Contributing to pycodestyle =========================== When contributing to pycodestyle, please observe our `Code of Conduct`_. Step 1: Forking pycodestyle for editing --------------------------------------- Fork the pycodestyle repository on GitHub. This will add pycodestyle to your GitHub account. You will push your changes to your fork and then make pull requests into the official pycodestyle repository. GitHub has an excellent `guide`_ that has screenshots on how to do this. Next, clone your fork of the pycodestyle repository to your system for editing:: $ git clone Now you have a copy of the pycodestyle codebase that is almost ready for edits. Next we will setup `virtualenv`_ which will help create an isolated environment to manage dependencies. Step 2: Use virtualenv when developing -------------------------------------- `virtualenv`_ is a tool to create isolated python environments. First, install virtualenv with:: $ pip install virtualenv Next, ``cd`` to the pycodestyle repository that you cloned earlier and create, then activate a virtualenv:: $ cd pycodestyle $ virtualenv pycodestyle-venv $ source pycodestyle-venv/bin/activate Now you can install the pycodestyle requirements:: $ pip install -r dev-requirements.txt To deactivate the virtualenv you can type:: $ deactivate For more information see `virtualenv`_'s documentation. Step 3: Run tests ----------------- Before creating a pull request you should run the tests to make sure that the changes that have been made haven't caused any regressions in functionality. To run the tests, the core developer team and Travis-CI use `tox`_:: $ pip install -r dev-requirements.txt $ tox All the tests should pass for all available interpreters, with the summary of:: congratulations :) At this point you can create a pull request back to the official pycodestyles repository for review! For more information on how to make a pull request, GitHub has an excellent `guide`_. The current tests are written in 2 styles: * standard xUnit based only on stdlib unittest (can be executed with nose) * functional test using a custom framework and executed by the pycodestyle itself when installed in dev mode. Running unittest ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ While the tests are writted using stdlib `unittest` module, the existing test include unit, integration and functional tests. There are a couple of ways to run the tests:: $ python test $ # Use nose to run specific test $ nosetests \ > testsuite.test_blank_lines:TestBlankLinesDefault.test_initial_no_blank $ # Use nose to run a subset and check coverage, and check the resulting $ $ cover/pycodestyle_py.html in your browser $ nosetests --with-coverage --cover-html -s testsuite.test_blank_lines Running functional ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ When installed in dev mode, pycodestyle will have the `--testsuite` option which can be used to run the tests:: $ pip install -e . $ # Run all tests. $ pycodestyle --testsuite testsuite $ # Run a subset of the tests. $ pycodestyle --testsuite testsuite/ .. _virtualenv: .. _guide: .. _tox: .. _Code of Conduct: