import importlib import os import pytest from pint import UnitRegistry # Conditionally import NumPy, Dask, and Distributed np = pytest.importorskip("numpy", reason="NumPy is not available") dask = pytest.importorskip("dask", reason="Dask is not available") distributed = pytest.importorskip("distributed", reason="Distributed is not available") from dask.distributed import Client from distributed.client import futures_of from distributed.utils_test import ( # noqa: F401 cleanup, cluster, gen_cluster, loop, loop_in_thread, ) loop = loop # flake8 units_ = "kilogram" @pytest.fixture(scope="module") def local_registry(): # Set up unit registry and sample return UnitRegistry(force_ndarray_like=True) def add_five(local_registry, q): return q + 5 * local_registry(units_) @pytest.fixture def dask_array(): return dask.array.arange(0, 25, chunks=5, dtype=float).reshape((5, 5)) @pytest.fixture def numpy_array(): return np.arange(0, 25, dtype=float).reshape((5, 5)) + 5 def test_is_dask_collection(local_registry, dask_array): """Test that a pint.Quantity wrapped Dask array is a Dask collection.""" q = local_registry.Quantity(dask_array, units_) assert dask.is_dask_collection(q) def test_is_not_dask_collection(local_registry, numpy_array): """Test that other pint.Quantity wrapped objects are not Dask collections.""" q = local_registry.Quantity(numpy_array, units_) assert not dask.is_dask_collection(q) def test_dask_scheduler(local_registry, dask_array): """Test that a pint.Quantity wrapped Dask array has the correct default scheduler.""" q = local_registry.Quantity(dask_array, units_) scheduler = q.__dask_scheduler__ scheduler_name = f"{scheduler.__module__}.{scheduler.__name__}" true_name = "dask.threaded.get" assert scheduler == dask.array.Array.__dask_scheduler__ assert scheduler_name == true_name @pytest.mark.parametrize( "item", ( pytest.param(1, id="int"), pytest.param(1.3, id="float"), pytest.param(np.array([1, 2]), id="numpy"), pytest.param( dask.array.arange(0, 25, chunks=5, dtype=float).reshape((5, 5)), id="dask" ), ), ) def test_dask_tokenize(local_registry, item): """Test that a pint.Quantity wrapping something has a unique token.""" dask_token = dask.base.tokenize(item) q = local_registry.Quantity(item, units_) assert dask.base.tokenize(item) != dask.base.tokenize(q) assert dask.base.tokenize(item) == dask_token def test_dask_optimize(local_registry, dask_array): """Test that a pint.Quantity wrapped Dask array can be optimized.""" q = local_registry.Quantity(dask_array, units_) assert q.__dask_optimize__ == dask.array.Array.__dask_optimize__ def test_compute(local_registry, dask_array, numpy_array): """Test the compute() method on a pint.Quantity wrapped Dask array.""" q = local_registry.Quantity(dask_array, units_) comps = add_five(local_registry, q) res = comps.compute() assert np.all(res.m == numpy_array) assert not dask.is_dask_collection(res) assert res.units == units_ assert q.magnitude is dask_array def test_persist(local_registry, dask_array, numpy_array): """Test the persist() method on a pint.Quantity wrapped Dask array.""" q = local_registry.Quantity(dask_array, units_) comps = add_five(local_registry, q) res = comps.persist() assert np.all(res.m == numpy_array) assert dask.is_dask_collection(res) assert res.units == units_ assert q.magnitude is dask_array @pytest.mark.skipif( importlib.util.find_spec("graphviz") is None, reason="GraphViz is not available" ) def test_visualize(local_registry, dask_array): """Test the visualize() method on a pint.Quantity wrapped Dask array.""" q = local_registry.Quantity(dask_array, units_) comps = add_five(local_registry, q) res = comps.visualize() assert res is None # These commands only work on Unix and Windows assert os.path.exists("mydask.png") os.remove("mydask.png") def test_compute_persist_equivalent(local_registry, dask_array, numpy_array): """Test that compute() and persist() return the same numeric results.""" q = local_registry.Quantity(dask_array, units_) comps = add_five(local_registry, q) res_compute = comps.compute() res_persist = comps.persist() assert np.all(res_compute == res_persist) assert res_compute.units == res_persist.units == units_ assert type(res_compute) == local_registry.Quantity assert type(res_persist) == local_registry.Quantity @pytest.mark.parametrize("method", ["compute", "persist", "visualize"]) def test_exception_method_not_implemented(local_registry, numpy_array, method): """Test exception handling for convenience methods on a pint.Quantity wrapped object that is not a dask.array.Array object. """ q = local_registry.Quantity(numpy_array, units_) exctruth = ( f"Method {method} only implemented for objects of" " , not" " " ) with pytest.raises(AttributeError, match=exctruth): obj_method = getattr(q, method) obj_method() def test_distributed_compute(local_registry, loop, dask_array, numpy_array): """Test compute() for distributed machines.""" q = local_registry.Quantity(dask_array, units_) with cluster() as (s, [a, b]): with Client(s["address"], loop=loop): comps = add_five(local_registry, q) res = comps.compute() assert np.all(res.m == numpy_array) assert not dask.is_dask_collection(res) assert res.units == units_ assert q.magnitude is dask_array def test_distributed_persist(local_registry, loop, dask_array): """Test persist() for distributed machines.""" q = local_registry.Quantity(dask_array, units_) with cluster() as (s, [a, b]): with Client(s["address"], loop=loop): comps = add_five(local_registry, q) persisted_q = comps.persist() comps_truth = dask_array + 5 persisted_truth = comps_truth.persist() assert np.all(persisted_q.m == persisted_truth) assert dask.is_dask_collection(persisted_q) assert persisted_q.units == units_ assert q.magnitude is dask_array @gen_cluster(client=True) async def test_async(c, s, a, b): """Test asynchronous operations.""" # TODO: use a fixture for this. local_registry = UnitRegistry(force_ndarray_like=True) da = dask.array.arange(0, 25, chunks=5, dtype=float).reshape((5, 5)) q = local_registry.Quantity(da, units_) x = q + local_registry.Quantity(5, units_) y = x.persist() assert str(y) assert dask.is_dask_collection(y) assert len(x.__dask_graph__()) > len(y.__dask_graph__()) assert not futures_of(x) assert futures_of(y) future = c.compute(y) w = await future assert not dask.is_dask_collection(w) truth = np.arange(0, 25, dtype=float).reshape((5, 5)) + 5 assert np.all(truth == w.m)