == 'text/plain' def test_render(self): class RootController(object): @expose() def index(self, name='Jonathan'): return render('mako.html', dict(name=name)) app = TestApp( Pecan(RootController(), template_path=self.template_path) ) r = app.get('/') assert r.status_int == 200 assert b_("

Hello, Jonathan!

") in r.body