name: Wheel Builder on: workflow_dispatch: inputs: version: required: true jobs: manylinux: runs-on: ubuntu-latest strategy: matrix: PYTHON: - {VERSION: "cp36-cp36m", ABI_VERSION: 'cp36'} CONTAINER: - {IMAGE: "pyca/cryptography-manylinux1:x86_64", NAME: "manylinux1"} - {IMAGE: "pyca/cryptography-manylinux2010:x86_64", NAME: "manylinux2010"} name: "${{ matrix.PYTHON.ABI_VERSION }} ${{ matrix.CONTAINER.NAME }}" container: ${{ matrix.CONTAINER.IMAGE }} steps: - run: /opt/python/${{ matrix.PYTHON.VERSION }}/bin/python -m venv .venv - name: Install python dependencies run: .venv/bin/pip install -U pip wheel cffi six - run: .venv/bin/pip download bcrypt==${{ github.event.inputs.version }} --no-deps --no-binary bcrypt && tar zxvf bcrypt*.tar.gz && mkdir tmpwheelhouse - run: cd bcrypt* && ../.venv/bin/python bdist_wheel --py-limited-api=${{ matrix.PYTHON.ABI_VERSION }} && mv dist/bcrypt*.whl ../tmpwheelhouse - run: auditwheel repair tmpwheelhouse/bcrypt*.whl -w wheelhouse/ - run: .venv/bin/pip install bcrypt --no-index -f wheelhouse/ - run: | .venv/bin/python -c "import bcrypt; password = b'super secret password';hashed = bcrypt.hashpw(password, bcrypt.gensalt());bcrypt.checkpw(password, hashed)" - run: mkdir bcrypt-wheelhouse - run: mv wheelhouse/bcrypt*.whl bcrypt-wheelhouse/ - uses: actions/upload-artifact@v1 with: name: "bcrypt-${{ github.event.inputs.version }}-${{ matrix.CONTAINER.NAME }} -${{ matrix.PYTHON.ABI_VERSION }}" path: bcrypt-wheelhouse/ macos: runs-on: macos-latest strategy: matrix: PYTHON: - ABI_VERSION: 'cp36' DOWNLOAD_URL: '' BIN_PATH: '/Library/Frameworks/Python.framework/Versions/3.8/bin/python3' name: "${{ matrix.PYTHON.ABI_VERSION }} macOS" steps: - uses: actions/checkout@master - run: | curl "${{ matrix.PYTHON.DOWNLOAD_URL }}" -o python.pkg sudo installer -pkg python.pkg -target / - run: ${{ matrix.PYTHON.BIN_PATH }} -m venv venv - run: venv/bin/pip install -U pip wheel cffi six - run: venv/bin/pip download bcrypt==${{ github.event.inputs.version }} --no-deps --no-binary bcrypt && tar zxvf bcrypt*.tar.gz && mkdir wheelhouse - run: cd bcrypt* && ../venv/bin/python bdist_wheel --py-limited-api=${{ matrix.PYTHON.ABI_VERSION }} && mv dist/bcrypt*.whl ../wheelhouse - run: venv/bin/pip install -f wheelhouse --no-index bcrypt - run: | venv/bin/python -c "import bcrypt;password = b'super secret password';hashed = bcrypt.hashpw(password, bcrypt.gensalt());bcrypt.checkpw(password, hashed)" - run: mkdir bcrypt-wheelhouse - run: mv wheelhouse/bcrypt*.whl bcrypt-wheelhouse/ - uses: actions/upload-artifact@v1 with: name: "bcrypt-${{ github.event.inputs.version }}-macOS-${{ matrix.PYTHON.ABI_VERSION }}" path: bcrypt-wheelhouse/ windows: runs-on: windows-latest strategy: matrix: WINDOWS: - 'x86' - 'x64' PYTHON: - {VERSION: "3.6", ABI_VERSION: "cp36"} name: "${{ matrix.PYTHON.VERSION }} ${{ matrix.PYTHON.ABI_VERSION }} ${{ matrix.WINDOWS}}" steps: - uses: actions/checkout@master - name: Setup python uses: actions/setup-python@v2.2.0 with: python-version: ${{ matrix.PYTHON.VERSION }} architecture: ${{ matrix.WINDOWS }} - run: python -m pip install -U pip wheel cffi six - run: pip download bcrypt==${{ github.event.inputs.version }} --no-deps --no-binary bcrypt && tar zxvf bcrypt*.tar.gz && mkdir wheelhouse shell: bash - run: cd bcrypt* && python bdist_wheel --py-limited-api=${{ matrix.PYTHON.ABI_VERSION }} && mv dist/bcrypt*.whl ../wheelhouse - run: pip install -f wheelhouse --no-index bcrypt - run: | python -c "import bcrypt; password = b'super secret password';hashed = bcrypt.hashpw(password, bcrypt.gensalt());bcrypt.checkpw(password, hashed)" # TODO: can we setup another python and test in the same job? this would catch bad linking problems (e.g. build and test on py36, but then install py38 and see if it works - run: mkdir bcrypt-wheelhouse - run: move wheelhouse\bcrypt*.whl bcrypt-wheelhouse\ - uses: actions/upload-artifact@v1 with: name: "bcrypt-${{ github.event.inputs.version }}-${{ matrix.WINDOWS }}-${{ matrix.PYTHON.ABI_VERSION }}" path: bcrypt-wheelhouse\ manylinux-arm64: name: "${{ matrix.PYTHON.ABI_VERSION }} manylinux2014-aarch64" runs-on: ubuntu-latest strategy: matrix: PYTHON: - {VERSION: "cp36-cp36m", ABI_VERSION: 'cp36'} steps: - uses: actions/checkout@v2 - run: | docker run --rm --privileged hypriot/qemu-register - uses: docker:// # The weird pip cache nonsense below is due to docker ownership issues. We want # a cache because otherwise we end up building cffi twice. with: args: | bash -c "set -xe; mkdir -p /github/home/.cache/pip; chown -R $(whoami) /github/home/.cache; /opt/python/${{ matrix.PYTHON.VERSION }}/bin/python -m venv .venv; .venv/bin/pip install -U pip wheel cffi six; .venv/bin/pip download bcrypt==${{ github.event.inputs.version }} --no-deps --no-binary bcrypt; tar zxvf bcrypt*.tar.gz; mkdir tmpwheelhouse; pushd bcrypt*; ../.venv/bin/python bdist_wheel --py-limited-api=${{ matrix.PYTHON.ABI_VERSION }}; mv dist/bcrypt*.whl ../tmpwheelhouse; popd; auditwheel repair tmpwheelhouse/bcrypt*.whl -w wheelhouse/; .venv/bin/pip install bcrypt --no-index -f wheelhouse/; .venv/bin/python -c \"import bcrypt; password = b'super secret password';hashed = bcrypt.hashpw(password, bcrypt.gensalt());bcrypt.checkpw(password, hashed)\";" - run: mkdir bcrypt-wheelhouse - run: sudo mv wheelhouse/bcrypt*.whl bcrypt-wheelhouse/ - uses: actions/upload-artifact@v1 with: name: "bcrypt-${{ github.event.inputs.version }}-manylinux2014-aarch64-${{ matrix.PYTHON.ABI_VERSION }}" path: bcrypt-wheelhouse/