import sys from six import b as b_ from webtest import TestApp from pecan import expose, make_app from import secure, unlocked, SecureController from pecan.tests import PecanTestCase if sys.version_info < (2, 7): import unittest2 as unittest else: import unittest # noqa try: set() except: from sets import Set as set class TestSecure(PecanTestCase): def test_simple_secure(self): authorized = False class SecretController(SecureController): @expose() def index(self): return 'Index' @expose() @unlocked def allowed(self): return 'Allowed!' @classmethod def check_permissions(cls): return authorized class RootController(object): @expose() def index(self): return 'Hello, World!' @expose() @secure(lambda: False) def locked(self): return 'No dice!' @expose() @secure(lambda: True) def unlocked(self): return 'Sure thing' secret = SecretController() app = TestApp(make_app( RootController(), debug=True, static_root='tests/static' )) response = app.get('/') assert response.status_int == 200 assert response.body == b_('Hello, World!') response = app.get('/unlocked') assert response.status_int == 200 assert response.body == b_('Sure thing') response = app.get('/locked', expect_errors=True) assert response.status_int == 401 response = app.get('/secret/', expect_errors=True) assert response.status_int == 401 response = app.get('/secret/allowed') assert response.status_int == 200 assert response.body == b_('Allowed!') def test_unlocked_attribute(self): class AuthorizedSubController(object): @expose() def index(self): return 'Index' @expose() def allowed(self): return 'Allowed!' class SecretController(SecureController): @expose() def index(self): return 'Index' @expose() @unlocked def allowed(self): return 'Allowed!' authorized = unlocked(AuthorizedSubController()) class RootController(object): @expose() def index(self): return 'Hello, World!' @expose() @secure(lambda: False) def locked(self): return 'No dice!' @expose() @secure(lambda: True) def unlocked(self): return 'Sure thing' secret = SecretController() app = TestApp(make_app( RootController(), debug=True, static_root='tests/static' )) response = app.get('/') assert response.status_int == 200 assert response.body == b_('Hello, World!') response = app.get('/unlocked') assert response.status_int == 200 assert response.body == b_('Sure thing') response = app.get('/locked', expect_errors=True) assert response.status_int == 401 response = app.get('/secret/', expect_errors=True) assert response.status_int == 401 response = app.get('/secret/allowed') assert response.status_int == 200 assert response.body == b_('Allowed!') response = app.get('/secret/authorized/') assert response.status_int == 200 assert response.body == b_('Index') response = app.get('/secret/authorized/allowed') assert response.status_int == 200 assert response.body == b_('Allowed!') def test_secure_attribute(self): authorized = False class SubController(object): @expose() def index(self): return 'Hello from sub!' class RootController(object): @expose() def index(self): return 'Hello from root!' sub = secure(SubController(), lambda: authorized) app = TestApp(make_app(RootController())) response = app.get('/') assert response.status_int == 200 assert response.body == b_('Hello from root!') response = app.get('/sub/', expect_errors=True) assert response.status_int == 401 authorized = True response = app.get('/sub/') assert response.status_int == 200 assert response.body == b_('Hello from sub!') def test_secured_generic_controller(self): authorized = False class RootController(object): @classmethod def check_permissions(cls): return authorized @expose(generic=True) def index(self): return 'Index' @secure('check_permissions') @index.when(method='POST') def index_post(self): return 'I should not be allowed' @secure('check_permissions') @expose(generic=True) def secret(self): return 'I should not be allowed' app = TestApp(make_app( RootController(), debug=True, static_root='tests/static' )) response = app.get('/') assert response.status_int == 200 response ='/', expect_errors=True) assert response.status_int == 401 response = app.get('/secret/', expect_errors=True) assert response.status_int == 401 def test_secured_generic_controller_lambda(self): authorized = False class RootController(object): @expose(generic=True) def index(self): return 'Index' @secure(lambda: authorized) @index.when(method='POST') def index_post(self): return 'I should not be allowed' @secure(lambda: authorized) @expose(generic=True) def secret(self): return 'I should not be allowed' app = TestApp(make_app( RootController(), debug=True, static_root='tests/static' )) response = app.get('/') assert response.status_int == 200 response ='/', expect_errors=True) assert response.status_int == 401 response = app.get('/secret/', expect_errors=True) assert response.status_int == 401 def test_secured_generic_controller_secure_attribute(self): authorized = False class SecureController(object): @expose(generic=True) def index(self): return 'I should not be allowed' @index.when(method='POST') def index_post(self): return 'I should not be allowed' @expose(generic=True) def secret(self): return 'I should not be allowed' class RootController(object): sub = secure(SecureController(), lambda: authorized) app = TestApp(make_app( RootController(), debug=True, static_root='tests/static' )) response = app.get('/sub/', expect_errors=True) assert response.status_int == 401 response ='/sub/', expect_errors=True) assert response.status_int == 401 response = app.get('/sub/secret/', expect_errors=True) assert response.status_int == 401 def test_secured_generic_controller_secure_attribute_with_unlocked(self): class RootController(SecureController): @unlocked @expose(generic=True) def index(self): return 'Unlocked!' @unlocked @index.when(method='POST') def index_post(self): return 'Unlocked!' @expose(generic=True) def secret(self): return 'I should not be allowed' app = TestApp(make_app( RootController(), debug=True, static_root='tests/static' )) response = app.get('/') assert response.status_int == 200 response ='/') assert response.status_int == 200 response = app.get('/secret/', expect_errors=True) assert response.status_int == 401 def test_state_attribute(self): from import Any, Protected assert repr(Any) == '' assert bool(Any) is False assert repr(Protected) == '' assert bool(Protected) is True def test_secure_obj_only_failure(self): class Foo(object): pass try: secure(Foo()) except Exception as e: assert isinstance(e, TypeError) class TestObjectPathSecurity(PecanTestCase): def setUp(self): super(TestObjectPathSecurity, self).setUp() permissions_checked = set() class DeepSecretController(SecureController): authorized = False @expose() @unlocked def _lookup(self, someID, *remainder): if someID == 'notfound': return None return SubController(someID), remainder @expose() def index(self): return 'Deep Secret' @classmethod def check_permissions(cls): permissions_checked.add('deepsecret') return cls.authorized class SubController(object): def __init__(self, myID): self.myID = myID @expose() def index(self): return 'Index %s' % self.myID deepsecret = DeepSecretController() class SecretController(SecureController): authorized = False independent_authorization = False @expose() def _lookup(self, someID, *remainder): if someID == 'notfound': return None elif someID == 'lookup_wrapped': return self.wrapped, remainder return SubController(someID), remainder @secure('independent_check_permissions') @expose() def independent(self): return 'Independent Security' wrapped = secure( SubController('wrapped'), 'independent_check_permissions' ) @classmethod def check_permissions(cls): permissions_checked.add('secretcontroller') return cls.authorized @classmethod def independent_check_permissions(cls): permissions_checked.add('independent') return cls.independent_authorization class NotSecretController(object): @expose() def _lookup(self, someID, *remainder): if someID == 'notfound': return None return SubController(someID), remainder unlocked = unlocked(SubController('unlocked')) class RootController(object): secret = SecretController() notsecret = NotSecretController() self.deepsecret_cls = DeepSecretController self.secret_cls = SecretController self.permissions_checked = permissions_checked = TestApp(make_app( RootController(), debug=True, static_root='tests/static' )) def tearDown(self): self.permissions_checked.clear() self.secret_cls.authorized = False self.deepsecret_cls.authorized = False def test_sub_of_both_not_secret(self): response ='/notsecret/hi/') assert response.status_int == 200 assert response.body == b_('Index hi') def test_protected_lookup(self): response ='/secret/hi/', expect_errors=True) assert response.status_int == 401 self.secret_cls.authorized = True response ='/secret/hi/') assert response.status_int == 200 assert response.body == b_('Index hi') assert 'secretcontroller' in self.permissions_checked def test_secured_notfound_lookup(self): response ='/secret/notfound/', expect_errors=True) assert response.status_int == 404 def test_secret_through_lookup(self): response = '/notsecret/hi/deepsecret/', expect_errors=True ) assert response.status_int == 401 def test_layered_protection(self): response ='/secret/hi/deepsecret/', expect_errors=True) assert response.status_int == 401 assert 'secretcontroller' in self.permissions_checked self.secret_cls.authorized = True response ='/secret/hi/deepsecret/', expect_errors=True) assert response.status_int == 401 assert 'secretcontroller' in self.permissions_checked assert 'deepsecret' in self.permissions_checked self.deepsecret_cls.authorized = True response ='/secret/hi/deepsecret/') assert response.status_int == 200 assert response.body == b_('Deep Secret') assert 'secretcontroller' in self.permissions_checked assert 'deepsecret' in self.permissions_checked def test_cyclical_protection(self): self.secret_cls.authorized = True self.deepsecret_cls.authorized = True response ='/secret/1/deepsecret/2/deepsecret/') assert response.status_int == 200 assert response.body == b_('Deep Secret') assert 'secretcontroller' in self.permissions_checked assert 'deepsecret' in self.permissions_checked def test_unlocked_lookup(self): response ='/notsecret/1/deepsecret/2/') assert response.status_int == 200 assert response.body == b_('Index 2') assert 'deepsecret' not in self.permissions_checked response = '/notsecret/1/deepsecret/notfound/', expect_errors=True ) assert response.status_int == 404 assert 'deepsecret' not in self.permissions_checked def test_mixed_protection(self): self.secret_cls.authorized = True response = '/secret/1/deepsecret/notfound/', expect_errors=True ) assert response.status_int == 404 assert 'secretcontroller' in self.permissions_checked assert 'deepsecret' not in self.permissions_checked def test_independent_check_failure(self): response ='/secret/independent/', expect_errors=True) assert response.status_int == 401 assert len(self.permissions_checked) == 1 assert 'independent' in self.permissions_checked def test_independent_check_success(self): self.secret_cls.independent_authorization = True response ='/secret/independent') assert response.status_int == 200 assert response.body == b_('Independent Security') assert len(self.permissions_checked) == 1 assert 'independent' in self.permissions_checked def test_wrapped_attribute_failure(self): self.secret_cls.independent_authorization = False response ='/secret/wrapped/', expect_errors=True) assert response.status_int == 401 assert len(self.permissions_checked) == 1 assert 'independent' in self.permissions_checked def test_wrapped_attribute_success(self): self.secret_cls.independent_authorization = True response ='/secret/wrapped/') assert response.status_int == 200 assert response.body == b_('Index wrapped') assert len(self.permissions_checked) == 1 assert 'independent' in self.permissions_checked def test_lookup_to_wrapped_attribute_on_self(self): self.secret_cls.authorized = True self.secret_cls.independent_authorization = True response ='/secret/lookup_wrapped/') assert response.status_int == 200 assert response.body == b_('Index wrapped') assert len(self.permissions_checked) == 2 assert 'independent' in self.permissions_checked assert 'secretcontroller' in self.permissions_checked def test_unlocked_attribute_in_insecure(self): response ='/notsecret/unlocked/') assert response.status_int == 200 assert response.body == b_('Index unlocked') class SecureControllerSharedPermissionsRegression(PecanTestCase): """Regression tests for""" def setUp(self): super(SecureControllerSharedPermissionsRegression, self).setUp() class Parent(object): @expose() def index(self): return 'hello' class UnsecuredChild(Parent): pass class SecureChild(Parent, SecureController): @classmethod def check_permissions(cls): return False class RootController(object): secured = SecureChild() unsecured = UnsecuredChild() = TestApp(make_app(RootController())) def test_inherited_security(self): assert'/secured/', status=401).status_int == 401 assert'/unsecured/').status_int == 200