#!/usr/bin/env python import sys from distutils.command.build import build from setuptools import setup from setuptools.command.install import install from setuptools.command.test import test CFFI_DEPENDENCY = "cffi>=1.1" SIX_DEPENDENCY = "six>=1.4.1" CFFI_MODULES = [ "src/build_bcrypt.py:ffi", ] # Manually extract the __about__ __about__ = {} with open("src/bcrypt/__about__.py") as fp: exec(fp.read(), __about__) class PyTest(test): def finalize_options(self): test.finalize_options(self) self.test_args = [] self.test_suite = True def run_tests(self): import pytest errno = pytest.main(self.test_args) sys.exit(errno) def keywords_with_side_effects(argv): """ Get a dictionary with setup keywords that (can) have side effects. :param argv: A list of strings with command line arguments. :returns: A dictionary with keyword arguments for the ``setup()`` function. This setup.py script uses the setuptools 'setup_requires' feature because this is required by the cffi package to compile extension modules. The purpose of ``keywords_with_side_effects()`` is to avoid triggering the cffi build process as a result of setup.py invocations that don't need the cffi module to be built (setup.py serves the dual purpose of exposing package metadata). All of the options listed by ``python setup.py --help`` that print information should be recognized here. The commands ``clean``, ``egg_info``, ``register``, ``sdist`` and ``upload`` are also recognized. Any combination of these options and commands is also supported. This function was originally based on the `setup.py script`_ of SciPy (see also the discussion in `pip issue #25`_). .. _pip issue #25: https://github.com/pypa/pip/issues/25 .. _setup.py script: https://github.com/scipy/scipy/blob/master/setup.py """ no_setup_requires_arguments = ( '-h', '--help', '-n', '--dry-run', '-q', '--quiet', '-v', '--verbose', '-V', '--version', '--author', '--author-email', '--classifiers', '--contact', '--contact-email', '--description', '--egg-base', '--fullname', '--help-commands', '--keywords', '--licence', '--license', '--long-description', '--maintainer', '--maintainer-email', '--name', '--no-user-cfg', '--obsoletes', '--platforms', '--provides', '--requires', '--url', 'clean', 'egg_info', 'register', 'sdist', 'upload', ) def is_short_option(argument): """Check whether a command line argument is a short option.""" return len(argument) >= 2 and argument[0] == '-' and argument[1] != '-' def expand_short_options(argument): """Expand combined short options into canonical short options.""" return ('-' + char for char in argument[1:]) def argument_without_setup_requirements(argv, i): """Check whether a command line argument needs setup requirements.""" if argv[i] in no_setup_requires_arguments: # Simple case: An argument which is either an option or a command # which doesn't need setup requirements. return True elif (is_short_option(argv[i]) and all(option in no_setup_requires_arguments for option in expand_short_options(argv[i]))): # Not so simple case: Combined short options none of which need # setup requirements. return True elif argv[i - 1:i] == ['--egg-base']: # Tricky case: --egg-info takes an argument which should not make # us use setup_requires (defeating the purpose of this code). return True else: return False if all(argument_without_setup_requirements(argv, i) for i in range(1, len(argv))): return { "cmdclass": { "build": DummyCFFIBuild, "install": DummyCFFIInstall, "test": DummyPyTest, } } else: return { "setup_requires": [CFFI_DEPENDENCY], "cmdclass": { "test": PyTest, }, "cffi_modules": CFFI_MODULES, } setup_requires_error = ("Requested setup command that needs 'setup_requires' " "while command line arguments implied a side effect " "free command or option.") class DummyCFFIBuild(build): """ This class makes it very obvious when ``keywords_with_side_effects()`` has incorrectly interpreted the command line arguments to ``setup.py build`` as one of the 'side effect free' commands or options. """ def run(self): raise RuntimeError(setup_requires_error) class DummyCFFIInstall(install): """ This class makes it very obvious when ``keywords_with_side_effects()`` has incorrectly interpreted the command line arguments to ``setup.py install`` as one of the 'side effect free' commands or options. """ def run(self): raise RuntimeError(setup_requires_error) class DummyPyTest(test): """ This class makes it very obvious when ``keywords_with_side_effects()`` has incorrectly interpreted the command line arguments to ``setup.py test`` as one of the 'side effect free' commands or options. """ def run_tests(self): raise RuntimeError(setup_requires_error) setup( name=__about__["__title__"], version=__about__["__version__"], description=__about__["__summary__"], long_description=open("README.rst").read(), url=__about__["__uri__"], license=__about__["__license__"], author=__about__["__author__"], author_email=__about__["__email__"], install_requires=[ CFFI_DEPENDENCY, SIX_DEPENDENCY, ], extras_require={ "tests": [ "pytest", ], }, tests_require=[ "pytest", ], package_dir={"": "src"}, packages=[ "bcrypt", ], zip_safe=False, classifiers=[ "Programming Language :: Python :: Implementation :: CPython", "Programming Language :: Python :: Implementation :: PyPy", "Programming Language :: Python :: 2", "Programming Language :: Python :: 2.6", "Programming Language :: Python :: 2.7", "Programming Language :: Python :: 3", "Programming Language :: Python :: 3.2", "Programming Language :: Python :: 3.3", ], ext_package="bcrypt", **keywords_with_side_effects(sys.argv) )