import platform import unittest import re import os import sys import pexpect from pexpect import replwrap skip_pypy = "This test fails on PyPy because of REPL differences" class REPLWrapTestCase(unittest.TestCase): def setUp(self): super(REPLWrapTestCase, self).setUp() self.save_ps1 = os.getenv('PS1', r'\$') self.save_ps2 = os.getenv('PS2', '>') os.putenv('PS1', r'\$') os.putenv('PS2', '>') def tearDown(self): super(REPLWrapTestCase, self).tearDown() os.putenv('PS1', self.save_ps1) os.putenv('PS2', self.save_ps2) def test_bash(self): bash = replwrap.bash() res = bash.run_command("alias") assert 'alias' in res, res try: bash.run_command('') except ValueError: pass else: assert False, "Didn't raise ValueError for empty input" def test_pager_as_cat(self): " PAGER is set to cat, to prevent timeout in ``man sleep``. " bash = replwrap.bash() res = bash.run_command('man sleep', timeout=5) assert 'SLEEP' in res.upper(), res def test_bash_env(self): """env, which displays PS1=..., should not mess up finding the prompt. """ bash = replwrap.bash() res = bash.run_command("export PS1") res = bash.run_command("env") self.assertIn('PS1', res) res = bash.run_command("echo $HOME") assert res.startswith('/'), res def test_long_running_multiline(self): " ensure the default timeout is used for multi-line commands. " bash = replwrap.bash() res = bash.run_command("echo begin\r\nsleep 2\r\necho done") self.assertEqual(res.strip().splitlines(), ['begin', 'done']) def test_long_running_continuation(self): " also ensure timeout when used within continuation prompts. " bash = replwrap.bash() # The two extra '\\' in the following expression force a continuation # prompt: # $ echo begin\ # + ; # $ sleep 2 # $ echo done res = bash.run_command("echo begin\\\n;sleep 2\r\necho done") self.assertEqual(res.strip().splitlines(), ['begin', 'done']) def test_multiline(self): bash = replwrap.bash() res = bash.run_command("echo '1 2\n3 4'") self.assertEqual(res.strip().splitlines(), ['1 2', '3 4']) # Should raise ValueError if input is incomplete try: bash.run_command("echo '5 6") except ValueError: pass else: assert False, "Didn't raise ValueError for incomplete input" # Check that the REPL was reset (SIGINT) after the incomplete input res = bash.run_command("echo '1 2\n3 4'") self.assertEqual(res.strip().splitlines(), ['1 2', '3 4']) def test_existing_spawn(self): child = pexpect.spawn("bash", timeout=5, encoding='utf-8') repl = replwrap.REPLWrapper(child, re.compile('[$#]'), "PS1='{0}' PS2='{1}' " "PROMPT_COMMAND=''") res = repl.run_command("echo $HOME") assert res.startswith('/'), res def test_python(self): if platform.python_implementation() == 'PyPy': raise unittest.SkipTest(skip_pypy) p = replwrap.python() res = p.run_command('4+7') assert res.strip() == '11' res = p.run_command('for a in range(3): print(a)\n') assert res.strip().splitlines() == ['0', '1', '2'] def test_no_change_prompt(self): if platform.python_implementation() == 'PyPy': raise unittest.SkipTest(skip_pypy) child = pexpect.spawn(sys.executable, echo=False, timeout=5, encoding='utf-8') # prompt_change=None should mean no prompt change py = replwrap.REPLWrapper(child, u">>> ", prompt_change=None, continuation_prompt=u"... ") assert py.prompt == ">>> " res = py.run_command("for a in range(3): print(a)\n") assert res.strip().splitlines() == ['0', '1', '2'] if __name__ == '__main__': unittest.main()