tag name2_4_2 (d2a3bcc440a01c04e9e1eb5c018ee99236236939)
tag date2011-06-13 18:54:38 +0200
tagged byFederico Di Gregorio <>
tagged objectcommit f8ff2ccc49...
Release 2.4.2
- Added 'set_session()' method and 'autocommit' property to the connection. Added support for read-only sessions and, for PostgreSQL 9.1, for the "repeatable read" isolation level and the "deferrable" transaction property. - Psycopg doesn't execute queries at connection time to find the default isolation level. - Fixed bug with multithread code potentially causing loss of sync with the server communication or lock of the client (ticket #55). - Don't fail import if mx.DateTime module can't be found, even if its support was built (ticket #53). - Fixed escape for negative numbers prefixed by minus operator (ticket #57). - Fixed refcount issue during copy. Reported and fixed by Dave Malcolm (ticket #58, Red Hat Bug 711095). - Trying to execute concurrent operations on the same connection through concurrent green thread results in an error instead of a deadlock. - Fixed detection of pg_config on Window. Report and fix, plus some long needed cleanup by Steve Lacy: thanks! -----BEGIN PGP SIGNATURE----- Version: GnuPG v1.4.11 (GNU/Linux) iEYEABECAAYFAk32QOwACgkQvcCgrgZGjeugqwCgm1BZoHCI+Goa+8rR9lABnj5j W00AoL71kP8Juz2ncpBLAOvX2BUW1yzb =oVgh -----END PGP SIGNATURE-----