.. currentmodule:: pep8 ============== Advanced usage ============== Automated tests --------------- You can also execute ``pep8`` tests from Python code. For example, this can be highly useful for automated testing of coding style conformance in your project:: import unittest import pep8 class TestCodeFormat(unittest.TestCase): def test_pep8_conformance(self): """Test that we conform to PEP8.""" pep8style = pep8.StyleGuide(quiet=True) result = pep8style.check_files(['file1.py', 'file2.py']) self.assertEqual(result.total_errors, 0, "Found code style errors (and warnings).") If you are using ``nosetests`` for running tests, remove ``quiet=True`` since Nose suppresses stdout. There's also a shortcut for checking a single file:: import pep8 fchecker = pep8.Checker('testsuite/E27.py', show_source=True) file_errors = fchecker.check_all() print("Found %s errors (and warnings)" % file_errors) Configuring tests ----------------- You can configure automated ``pep8`` tests in a variety of ways. For example, you can pass in a path to a configuration file that ``pep8`` should use:: import pep8 pep8style = pep8.StyleGuide(config_file='/path/to/tox.ini') You can also set specific options explicitly:: pep8style = pep8.StyleGuide(ignore=['E501']) Skip file header ---------------- Another example is related to the `feature request #143 `_: skip a number of lines at the beginning and the end of a file. This use case is easy to implement through a custom wrapper for the PEP 8 library:: #!python import pep8 LINES_SLICE = slice(14, -20) class PEP8(pep8.StyleGuide): """This subclass of pep8.StyleGuide will skip the first and last lines of each file.""" def input_file(self, filename, lines=None, expected=None, line_offset=0): if lines is None: assert line_offset == 0 line_offset = LINES_SLICE.start or 0 lines = pep8.readlines(filename)[LINES_SLICE] return super(PEP8, self).input_file( filename, lines=lines, expected=expected, line_offset=line_offset) if __name__ == '__main__': pep8style = PEP8(parse_argv=True, config_file=True) report = pep8style.check_files() if report.total_errors: raise SystemExit(1) This module declares a lines' window which skips 14 lines at the beginning and 20 lines at the end. If there's no line to skip at the end, it could be changed with ``LINES_SLICE = slice(14, None)`` for example. You can save it in a file and use it with the same options as the original ``pep8``.