py-bcrypt is an implementation the OpenBSD Blowfish password hashing algorithm, as described in "A Future-Adaptable Password Scheme" by Niels Provos and David Mazieres: This system hashes passwords using a version of Bruce Schneier's Blowfish block cipher with modifications designed to raise the cost of off-line password cracking. The computation cost of the algorithm is parametised, so it can be increased as computers get faster. py-bcrypt requires Python 2.4. Older versions may work, but the bcrypt.gensalt() method won't - it requires the cryptographic random number generator os.urandom() introduced in 2.4. To install, use the standard Python distutils incantation: python build python install Regression tests are in the test/ file. This is deliberately in a subdirectory so it does not mistakenly pick up the top-level bcrypt/ directory. py-bcrypt is licensed under a ISC/BSD licence. The underlying Blowfish and password hashing code is taken from OpenBSD's libc. See the LICENSE file for details. Please report bugs to Damien Miller . Please check the TODO file first, in case your problem is something I already know about (please send patches!) A simple example that demonstrates most of the features: import bcrypt # Hash a password for the first time hashed = bcrypt.hashpw(password, bcrypt.gensalt()) # gensalt's log_rounds parameter determines the complexity # the work factor is 2**log_rounds, and the default is 12 hashed = bcrypt.hashpw(password, bcrypt.gensalt(10)) # Check that an unencrypted password matches one that has # previously been hashed if bcrypt.hashpw(plaintext, hashed) == hashed: print "It matches" else: print "It does not match" $Id$