#: E117 W191 if False: print # indented with 1 tab #: #: W191 y = x == 2 \ or x == 3 #: E101 E117 W191 W504 if ( x == ( 3 ) or y == 4): pass #: E101 E117 W191 if x == 2 \ or y > 1 \ or x == 3: pass #: E101 E117 W191 if x == 2 \ or y > 1 \ or x == 3: pass #: #: E101 E117 W191 W504 if (foo == bar and baz == frop): pass #: E101 E117 W191 W504 if ( foo == bar and baz == frop ): pass #: #: E101 E101 E117 W191 W191 if start[1] > end_col and not ( over_indent == 4 and indent_next): return(0, "E121 continuation line over-" "indented for visual indent") #: #: E101 E117 W191 def long_function_name( var_one, var_two, var_three, var_four): print(var_one) #: E101 E117 W191 W504 if ((row < 0 or self.moduleCount <= row or col < 0 or self.moduleCount <= col)): raise Exception("%s,%s - %s" % (row, col, self.moduleCount)) #: E101 E101 E101 E101 E117 W191 W191 W191 W191 W191 W191 if bar: return( start, 'E121 lines starting with a ' 'closing bracket should be indented ' "to match that of the opening " "bracket's line" ) # #: E101 E117 W191 W504 # you want vertical alignment, so use a parens if ((foo.bar("baz") and foo.bar("frop") )): print "yes" #: E101 E117 W191 W504 # also ok, but starting to look like LISP if ((foo.bar("baz") and foo.bar("frop"))): print "yes" #: E101 E117 W191 W504 if (a == 2 or b == "abc def ghi" "jkl mno"): return True #: E101 E117 W191 W504 if (a == 2 or b == """abc def ghi jkl mno"""): return True #: W191:2:1 W191:3:1 E101:3:2 E117 if length > options.max_line_length: return options.max_line_length, \ "E501 line too long (%d characters)" % length # #: E101 E117 W191 W191 W504 if os.path.exists(os.path.join(path, PEP8_BIN)): cmd = ([os.path.join(path, PEP8_BIN)] + self._pep8_options(targetfile)) #: W191 ''' multiline string with tab in it''' #: E101 W191 '''multiline string with tabs and spaces ''' #: Okay '''sometimes, you just need to go nuts in a multiline string and allow all sorts of crap like mixed tabs and spaces or trailing whitespace or long long long long long long long long long long long long long long long long long lines ''' # nopep8 #: Okay '''this one will get no warning even though the noqa comment is not immediately after the string ''' + foo # noqa # #: E101 E117 W191 if foo is None and bar is "frop" and \ blah == 'yeah': blah = 'yeahnah' # #: E117 W191 W191 W191 if True: foo( 1, 2) #: E117 W191 W191 W191 W191 W191 def test_keys(self): """areas.json - All regions are accounted for.""" expected = set([ u'Norrbotten', u'V\xe4sterbotten', ]) #: W191 x = [ 'abc' ] #: