""" Tests for the blank_lines checker. It uses dedicated assertions which work with TestReport. """ import unittest import pycodestyle from testsuite.support import InMemoryReport class BlankLinesTestCase(unittest.TestCase): """ Common code for running blank_lines tests. """ def check(self, content): """ Run checks on `content` and return the the list of errors. """ sut = pycodestyle.StyleGuide() reporter = sut.init_report(InMemoryReport) sut.input_file( filename='in-memory-test-file.py', lines=content.splitlines(True), ) return reporter.in_memory_errors def assertNoErrors(self, actual): """ Check that the actual result from the checker has no errors. """ self.assertEqual([], actual) class TestBlankLinesDefault(BlankLinesTestCase): """ Tests for default blank with 2 blank lines for top level and 1 blank line for methods. """ def test_initial_no_blank(self): """ It will accept no blank lines at the start of the file. """ result = self.check("""def some_function(): pass """) self.assertNoErrors(result) def test_initial_lines_one_blank(self): """ It will accept 1 blank lines before the first line of actual code, even if in other places it asks for 2 """ result = self.check(""" def some_function(): pass """) self.assertNoErrors(result) def test_initial_lines_two_blanks(self): """ It will accept 2 blank lines before the first line of actual code, as normal. """ result = self.check(""" def some_function(): pass """) self.assertNoErrors(result) def test_method_less_blank_lines(self): """ It will trigger an error when less than 1 blank lin is found before method definitions. """ result = self.check("""# First comment line. class X: def a(): pass def b(): pass """) self.assertEqual([ 'E301:6:5', # b() call ], result) def test_method_less_blank_lines_comment(self): """ It will trigger an error when less than 1 blank lin is found before method definition, ignoring comments. """ result = self.check("""# First comment line. class X: def a(): pass # A comment will not make it better. def b(): pass """) self.assertEqual([ 'E301:7:5', # b() call ], result) def test_top_level_fewer_blank_lines(self): """ It will trigger an error when less 2 blank lines are found before top level definitions. """ result = self.check("""# First comment line. # Second line of comment. def some_function(): pass async def another_function(): pass def this_one_is_good(): pass class SomeCloseClass(object): pass async def this_async_is_good(): pass class AFarEnoughClass(object): pass """) self.assertEqual([ 'E302:4:1', # some_function 'E302:7:1', # another_function 'E302:14:1', # SomeCloseClass ], result) def test_top_level_more_blank_lines(self): """ It will trigger an error when more 2 blank lines are found before top level definitions. """ result = self.check("""# First comment line. # Second line of comment. def some_function(): pass def this_one_is_good(): pass class SomeFarClass(object): pass class AFarEnoughClass(object): pass """) self.assertEqual([ 'E303:6:1', # some_function 'E303:15:1', # SomeFarClass ], result) def test_method_more_blank_lines(self): """ It will trigger an error when more than 1 blank line is found before method definition """ result = self.check("""# First comment line. class SomeCloseClass(object): def oneMethod(self): pass def anotherMethod(self): pass def methodOK(self): pass def veryFar(self): pass """) self.assertEqual([ 'E303:7:5', # oneMethod 'E303:11:5', # anotherMethod 'E303:19:5', # veryFar ], result) def test_initial_lines_more_blank(self): """ It will trigger an error for more than 2 blank lines before the first line of actual code. """ result = self.check(""" def some_function(): pass """) self.assertEqual(['E303:4:1'], result) def test_blank_line_between_decorator(self): """ It will trigger an error when the decorator is followed by a blank line. """ result = self.check("""# First line. @some_decorator def some_function(): pass class SomeClass(object): @method_decorator def some_method(self): pass """) self.assertEqual(['E304:6:1', 'E304:14:5'], result) def test_blank_line_decorator(self): """ It will accept the decorators which are adjacent to the function and method definition. """ result = self.check("""# First line. @another_decorator @some_decorator def some_function(): pass class SomeClass(object): @method_decorator def some_method(self): pass """) self.assertNoErrors(result) def test_top_level_fewer_follow_lines(self): """ It will