#!/usr/bin/env python3 # Copyright (c) 2009, Giampaolo Rodola'. All rights reserved. # Use of this source code is governed by a BSD-style license that can be # found in the LICENSE file. """ Print detailed information about a process. Author: Giampaolo Rodola' $ python3 scripts/procinfo.py pid 4600 name chrome parent 4554 (bash) exe /opt/google/chrome/chrome cwd /home/giampaolo cmdline /opt/google/chrome/chrome started 2016-09-19 11:12 cpu-tspent 27:27.68 cpu-times user=8914.32, system=3530.59, children_user=1.46, children_system=1.31 cpu-affinity [0, 1, 2, 3, 4, 5, 6, 7] memory rss=520.5M, vms=1.9G, shared=132.6M, text=95.0M, lib=0B, data=816.5M, dirty=0B memory % 3.26 user giampaolo uids real=1000, effective=1000, saved=1000 uids real=1000, effective=1000, saved=1000 terminal /dev/pts/2 status sleeping nice 0 ionice class=IOPriority.IOPRIO_CLASS_NONE, value=0 num-threads 47 num-fds 379 I/O read_count=96.6M, write_count=80.7M, read_bytes=293.2M, write_bytes=24.5G ctx-switches voluntary=30426463, involuntary=460108 children PID NAME 4605 cat 4606 cat 4609 chrome 4669 chrome open-files PATH /opt/google/chrome/icudtl.dat /opt/google/chrome/snapshot_blob.bin /opt/google/chrome/natives_blob.bin /opt/google/chrome/chrome_100_percent.pak [...] connections PROTO LOCAL ADDR REMOTE ADDR STATUS UDP *:* NONE TCP ESTABLISHED UDP *:* NONE TCP ESTABLISHED UDP :::5353 *:* NONE UDP *:* NONE threads TID USER SYSTEM 11795 0.7 1.35 11796 0.68 1.37 15887 0.74 0.03 19055 0.77 0.01 [...] total=47 res-limits RLIMIT SOFT HARD virtualmem infinity infinity coredumpsize 0 infinity cputime infinity infinity datasize infinity infinity filesize infinity infinity locks infinity infinity memlock 65536 65536 msgqueue 819200 819200 nice 0 0 openfiles 8192 65536 maxprocesses 63304 63304 rss infinity infinity realtimeprio 0 0 rtimesched infinity infinity sigspending 63304 63304 stack 8388608 infinity mem-maps RSS PATH 381.4M [anon] 62.8M /opt/google/chrome/chrome 15.8M /home/giampaolo/.config/google-chrome/Default/History 6.6M /home/giampaolo/.config/google-chrome/Default/Favicons [...] """ import argparse import datetime import socket import sys import psutil from psutil._common import bytes2human ACCESS_DENIED = '' NON_VERBOSE_ITERATIONS = 4 RLIMITS_MAP = { "RLIMIT_AS": "virtualmem", "RLIMIT_CORE": "coredumpsize", "RLIMIT_CPU": "cputime", "RLIMIT_DATA": "datasize", "RLIMIT_FSIZE": "filesize", "RLIMIT_MEMLOCK": "memlock", "RLIMIT_MSGQUEUE": "msgqueue", "RLIMIT_NICE": "nice", "RLIMIT_NOFILE": "openfiles", "RLIMIT_NPROC": "maxprocesses", "RLIMIT_NPTS": "pseudoterms", "RLIMIT_RSS": "rss", "RLIMIT_RTPRIO": "realtimeprio", "RLIMIT_RTTIME": "rtimesched", "RLIMIT_SBSIZE": "sockbufsize", "RLIMIT_SIGPENDING": "sigspending", "RLIMIT_STACK": "stack", "RLIMIT_SWAP": "swapuse", } def print_(a, b): if sys.stdout.isatty() and psutil.POSIX: fmt = '\x1b[1;32m%-13s\x1b[0m %s' % (a, b) else: fmt = '%-11s %s' % (a, b) print(fmt) def str_ntuple(nt, convert_bytes=False): if nt == ACCESS_DENIED: return "" if not convert_bytes: return ", ".join(["%s=%s" % (x, getattr(nt, x)) for x in nt._fields]) else: return ", ".join(["%s=%s" % (x, bytes2human(getattr(nt, x))) for x in nt._fields]) def run(pid, verbose=False): try: proc = psutil.Process(pid) pinfo = proc.as_dict(ad_value=ACCESS_DENIED) except psutil.NoSuchProcess as err: sys.exit(str(err)) # collect other proc info with proc.oneshot(): try: parent = proc.parent() if parent: parent = '(%s)' % parent.name() else: parent = '' except psutil.Error: parent = '' try: pinfo['children'] = proc.children() except psutil.Error: pinfo['children'] = [] if pinfo['create_time']: started = datetime.datetime.fromtimestamp( pinfo['create_time']).strftime('%Y-%m-%d %H:%M') else: started = ACCESS_DENIED # here we go print_('pid', pinfo['pid']) print_('name', pinfo['name']) print_('parent', '%s %s' % (pinfo['ppid'], parent)) print_('exe', pinfo['exe']) print_('cwd', pinfo['cwd']) print_('cmdline', ' '.join(pinfo['cmdline'])) print_('started', started) cpu_tot_time = datetime.timedelta(seconds=sum(pinfo['cpu_times'])) cpu_tot_time = "%s:%s.%s" % ( cpu_tot_time.seconds // 60 % 60, str((cpu_tot_time.seconds % 60)).zfill(2), str(cpu_tot_time.microseconds)[:2]) print_('cpu-tspent', cpu_tot_time) print_('cpu-times', str_ntuple(pinfo['cpu_times'])) if hasattr(proc, "cpu_affinity"): print_("cpu-affinity", pinfo["cpu_affinity"]) if hasattr(proc, "cpu_num"): print_("cpu-num", pinfo["cpu_num"]) print_('memory', str_ntuple(pinfo['memory_info'], convert_bytes=True)) print_('memory %', round(pinfo['memory_percent'], 2)) print_('user', pinfo['username']) if psutil.POSIX: print_('uids', str_ntuple(pinfo['uids'])) if psutil.POSIX: print_('uids', str_ntuple(pinfo['uids'])) if psutil.POSIX: print_('terminal', pinfo['terminal'] or '') print_('status', pinfo['status']) print_('nice', pinfo['nice']) if hasattr(proc, "ionice"): try: ionice = proc.ionice() except psutil.Error: pass else: if psutil.WINDOWS: print_("ionice", ionice) else: print_("ionice", "class=%s, value=%s" % ( str(ionice.ioclass), ionice.value)) print_('num-threads', pinfo['num_threads']) if psutil.POSIX: print_('num-fds', pinfo['num_fds']) if psutil.WINDOWS: print_('num-handles', pinfo['num_handles']) if 'io_counters' in pinfo: print_('I/O', str_ntuple(pinfo['io_counters'], convert_bytes=True)) if 'num_ctx_switches' in pinfo: print_("ctx-switches", str_ntuple(pinfo['num_ctx_switches'])) if pinfo['children']: template = "%-6s %s" print_("children", template % ("PID", "NAME")) for child in pinfo['children']: try: print_('', template % (child.pid, child.name())) except psutil.AccessDenied: print_('', template % (child.pid, "")) except psutil.NoSuchProcess: pass if pinfo['open_files']: print_('open-files', 'PATH') for i, file in enumerate(pinfo['open_files']): if not verbose and i >= NON_VERBOSE_ITERATIONS: print_("", "[...]") break print_('', file.path) else: print_('open-files', '') if pinfo['connections']: template = '%-5s %-25s %-25s %s' print_('connections', template % ('PROTO', 'LOCAL ADDR', 'REMOTE ADDR', 'STATUS')) for conn in pinfo['connections']: if conn.type == socket.SOCK_STREAM: type = 'TCP' elif conn.type == socket.SOCK_DGRAM: type = 'UDP' else: type = 'UNIX' lip, lport = conn.laddr if not conn.raddr: rip, rport = '*', '*' else: rip, rport = conn.raddr print_('', template % ( type, "%s:%s" % (lip, lport), "%s:%s" % (rip, rport), conn.status)) else: print_('connections', '') if pinfo['threads'] and len(pinfo['threads']) > 1: template = "%-5s %12s %12s" print_('threads', template % ("TID", "USER", "SYSTEM")) for i, thread in enumerate(pinfo['threads']): if not verbose and i >= NON_VERBOSE_ITERATIONS: print_("", "[...]") break print_('', template % thread) print_('', "total=%s" % len(pinfo['threads'])) else: print_('threads', '') if hasattr(proc, "rlimit"): res_names = [x for x in dir(psutil) if x.startswith("RLIMIT")] resources = [] for res_name in res_names: try: soft, hard = proc.rlimit(getattr(psutil, res_name)) except psutil.AccessDenied: pass else: resources.append((res_name, soft, hard)) if resources: template = "%-12s %15s %15s" print_("res-limits", template % ("RLIMIT", "SOFT", "HARD")) for res_name, soft, hard in resources: if soft == psutil.RLIM_INFINITY: soft = "infinity" if hard == psutil.RLIM_INFINITY: hard = "infinity" print_('', template % ( RLIMITS_MAP.get(res_name, res_name), soft, hard)) if hasattr(proc, "environ") and pinfo['environ']: template = "%-25s %s" print_("environ", template % ("NAME", "VALUE")) for i, k in enumerate(sorted(pinfo['environ'])): if not verbose and i >= NON_VERBOSE_ITERATIONS: print_("", "[...]") break print_("", template % (k, pinfo['environ'][k])) if pinfo.get('memory_maps', None): template = "%-8s %s" print_("mem-maps", template % ("RSS", "PATH")) maps = sorted(pinfo['memory_maps'], key=lambda x: x.rss, reverse=True) for i, region in enumerate(maps): if not verbose and i >= NON_VERBOSE_ITERATIONS: print_("", "[...]") break print_("", template % (bytes2human(region.rss), region.path)) def main(): parser = argparse.ArgumentParser( description="print information about a process") parser.add_argument("pid", type=int, help="process pid", nargs='?') parser.add_argument('--verbose', '-v', action='store_true', help="print more info") args = parser.parse_args() run(args.pid, args.verbose) if __name__ == '__main__': sys.exit(main())