def configs = [ [ label: 'windows', versions: ['py27', 'py34', 'py35', 'py36', 'py37'], ], [ label: 'windows64', versions: ['py27', 'py34', 'py35', 'py36', 'py37'], ], [ label: 'sierra', versions: ['py27', 'py34'], ], [ label: 'docker', imageName: '', versions: [ 'cp27-cp27m', 'cp27-cp27mu', 'cp34-cp34m', ], ], [ label: 'docker', imageName: '', versions: [ 'cp27-cp27m', 'cp27-cp27mu', 'cp34-cp34m', ], ], ] def build(version, label, imageName) { try { timeout(time: 30, unit: 'MINUTES') { if (label.contains("windows")) { def pythonPath = [ py27: "C:\\Python27\\python.exe", py34: "C:\\Python34\\python.exe", py35: "C:\\Python35\\python.exe", py36: "C:\\Python36\\python.exe", py37: "C:\\Python37\\python.exe" ] bat """ wmic qfe @set PATH="C:\\Python27";"C:\\Python27\\Scripts";%PATH% @set PYTHON="${pythonPath[version]}" virtualenv -p %PYTHON% .release call .release\\Scripts\\activate pip install wheel virtualenv pip wheel bcrypt --wheel-dir=wheelhouse --no-binary bcrypt pip install -f wheelhouse bcrypt --no-index python -c "import bcrypt;password = b'super secret password';hashed = bcrypt.hashpw(password, bcrypt.gensalt());bcrypt.checkpw(password, hashed)" """ } else if (label.contains("sierra")) { def pythonPath = [ py27: "/Library/Frameworks/Python.framework/Versions/2.7/bin/python2.7", py34: "/Library/Frameworks/Python.framework/Versions/3.4/bin/python3.4", ] ansiColor { sh """#!/usr/bin/env bash set -xe # output the list of things we've installed as a point in time check of how up # to date the builder is /usr/sbin/system_profiler SPInstallHistoryDataType # Jenkins logs in as a non-interactive shell, so we don't even have /usr/local/bin in PATH export PATH="/usr/local/bin:\${PATH}" export PATH="/Users/jenkins/.pyenv/shims:\${PATH}" printenv virtualenv .venv -p ${pythonPath[version]} source .venv/bin/activate pip install -U wheel # upgrade wheel to latest before we use it to build the wheel pip install cffi six # install this with pip so we get TLS 1.2 pip download bcrypt --no-binary bcrypt --no-deps tar zxf bcrypt* pushd bcrypt* REGEX="py3([0-9])*" if [[ "${version}" =~ \$REGEX ]]; then PY_LIMITED_API="--py-limited-api=cp3\${BASH_REMATCH[1]}" fi python bdist_wheel --dist-dir=../wheelhouse \$PY_LIMITED_API popd pip install -f wheelhouse bcrypt --no-index python -c "import bcrypt;password = b'super secret password';hashed = bcrypt.hashpw(password, bcrypt.gensalt());bcrypt.checkpw(password, hashed)" """ } } else if (label.contains("docker")) { linux32 = "" if (imageName.contains("i686")) { linux32 = "linux32" } sh """#!/usr/bin/env bash set -x -e # Because we are doing this as root in the container, but we write to a mounted dir that is outside the container # we need to make sure we set these files writable such that the jenkins user can delete them afterwards mkdir -p tmpwheelhouse mkdir -p wheelhouse chmod -R 777 tmpwheelhouse chmod -R 777 wheelhouse $linux32 /opt/python/$version/bin/pip install cffi six $linux32 /opt/python/$version/bin/pip download bcrypt --no-binary bcrypt --no-deps tar zxf bcrypt* pushd bcrypt* REGEX="cp3([0-9])*" if [[ "${version}" =~ \$REGEX ]]; then PY_LIMITED_API="--py-limited-api=cp3\${BASH_REMATCH[1]}" fi $linux32 /opt/python/$version/bin/python bdist_wheel --dist-dir=../tmpwheelhouse \$PY_LIMITED_API popd chmod -R 777 bcrypt* # sometimes you need to delete stuff $linux32 auditwheel repair tmpwheelhouse/bcrypt*.whl -w wheelhouse/ $linux32 /opt/python/$version/bin/pip install bcrypt --no-index -f wheelhouse/ $linux32 /opt/python/$version/bin/python -c "import bcrypt;password = b'super secret password';hashed = bcrypt.hashpw(password, bcrypt.gensalt());bcrypt.checkpw(password, hashed)" """ } archiveArtifacts artifacts: "**/wheelhouse/bcrypt*.whl" } } finally { deleteDir() } } def builders = [:] for (config in configs) { def label = config["label"] def versions = config["versions"] for (_version in versions) { def version = _version if (label.contains("docker")) { def imageName = config["imageName"] def combinedName = "${imageName}-${version}" builders[combinedName] = { node(label) { stage(combinedName) { def buildImage = docker.image(imageName) buildImage.pull() buildImage.inside("-u root") { build(version, label, imageName) } } } } } else { def combinedName = "${label}-${version}" builders[combinedName] = { node(label) { stage(combinedName) { build(version, label, "") } } } } } } parallel builders