trigger an error when less than 2 blank lines are found between a top level definitions and other top level code. """ result = self.check(""" def a(): print('Something') a() """) self.assertEqual([ 'E305:5:1', # a call ], result) def test_top_level_fewer_follow_lines_comments(self): """ It will trigger an error when less than 2 blank lines are found between a top level definitions and other top level code, even if we have comments before """ result = self.check(""" def a(): print('Something') # comment # another comment # With comment still needs 2 spaces before, # as comments are ignored. a() """) self.assertEqual([ 'E305:11:1', # a call ], result) def test_top_level_good_follow_lines(self): """ It not trigger an error when 2 blank lines are found between a top level definitions and other top level code. """ result = self.check(""" def a(): print('Something') # Some comments in other parts. # More comments. # With the right spaces, # It will work, even when we have comments. a() """) self.assertNoErrors(result) def test_method_fewer_follow_lines(self): """ It will trigger an error when less than 1 blank line is found between a method and previous definitions. """ result = self.check(""" def a(): x = 1 def b(): pass """) self.assertEqual([ 'E306:4:5', # b() call ], result) def test_method_nested_fewer_follow_lines(self): """ It will trigger an error when less than 1 blank line is found between a method and previous definitions, even when nested. """ result = self.check(""" def a(): x = 2 def b(): x = 1 def c(): pass """) self.assertEqual([ 'E306:7:9', # c() call ], result) def test_method_nested_less_class(self): """ It will trigger an error when less than 1 blank line is found between a method and previous definitions, even when used to define a class. """ result = self.check(""" def a(): x = 1 class C: pass """) self.assertEqual([ 'E306:4:5', # class C definition. ], result) def test_method_nested_ok(self): """ Will not trigger an error when 1 blank line is found found between a method and previous definitions, even when nested. """ result = self.check(""" def a(): x = 2 def b(): x = 1 def c(): pass class C: pass """) self.assertNoErrors(result) class TestBlankLinesTwisted(BlankLinesTestCase): """ Tests for blank_lines with 3 blank lines for top level and 2 blank line for methods as used by the Twisted coding style. """ def setUp(self): self._original_lines_config = pycodestyle.BLANK_LINES_CONFIG.copy() pycodestyle.BLANK_LINES_CONFIG['top_level'] = 3 pycodestyle.BLANK_LINES_CONFIG['method'] = 2 def tearDown(self): pycodestyle.BLANK_LINES_CONFIG = self._original_lines_config def test_initial_lines_one_blanks(self): """ It will accept less than 3 blank lines before the first line of actual code. """ result = self.check(""" def some_function(): pass """) self.assertNoErrors(result) def test_initial_lines_tree_blanks(self): """ It will accept 3 blank lines before the first line of actual code, as normal. """ result = self.check(""" def some_function(): pass """) self.assertNoErrors(result) def test_top_level_fewer_blank_lines(self): """ It will trigger an error when less 2 blank lines are found before top level definitions. """ result = self.check("""# First comment line. # Second line of comment. def some_function(): pass async def another_function(): pass def this_one_is_good(): pass class SomeCloseClass(object): pass async def this_async_is_good(): pass class AFarEnoughClass(object): pass """) self.assertEqual([ 'E302:5:1', # some_function 'E302:9:1', # another_function 'E302:17:1', # SomeCloseClass ], result) def test_top_level_more_blank_lines(self): """ It will trigger an error when more 2 blank lines are found before top level definitions. """ result = self.check("""# First comment line. # Second line of comment. def some_function(): pass def this_one_is_good(): pass class SomeVeryFarClass(object): pass class AFarEnoughClass(object): pass """) self.assertEqual([ 'E303:7:1', # some_function 'E303:18:1', # SomeVeryFarClass ], result) def test_the_right_blanks(self): """ It will accept 3 blank for top level and 2 for nested. """ result = self.check(""" def some_function(): pass # With comments. some_other = code_here class SomeClass: ''' Docstring here. ''' def some_method(): pass def another_method(): pass # More methods. def another_method_with_comment(): pass @decorator def another_method_with_comment(): pass """) self.assertNoErrors(result)