#!/usr/bin/env python import platform import re import shutil import subprocess import sys from setuptools import setup try: from setuptools_rust import RustExtension except ImportError: print( """ =============================DEBUG ASSISTANCE========================== If you are seeing an error here please try the following to successfully install cryptography: Upgrade to the latest pip and try again. This will fix errors for most users. See: https://pip.pypa.io/en/stable/installing/#upgrading-pip =============================DEBUG ASSISTANCE========================== """ ) raise if platform.python_implementation() == "PyPy": if sys.pypy_version_info < (2, 6): raise RuntimeError( "bcrypt is not compatible with PyPy < 2.6. Please upgrade PyPy to " "use this library." ) try: setup( rust_extensions=[ RustExtension( "_bcrypt", "src/_bcrypt/Cargo.toml", py_limited_api=True, # Enable abi3 mode if we're not using PyPy. features=( [] if platform.python_implementation() == "PyPy" else ["pyo3/abi3-py36"] ), rust_version=">=1.56.0", ), ], ) except: # noqa: E722 # Note: This is a bare exception that re-raises so that we don't interfere # with anything the installation machinery might want to do. Because we # print this for any exception this msg can appear (e.g. in verbose logs) # even if there's no failure. For example, SetupRequirementsError is raised # during PEP517 building and prints this text. setuptools raises SystemExit # when compilation fails right now, but it's possible this isn't stable # or a public API commitment so we'll remain ultra conservative. import pkg_resources print( """ =============================DEBUG ASSISTANCE============================= If you are seeing a compilation error please try the following steps to successfully install bcrypt: 1) Upgrade to the latest pip and try again. This will fix errors for most users. See: https://pip.pypa.io/en/stable/installing/#upgrading-pip 2) Ensure you have a recent Rust toolchain installed. bcrypt requires rustc >= 1.56.0. """ ) print(f" Python: {'.'.join(str(v) for v in sys.version_info[:3])}") print(f" platform: {platform.platform()}") for dist in ["pip", "setuptools", "setuptools_rust"]: try: version = pkg_resources.get_distribution(dist).version except pkg_resources.DistributionNotFound: version = "n/a" print(f" {dist}: {version}") version = "n/a" if shutil.which("rustc") is not None: try: # If for any reason `rustc --version` fails, silently ignore it rustc_output = subprocess.run( ["rustc", "--version"], capture_output=True, timeout=0.5, encoding="utf8", check=True, ).stdout version = re.sub("^rustc ", "", rustc_output.strip()) except subprocess.SubprocessError: pass print(f" rustc: {version}") print( """\ =============================DEBUG ASSISTANCE============================= """ ) raise