diff options
authorIan Cordasco <>2016-08-02 15:35:59 -0500
committerGitHub <>2016-08-02 15:35:59 -0500
commit66e43b4fea8c5b99c1bb146b7bdc0b6d3980854c (patch)
parent1e710127635f7374923ef59db937fc391e7436bd (diff)
parenta090bb2a72dfd64b0492307e9bdb608314fc1ed6 (diff)
Merge pull request #566 from daspecster/update-contributing-rst
Add contributing instructions.
1 files changed, 71 insertions, 3 deletions
diff --git a/CONTRIBUTING.rst b/CONTRIBUTING.rst
index 9771176..caab193 100644
@@ -1,4 +1,72 @@
-Contributing to ``pycodestyle``
+Contributing to pycodestyle
-Please see the `developer notes <>`_
+When contributing to pycodestyle, please observe our `Code of Conduct`_.
+Step 1: Forking pycodestyle for editing
+Fork the pycodestyle repository on GitHub. This will add
+pycodestyle to your GitHub account. You will push your changes to your
+fork and then make pull requests into the official pycodestyle repository.
+GitHub has an excellent `guide`_ that has screenshots on how to do this.
+Next, clone your fork of the pycodestyle repository to your system for
+ $ git clone<your_username>/pycodestyle
+Now you have a copy of the pycodestyle codebase that is almost ready for
+edits. Next we will setup `virtualenv`_ which will help create an isolated
+environment to manage dependancies.
+Step 2: Use virtualenv when developing
+`virtualenv`_ is a tool to create isolated python environments.
+First, install virtualenv with::
+ $ pip install virtualenv
+Next, ``cd`` to the pycodestyle repository that you cloned earlier and
+create, then activate a virtualenv::
+ $ cd pycodestyle
+ $ virtualenv pycodestyle-venv
+ $ source pycodestyle-venv/bin/activate
+Now you can install the pycodestyle requirements::
+ $ pip install -r dev-requirements.txt
+To deactivate the virtualenv you can type::
+ $ deactivate
+For more information see `virtualenv`_'s documentation.
+Step 3: Run tests
+Before creating a pull request you should run the tests to make sure that the
+changes that have been made haven't caused any regressions in functionality.
+To run the tests, the core developer team and Travis-CI use `tox`_::
+ $ pip install -r dev-requirements.txt
+ $ tox
+All the tests should pass for all available interpreters, with the summary of::
+ congratulations :)
+At this point you can create a pull request back to the official pycodestyles
+repository for review! For more information on how to make a pull request,
+GitHub has an excellent `guide`_.
+.. _virtualenv:
+.. _guide:
+.. _tox:
+.. _Code of Conduct: