import socket from struct import pack from unittest.mock import ANY, Mock, call, patch import pytest import amqp from amqp import Channel, Connection, Message, sasl, spec from amqp.exceptions import (AccessRefused, ConnectionError, InvalidCommand, NotFound, PreconditionFailed, ResourceLocked) from amqp.protocol import queue_declare_ok_t from amqp.serialization import dumps, loads connection_testdata = ( (spec.Connection.Blocked, '_on_blocked'), (spec.Connection.Unblocked, '_on_unblocked'), (spec.Connection.Secure, '_on_secure'), (spec.Connection.CloseOk, '_on_close_ok'), ) channel_testdata = ( (spec.Basic.Ack, '_on_basic_ack'), (spec.Basic.Nack, '_on_basic_nack'), (spec.Basic.CancelOk, '_on_basic_cancel_ok'), ) exchange_declare_error_testdata = ( ( 503, "COMMAND_INVALID - " "unknown exchange type 'exchange-type'", InvalidCommand ), ( 403, "ACCESS_REFUSED - " "exchange name '' contains reserved prefix 'amq.*'", AccessRefused ), ( 406, "PRECONDITION_FAILED - " "inequivalent arg 'type' for exchange 'foo' in vhost '/':" "received 'direct' but current is 'fanout'", PreconditionFailed ), ) queue_declare_error_testdata = ( ( 403, "ACCESS_REFUSED - " "queue name '' contains reserved prefix 'amq.*", AccessRefused ), ( 404, "NOT_FOUND - " "no queue 'foo' in vhost '/'", NotFound ), ( 405, "RESOURCE_LOCKED - " "cannot obtain exclusive access to locked queue 'foo' in vhost '/'", ResourceLocked ), ) CLIENT_PROPERTIES = { 'product': 'py-amqp', 'product_version': amqp.__version__, 'capabilities': { 'consumer_cancel_notify': True, 'connection.blocked': True, 'authentication_failure_close': True }, } SERVER_PROPERTIES = { 'capabilities': { 'publisher_confirms': True, 'exchange_exchange_bindings': True, 'basic.nack': True, 'consumer_cancel_notify': True, 'connection.blocked': True, 'consumer_priorities': True, 'authentication_failure_close': True, 'per_consumer_qos': True, 'direct_reply_to': True }, 'cluster_name': '', 'copyright': 'Copyright (C) 2007-2018 Pivotal Software, Inc.', 'information': 'Licensed under the MPL. See', 'platform': 'Erlang/OTP', 'product': 'RabbitMQ', 'version': '3.7.8' } def build_frame_type_1(method, channel=0, args=b'', arg_format=None): if len(args) > 0: args = dumps(arg_format, args) else: args = b'' frame = (b''.join([pack('>HH', *method), args])) return 1, channel, frame def build_frame_type_2(body_len, channel, properties): frame = (b''.join( [pack('>HxxQ', spec.Basic.CLASS_ID, body_len), properties]) ) return 2, channel, frame def build_frame_type_3(channel, body): return 3, channel, body class DataComparator: # Comparator used for asserting serialized data. It can be used # in cases when direct comparison of bytestream cannot be used # (mainly cases of Table type where order of items can vary) def __init__(self, argsig, items): self.argsig = argsig self.items = items def __eq__(self, other): values, offset = loads(self.argsig, other, 0) return tuple(values) == tuple(self.items) def handshake(conn, transport_mock, server_properties=None): # Helper function simulating connection handshake with server if server_properties is None: server_properties = SERVER_PROPERTIES transport_mock().read_frame.side_effect = [ build_frame_type_1( spec.Connection.Start, channel=0, args=( 0, 9, server_properties, 'AMQPLAIN PLAIN', 'en_US' ), arg_format='ooFSS' ), build_frame_type_1( spec.Connection.Tune, channel=0, args=(2047, 131072, 60), arg_format='BlB' ), build_frame_type_1( spec.Connection.OpenOk, channel=0 ) ] conn.connect() transport_mock().read_frame.side_effect = None def create_channel(channel_id, conn, transport_mock): transport_mock().read_frame.side_effect = [ build_frame_type_1( spec.Channel.OpenOk, channel=channel_id, args=(1, False), arg_format='Lb' ) ] ch = transport_mock().read_frame.side_effect = None return ch class test_connection: # Integration tests. Tests verify the correctness of communication between # library and broker. # * tests mocks broker responses mocking return values of # amqp.transport.Transport.read_frame() method # * tests asserts expected library responses to broker via calls of # amqp.method_framing.frame_writer() function def test_connect(self): # Test checking connection handshake frame_writer_cls_mock = Mock() on_open_mock = Mock() frame_writer_mock = frame_writer_cls_mock() conn = Connection( frame_writer=frame_writer_cls_mock, on_open=on_open_mock ) with patch.object(conn, 'Transport') as transport_mock: handshake(conn, transport_mock) on_open_mock.assert_called_once_with(conn) security_mechanism = sasl.AMQPLAIN( 'guest', 'guest' ).start(conn).decode('utf-8', 'surrogatepass') # Expected responses from client frame_writer_mock.assert_has_calls( [ call( 1, 0, spec.Connection.StartOk, # Due Table type, we cannot compare bytestream directly DataComparator( 'FsSs', ( CLIENT_PROPERTIES, 'AMQPLAIN', security_mechanism, 'en_US' ) ), None ), call( 1, 0, spec.Connection.TuneOk, dumps( 'BlB', (conn.channel_max, conn.frame_max, conn.heartbeat) ), None ), call( 1, 0, spec.Connection.Open, dumps('ssb', (conn.virtual_host, '', False)), None ) ] ) assert conn.client_properties == CLIENT_PROPERTIES def test_connect_no_capabilities(self): # Test checking connection handshake with broker # not supporting capabilities frame_writer_cls_mock = Mock() on_open_mock = Mock() frame_writer_mock = frame_writer_cls_mock() conn = Connection( frame_writer=frame_writer_cls_mock, on_open=on_open_mock ) with patch.object(conn, 'Transport') as transport_mock: server_properties = dict(SERVER_PROPERTIES) del server_properties['capabilities'] client_properties = dict(CLIENT_PROPERTIES) del client_properties['capabilities'] handshake( conn, transport_mock, server_properties=server_properties ) on_open_mock.assert_called_once_with(conn) security_mechanism = sasl.AMQPLAIN( 'guest', 'guest' ).start(conn).decode('utf-8', 'surrogatepass') # Expected responses from client frame_writer_mock.assert_has_calls( [ call( 1, 0, spec.Connection.StartOk, # Due Table type, we cannot compare bytestream directly DataComparator( 'FsSs', ( client_properties, 'AMQPLAIN', security_mechanism, 'en_US' ) ), None ), call( 1, 0, spec.Connection.TuneOk, dumps( 'BlB', (conn.channel_max, conn.frame_max, conn.heartbeat) ), None ), call( 1, 0, spec.Connection.Open, dumps('ssb', (conn.virtual_host, '', False)), None ) ] ) assert conn.client_properties == client_properties def test_connect_missing_capabilities(self): # Test checking connection handshake with broker # supporting subset of capabilities frame_writer_cls_mock = Mock() on_open_mock = Mock() frame_writer_mock = frame_writer_cls_mock() conn = Connection( frame_writer=frame_writer_cls_mock, on_open=on_open_mock ) with patch.object(conn, 'Transport') as transport_mock: server_properties = dict(SERVER_PROPERTIES) server_properties['capabilities'] = { # This capability is not supported by client 'basic.nack': True, 'consumer_cancel_notify': True, 'connection.blocked': False, # server does not support 'authentication_failure_close' # which is supported by client } client_properties = dict(CLIENT_PROPERTIES) client_properties['capabilities'] = { 'consumer_cancel_notify': True, } handshake( conn, transport_mock, server_properties=server_properties ) on_open_mock.assert_called_once_with(conn) security_mechanism = sasl.AMQPLAIN( 'guest', 'guest' ).start(conn).decode('utf-8', 'surrogatepass') # Expected responses from client frame_writer_mock.assert_has_calls( [ call( 1, 0, spec.Connection.StartOk, # Due Table type, we cannot compare bytestream directly DataComparator( 'FsSs', ( client_properties, 'AMQPLAIN', security_mechanism, 'en_US' ) ), None ), call( 1, 0, spec.Connection.TuneOk, dumps( 'BlB', (conn.channel_max, conn.frame_max, conn.heartbeat) ), None ), call( 1, 0, spec.Connection.Open, dumps('ssb', (conn.virtual_host, '', False)), None ) ] ) assert conn.client_properties == client_properties def test_connection_close(self): # Test checking closing connection frame_writer_cls_mock = Mock() frame_writer_mock = frame_writer_cls_mock() conn = Connection(frame_writer=frame_writer_cls_mock) with patch.object(conn, 'Transport') as transport_mock: handshake(conn, transport_mock) frame_writer_mock.reset_mock() # Inject CloseOk response from broker transport_mock().read_frame.return_value = build_frame_type_1( spec.Connection.CloseOk ) t = conn.transport conn.close() frame_writer_mock.assert_called_once_with( 1, 0, spec.Connection.Close, dumps('BsBB', (0, '', 0, 0)), None ) t.close.assert_called_once_with() @patch('amqp.Connection._on_blocked') def test_connecion_ignore_methods_during_close(self, on_blocked_mock): # Test checking that py-amqp will discard any received methods # except Close and Close-OK after sending Connection.Close method # to server. frame_writer_cls_mock = Mock() frame_writer_mock = frame_writer_cls_mock() conn = Connection(frame_writer=frame_writer_cls_mock) with patch.object(conn, 'Transport') as transport_mock: handshake(conn, transport_mock) frame_writer_mock.reset_mock() # Inject CloseOk response from broker transport_mock().read_frame.side_effect = [ build_frame_type_1( spec.Connection.Blocked, channel=0 ), build_frame_type_1( spec.Connection.CloseOk ) ] t = conn.transport conn.close() on_blocked_mock.assert_not_called() frame_writer_mock.assert_called_once_with( 1, 0, spec.Connection.Close, dumps('BsBB', (0, '', 0, 0)), None ) t.close.assert_called_once_with() def test_connection_closed_by_broker(self): # Test that library response correctly CloseOk when # close method is received and _on_close_ok() method is called. frame_writer_cls_mock = Mock() frame_writer_mock = frame_writer_cls_mock() with patch.object(Connection, '_on_close_ok') as callback_mock: conn = Connection(frame_writer=frame_writer_cls_mock) with patch.object(conn, 'Transport') as transport_mock: handshake(conn, transport_mock) frame_writer_mock.reset_mock() # Inject Close response from broker transport_mock().read_frame.return_value = build_frame_type_1( spec.Connection.Close, args=(1, False), arg_format='Lb' ) with pytest.raises(ConnectionError): conn.drain_events(0) frame_writer_mock.assert_called_once_with( 1, 0, spec.Connection.CloseOk, '', None ) callback_mock.assert_called_once_with() class test_channel: # Integration tests. Tests verify the correctness of communication between # library and broker. # * tests mocks broker responses mocking return values of # amqp.transport.Transport.read_frame() method # * tests asserts expected library responses to broker via calls of # amqp.method_framing.frame_writer() function @pytest.mark.parametrize("method, callback", connection_testdata) def test_connection_methods(self, method, callback): # Test verifying that proper Connection callback is called when # given method arrived from Broker. with patch.object(Connection, callback) as callback_mock: conn = Connection() with patch.object(conn, 'Transport') as transport_mock: handshake(conn, transport_mock) # Inject desired method transport_mock().read_frame.return_value = build_frame_type_1( method, channel=0, args=(1, False), arg_format='Lb' ) conn.drain_events(0) callback_mock.assert_called_once() def test_channel_ignore_methods_during_close(self): # Test checking that py-amqp will discard any received methods # except Close and Close-OK after sending Channel.Close method # to server. frame_writer_cls_mock = Mock() conn = Connection(frame_writer=frame_writer_cls_mock) consumer_tag = 'amq.ctag-PCmzXGkhCw_v0Zq7jXyvkg' with patch.object(conn, 'Transport') as transport_mock: handshake(conn, transport_mock) channel_id = 1 transport_mock().read_frame.side_effect = [ # Inject Open Handshake build_frame_type_1( spec.Channel.OpenOk, channel=channel_id, args=(1, False), arg_format='Lb' ), # Inject basic-deliver response build_frame_type_1( spec.Basic.Deliver, channel=1, arg_format='sLbss', args=( # consumer-tag, delivery-tag, redelivered, consumer_tag, 1, False, # exchange-name, routing-key 'foo_exchange', 'routing-key' ) ), build_frame_type_2( channel=1, body_len=12, properties=b'0\x00\x00\x00\x00\x00\x01' ), build_frame_type_3( channel=1, body=b'Hello World!' ), # Inject close method build_frame_type_1( spec.Channel.CloseOk, channel=channel_id ), ] frame_writer_mock = frame_writer_cls_mock() frame_writer_mock.reset_mock() with patch('amqp.Channel._on_basic_deliver') as on_deliver_mock: ch = ch.close() on_deliver_mock.assert_not_called() frame_writer_mock.assert_has_calls( [ call( 1, 1, spec.Channel.Open, dumps('s', ('',)), None ), call( 1, 1, spec.Channel.Close, dumps('BsBB', (0, '', 0, 0)), None ) ] ) assert ch.is_open is False def test_channel_open_close(self): # Test checking opening and closing channel frame_writer_cls_mock = Mock() conn = Connection(frame_writer=frame_writer_cls_mock) with patch.object(conn, 'Transport') as transport_mock: handshake(conn, transport_mock) channel_id = 1 transport_mock().read_frame.side_effect = [ # Inject Open Handshake build_frame_type_1( spec.Channel.OpenOk, channel=channel_id, args=(1, False), arg_format='Lb' ), # Inject close method build_frame_type_1( spec.Channel.CloseOk, channel=channel_id ) ] frame_writer_mock = frame_writer_cls_mock() frame_writer_mock.reset_mock() on_open_mock = Mock() ch =, callback=on_open_mock) on_open_mock.assert_called_once_with(ch) assert ch.is_open is True ch.close() frame_writer_mock.assert_has_calls( [ call( 1, 1, spec.Channel.Open, dumps('s', ('',)), None ), call( 1, 1, spec.Channel.Close, dumps('BsBB', (0, '', 0, 0)), None ) ] ) assert ch.is_open is False def test_received_channel_Close_during_connection_close(self): # This test verifies that library handles correctly closing channel # during closing of connection: # 1. User requests closing connection - client sends Connection.Close # 2. Broker requests closing Channel - client receives Channel.Close # 3. Broker sends Connection.CloseOk # see GitHub issue #218 conn = Connection() with patch.object(conn, 'Transport') as transport_mock: handshake(conn, transport_mock) channel_id = 1 create_channel(channel_id, conn, transport_mock) # Replies sent by broker transport_mock().read_frame.side_effect = [ # Inject close methods build_frame_type_1( spec.Channel.Close, channel=channel_id, args=(1, False), arg_format='Lb' ), build_frame_type_1( spec.Connection.CloseOk ) ] conn.close() @pytest.mark.parametrize("method, callback", channel_testdata) def test_channel_methods(self, method, callback): # Test verifying that proper Channel callback is called when # given method arrived from Broker with patch.object(Channel, callback) as callback_mock: conn = Connection() with patch.object(conn, 'Transport') as transport_mock: handshake(conn, transport_mock) create_channel(1, conn, transport_mock) # Inject desired method transport_mock().read_frame.return_value = build_frame_type_1( method, channel=1, args=(1, False), arg_format='Lb' ) conn.drain_events(0) callback_mock.assert_called_once() def test_basic_publish(self): # Test verifying publishing message. frame_writer_cls_mock = Mock() conn = Connection(frame_writer=frame_writer_cls_mock) with patch.object(conn, 'Transport') as transport_mock: handshake(conn, transport_mock) ch = create_channel(1, conn, transport_mock) frame_writer_mock = frame_writer_cls_mock() frame_writer_mock.reset_mock() msg = Message('test') # we need to mock socket timeout due checks in # Channel._basic_publish transport_mock().read_frame.side_effect = socket.timeout ch.basic_publish(msg) frame_writer_mock.assert_called_once_with( 1, 1, spec.Basic.Publish, dumps('Bssbb', (0, '', '', False, False)), msg ) def test_consume_no_consumer_tag(self): # Test verifying starting consuming without specified consumer_tag callback_mock = Mock() frame_writer_cls_mock = Mock() conn = Connection(frame_writer=frame_writer_cls_mock) consumer_tag = 'amq.ctag-PCmzXGkhCw_v0Zq7jXyvkg' with patch.object(conn, 'Transport') as transport_mock: handshake(conn, transport_mock) ch = create_channel(1, conn, transport_mock) # Inject ConsumeOk response from Broker transport_mock().read_frame.return_value = build_frame_type_1( spec.Basic.ConsumeOk, channel=1, args=(consumer_tag,), arg_format='s' ) frame_writer_mock = frame_writer_cls_mock() frame_writer_mock.reset_mock() ret = ch.basic_consume('my_queue', callback=callback_mock) frame_writer_mock.assert_called_once_with( 1, 1, spec.Basic.Consume, dumps( 'BssbbbbF', (0, 'my_queue', '', False, False, False, False, None) ), None ) assert ch.callbacks[consumer_tag] == callback_mock assert ret == 'amq.ctag-PCmzXGkhCw_v0Zq7jXyvkg' def test_consume_with_consumer_tag(self): # Test verifying starting consuming with specified consumer_tag callback_mock = Mock() frame_writer_cls_mock = Mock() conn = Connection(frame_writer=frame_writer_cls_mock) with patch.object(conn, 'Transport') as transport_mock: handshake(conn, transport_mock) ch = create_channel(1, conn, transport_mock) # Inject ConcumeOk response from Broker transport_mock().read_frame.return_value = build_frame_type_1( spec.Basic.ConsumeOk, channel=1, args=('my_tag',), arg_format='s' ) frame_writer_mock = frame_writer_cls_mock() frame_writer_mock.reset_mock() ret = ch.basic_consume( 'my_queue', callback=callback_mock, consumer_tag='my_tag' ) frame_writer_mock.assert_called_once_with( 1, 1, spec.Basic.Consume, dumps( 'BssbbbbF', ( 0, 'my_queue', 'my_tag', False, False, False, False, None ) ), None ) assert ch.callbacks['my_tag'] == callback_mock assert ret == 'my_tag' def test_queue_declare(self): # Test verifying declaring queue frame_writer_cls_mock = Mock() conn = Connection(frame_writer=frame_writer_cls_mock) with patch.object(conn, 'Transport') as transport_mock: handshake(conn, transport_mock) ch = create_channel(1, conn, transport_mock) transport_mock().read_frame.return_value = build_frame_type_1( spec.Queue.DeclareOk, channel=1, arg_format='sll', args=('foo', 1, 2) ) frame_writer_mock = frame_writer_cls_mock() frame_writer_mock.reset_mock() ret = ch.queue_declare('foo') assert ret == queue_declare_ok_t( queue='foo', message_count=1, consumer_count=2 ) frame_writer_mock.assert_called_once_with( 1, 1, spec.Queue.Declare, dumps( 'BsbbbbbF', ( 0, # queue, passive, durable, exclusive, 'foo', False, False, False, # auto_delete, nowait, arguments True, False, None ) ), None ) @pytest.mark.parametrize( "reply_code, reply_text, exception", queue_declare_error_testdata) def test_queue_declare_error(self, reply_code, reply_text, exception): # Test verifying wrong declaring exchange frame_writer_cls_mock = Mock() conn = Connection(frame_writer=frame_writer_cls_mock) with patch.object(conn, 'Transport') as transport_mock: handshake(conn, transport_mock) ch = create_channel(1, conn, transport_mock) transport_mock().read_frame.return_value = build_frame_type_1( spec.Connection.Close, args=(reply_code, reply_text) + spec.Exchange.Declare, arg_format='BsBB' ) frame_writer_mock = frame_writer_cls_mock() frame_writer_mock.reset_mock() with pytest.raises(exception) as excinfo: ch.queue_declare('foo') assert excinfo.value.code == reply_code assert excinfo.value.message == reply_text assert excinfo.value.method == 'Exchange.declare' assert excinfo.value.method_name == 'Exchange.declare' assert excinfo.value.method_sig == spec.Exchange.Declare # Client is sending to broker: # 1. Exchange Declare # 2. Connection.CloseOk as reply to received Connection.Close frame_writer_calls = [ call( 1, 1, spec.Queue.Declare, dumps( 'BsbbbbbF', ( 0, # queue, passive, durable, exclusive, 'foo', False, False, False, # auto_delete, nowait, arguments True, False, None ) ), None ), call( 1, 0, spec.Connection.CloseOk, '', None ), ] frame_writer_mock.assert_has_calls(frame_writer_calls) def test_queue_delete(self): # Test verifying deleting queue frame_writer_cls_mock = Mock() conn = Connection(frame_writer=frame_writer_cls_mock) with patch.object(conn, 'Transport') as transport_mock: handshake(conn, transport_mock) ch = create_channel(1, conn, transport_mock) transport_mock().read_frame.return_value = build_frame_type_1( spec.Queue.DeleteOk, channel=1, arg_format='l', args=(5,) ) frame_writer_mock = frame_writer_cls_mock() frame_writer_mock.reset_mock() msg_count = ch.queue_delete('foo') assert msg_count == 5 frame_writer_mock.assert_called_once_with( 1, 1, spec.Queue.Delete, dumps( 'Bsbbb', # queue, if_unused, if_empty, nowait (0, 'foo', False, False, False) ), None ) def test_queue_purge(self): # Test verifying purging queue frame_writer_cls_mock = Mock() conn = Connection(frame_writer=frame_writer_cls_mock) with patch.object(conn, 'Transport') as transport_mock: handshake(conn, transport_mock) ch = create_channel(1, conn, transport_mock) transport_mock().read_frame.return_value = build_frame_type_1( spec.Queue.PurgeOk, channel=1, arg_format='l', args=(4,) ) frame_writer_mock = frame_writer_cls_mock() frame_writer_mock.reset_mock() msg_count = ch.queue_purge('foo') assert msg_count == 4 frame_writer_mock.assert_called_once_with( 1, 1, spec.Queue.Purge, dumps( 'Bsb', # queue, nowait (0, 'foo', False) ), None ) def test_basic_deliver(self): # Test checking delivering single message callback_mock = Mock() frame_writer_cls_mock = Mock() conn = Connection(frame_writer=frame_writer_cls_mock) consumer_tag = 'amq.ctag-PCmzXGkhCw_v0Zq7jXyvkg' with patch.object(conn, 'Transport') as transport_mock: handshake(conn, transport_mock) ch = create_channel(1, conn, transport_mock) # Inject ConsumeOk response from Broker transport_mock().read_frame.side_effect = [ # Inject Consume-ok response build_frame_type_1( spec.Basic.ConsumeOk, channel=1, args=(consumer_tag,), arg_format='s' ), # Inject basic-deliver response build_frame_type_1( spec.Basic.Deliver, channel=1, arg_format='sLbss', args=( # consumer-tag, delivery-tag, redelivered, consumer_tag, 1, False, # exchange-name, routing-key 'foo_exchange', 'routing-key' ) ), build_frame_type_2( channel=1, body_len=12, properties=b'0\x00\x00\x00\x00\x00\x01' ), build_frame_type_3( channel=1, body=b'Hello World!' ), ] frame_writer_mock = frame_writer_cls_mock() frame_writer_mock.reset_mock() ch.basic_consume('my_queue', callback=callback_mock) conn.drain_events() callback_mock.assert_called_once_with(ANY) msg = callback_mock.call_args[0][0] assert isinstance(msg, Message) assert msg.body_size == 12 assert msg.body == b'Hello World!' assert msg.frame_method == spec.Basic.Deliver assert msg.delivery_tag == 1 assert msg.ready is True assert msg.delivery_info == { 'consumer_tag': 'amq.ctag-PCmzXGkhCw_v0Zq7jXyvkg', 'delivery_tag': 1, 'redelivered': False, 'exchange': 'foo_exchange', 'routing_key': 'routing-key' } assert == { 'application_headers': {}, 'delivery_mode': 1 } def test_queue_get(self): # Test verifying getting message from queue frame_writer_cls_mock = Mock() conn = Connection(frame_writer=frame_writer_cls_mock) with patch.object(conn, 'Transport') as transport_mock: handshake(conn, transport_mock) ch = create_channel(1, conn, transport_mock) transport_mock().read_frame.side_effect = [ build_frame_type_1( spec.Basic.GetOk, channel=1, arg_format='Lbssl', args=( # delivery_tag, redelivered, exchange_name 1, False, 'foo_exchange', # routing_key, message_count 'routing_key', 1 ) ), build_frame_type_2( channel=1, body_len=12, properties=b'0\x00\x00\x00\x00\x00\x01' ), build_frame_type_3( channel=1, body=b'Hello World!' ) ] frame_writer_mock = frame_writer_cls_mock() frame_writer_mock.reset_mock() msg = ch.basic_get('foo') assert msg.body_size == 12 assert msg.body == b'Hello World!' assert msg.frame_method == spec.Basic.GetOk assert msg.delivery_tag == 1 assert msg.ready is True assert msg.delivery_info == { 'delivery_tag': 1, 'redelivered': False, 'exchange': 'foo_exchange', 'routing_key': 'routing_key', 'message_count': 1 } assert == { 'application_headers': {}, 'delivery_mode': 1 } frame_writer_mock.assert_called_once_with( 1, 1, spec.Basic.Get, dumps( 'Bsb', # queue, nowait (0, 'foo', False) ), None ) def test_queue_get_empty(self): # Test verifying getting message from empty queue frame_writer_cls_mock = Mock() conn = Connection(frame_writer=frame_writer_cls_mock) with patch.object(conn, 'Transport') as transport_mock: handshake(conn, transport_mock) ch = create_channel(1, conn, transport_mock) transport_mock().read_frame.return_value = build_frame_type_1( spec.Basic.GetEmpty, channel=1, arg_format='s', args=('s') ) frame_writer_mock = frame_writer_cls_mock() frame_writer_mock.reset_mock() ret = ch.basic_get('foo') assert ret is None frame_writer_mock.assert_called_once_with( 1, 1, spec.Basic.Get, dumps( 'Bsb', # queue, nowait (0, 'foo', False) ), None ) def test_exchange_declare(self): # Test verifying declaring exchange frame_writer_cls_mock = Mock() conn = Connection(frame_writer=frame_writer_cls_mock) with patch.object(conn, 'Transport') as transport_mock: handshake(conn, transport_mock) ch = create_channel(1, conn, transport_mock) transport_mock().read_frame.return_value = build_frame_type_1( spec.Exchange.DeclareOk, channel=1 ) frame_writer_mock = frame_writer_cls_mock() frame_writer_mock.reset_mock() ret = ch.exchange_declare('foo', 'fanout') assert ret is None frame_writer_mock.assert_called_once_with( 1, 1, spec.Exchange.Declare, dumps( 'BssbbbbbF', ( 0, # exchange, type, passive, durable, 'foo', 'fanout', False, False, # auto_delete, internal, nowait, arguments True, False, False, None ) ), None ) @pytest.mark.parametrize( "reply_code, reply_text, exception", exchange_declare_error_testdata) def test_exchange_declare_error(self, reply_code, reply_text, exception): # Test verifying wrong declaring exchange frame_writer_cls_mock = Mock() conn = Connection(frame_writer=frame_writer_cls_mock) with patch.object(conn, 'Transport') as transport_mock: handshake(conn, transport_mock) ch = create_channel(1, conn, transport_mock) transport_mock().read_frame.return_value = build_frame_type_1( spec.Connection.Close, args=(reply_code, reply_text) + spec.Exchange.Declare, arg_format='BsBB' ) frame_writer_mock = frame_writer_cls_mock() frame_writer_mock.reset_mock() with pytest.raises(exception) as excinfo: ch.exchange_declare('exchange', 'exchange-type') assert excinfo.value.code == reply_code assert excinfo.value.message == reply_text assert excinfo.value.method == 'Exchange.declare' assert excinfo.value.method_name == 'Exchange.declare' assert excinfo.value.method_sig == spec.Exchange.Declare # Client is sending to broker: # 1. Exchange Declare # 2. Connection.CloseOk as reply to received Connection.Close frame_writer_calls = [ call( 1, 1, spec.Exchange.Declare, dumps( 'BssbbbbbF', ( 0, # exchange, type, passive, durable, 'exchange', 'exchange-type', False, False, # auto_delete, internal, nowait, arguments True, False, False, None ) ), None ), call( 1, 0, spec.Connection.CloseOk, '', None ), ] frame_writer_mock.assert_has_calls(frame_writer_calls) def test_exchange_delete(self): # Test verifying declaring exchange frame_writer_cls_mock = Mock() conn = Connection(frame_writer=frame_writer_cls_mock) with patch.object(conn, 'Transport') as transport_mock: handshake(conn, transport_mock) ch = create_channel(1, conn, transport_mock) transport_mock().read_frame.return_value = build_frame_type_1( spec.Exchange.DeleteOk, channel=1 ) frame_writer_mock = frame_writer_cls_mock() frame_writer_mock.reset_mock() ret = ch.exchange_delete('foo') assert ret == () frame_writer_mock.assert_called_once_with( 1, 1, spec.Exchange.Delete, dumps( 'Bsbb', ( 0, # exchange, if-unused, no-wait 'foo', False, False ) ), None )