# # This file is part of pyasn1 software. # # Copyright (c) 2005-2019, Ilya Etingof # License: http://snmplabs.com/pyasn1/license.html # from collections import OrderedDict from pyasn1 import debug from pyasn1 import error from pyasn1.type import base from pyasn1.type import char from pyasn1.type import tag from pyasn1.type import univ from pyasn1.type import useful __all__ = ['encode'] LOG = debug.registerLoggee(__name__, flags=debug.DEBUG_ENCODER) class AbstractItemEncoder(object): def encode(self, value, encodeFun, **options): raise error.PyAsn1Error('Not implemented') class BooleanEncoder(AbstractItemEncoder): def encode(self, value, encodeFun, **options): return bool(value) class IntegerEncoder(AbstractItemEncoder): def encode(self, value, encodeFun, **options): return int(value) class BitStringEncoder(AbstractItemEncoder): def encode(self, value, encodeFun, **options): return str(value) class OctetStringEncoder(AbstractItemEncoder): def encode(self, value, encodeFun, **options): return value.asOctets() class TextStringEncoder(AbstractItemEncoder): def encode(self, value, encodeFun, **options): return str(value) class NullEncoder(AbstractItemEncoder): def encode(self, value, encodeFun, **options): return None class ObjectIdentifierEncoder(AbstractItemEncoder): def encode(self, value, encodeFun, **options): return str(value) class RealEncoder(AbstractItemEncoder): def encode(self, value, encodeFun, **options): return float(value) class SetEncoder(AbstractItemEncoder): protoDict = dict def encode(self, value, encodeFun, **options): inconsistency = value.isInconsistent if inconsistency: raise inconsistency namedTypes = value.componentType substrate = self.protoDict() for idx, (key, subValue) in enumerate(value.items()): if namedTypes and namedTypes[idx].isOptional and not value[idx].isValue: continue substrate[key] = encodeFun(subValue, **options) return substrate class SequenceEncoder(SetEncoder): protoDict = OrderedDict class SequenceOfEncoder(AbstractItemEncoder): def encode(self, value, encodeFun, **options): inconsistency = value.isInconsistent if inconsistency: raise inconsistency return [encodeFun(x, **options) for x in value] class ChoiceEncoder(SequenceEncoder): pass class AnyEncoder(AbstractItemEncoder): def encode(self, value, encodeFun, **options): return value.asOctets() tagMap = { univ.Boolean.tagSet: BooleanEncoder(), univ.Integer.tagSet: IntegerEncoder(), univ.BitString.tagSet: BitStringEncoder(), univ.OctetString.tagSet: OctetStringEncoder(), univ.Null.tagSet: NullEncoder(), univ.ObjectIdentifier.tagSet: ObjectIdentifierEncoder(), univ.Enumerated.tagSet: IntegerEncoder(), univ.Real.tagSet: RealEncoder(), # Sequence & Set have same tags as SequenceOf & SetOf univ.SequenceOf.tagSet: SequenceOfEncoder(), univ.SetOf.tagSet: SequenceOfEncoder(), univ.Choice.tagSet: ChoiceEncoder(), # character string types char.UTF8String.tagSet: TextStringEncoder(), char.NumericString.tagSet: TextStringEncoder(), char.PrintableString.tagSet: TextStringEncoder(), char.TeletexString.tagSet: TextStringEncoder(), char.VideotexString.tagSet: TextStringEncoder(), char.IA5String.tagSet: TextStringEncoder(), char.GraphicString.tagSet: TextStringEncoder(), char.VisibleString.tagSet: TextStringEncoder(), char.GeneralString.tagSet: TextStringEncoder(), char.UniversalString.tagSet: TextStringEncoder(), char.BMPString.tagSet: TextStringEncoder(), # useful types useful.ObjectDescriptor.tagSet: OctetStringEncoder(), useful.GeneralizedTime.tagSet: OctetStringEncoder(), useful.UTCTime.tagSet: OctetStringEncoder() } # Put in ambiguous & non-ambiguous types for faster codec lookup typeMap = { univ.Boolean.typeId: BooleanEncoder(), univ.Integer.typeId: IntegerEncoder(), univ.BitString.typeId: BitStringEncoder(), univ.OctetString.typeId: OctetStringEncoder(), univ.Null.typeId: NullEncoder(), univ.ObjectIdentifier.typeId: ObjectIdentifierEncoder(), univ.Enumerated.typeId: IntegerEncoder(), univ.Real.typeId: RealEncoder(), # Sequence & Set have same tags as SequenceOf & SetOf univ.Set.typeId: SetEncoder(), univ.SetOf.typeId: SequenceOfEncoder(), univ.Sequence.typeId: SequenceEncoder(), univ.SequenceOf.typeId: SequenceOfEncoder(), univ.Choice.typeId: ChoiceEncoder(), univ.Any.typeId: AnyEncoder(), # character string types char.UTF8String.typeId: OctetStringEncoder(), char.NumericString.typeId: OctetStringEncoder(), char.PrintableString.typeId: OctetStringEncoder(), char.TeletexString.typeId: OctetStringEncoder(), char.VideotexString.typeId: OctetStringEncoder(), char.IA5String.typeId: OctetStringEncoder(), char.GraphicString.typeId: OctetStringEncoder(), char.VisibleString.typeId: OctetStringEncoder(), char.GeneralString.typeId: OctetStringEncoder(), char.UniversalString.typeId: OctetStringEncoder(), char.BMPString.typeId: OctetStringEncoder(), # useful types useful.ObjectDescriptor.typeId: OctetStringEncoder(), useful.GeneralizedTime.typeId: OctetStringEncoder(), useful.UTCTime.typeId: OctetStringEncoder() } class Encoder(object): # noinspection PyDefaultArgument def __init__(self, tagMap, typeMap={}): self.__tagMap = tagMap self.__typeMap = typeMap def __call__(self, value, **options): if not isinstance(value, base.Asn1Item): raise error.PyAsn1Error('value is not valid (should be an instance of an ASN.1 Item)') if LOG: debug.scope.push(type(value).__name__) LOG('encoder called for type %s <%s>' % (type(value).__name__, value.prettyPrint())) tagSet = value.tagSet try: concreteEncoder = self.__typeMap[value.typeId] except KeyError: # use base type for codec lookup to recover untagged types baseTagSet = tag.TagSet(value.tagSet.baseTag, value.tagSet.baseTag) try: concreteEncoder = self.__tagMap[baseTagSet] except KeyError: raise error.PyAsn1Error('No encoder for %s' % (value,)) if LOG: LOG('using value codec %s chosen by %s' % (concreteEncoder.__class__.__name__, tagSet)) pyObject = concreteEncoder.encode(value, self, **options) if LOG: LOG('encoder %s produced: %s' % (type(concreteEncoder).__name__, repr(pyObject))) debug.scope.pop() return pyObject #: Turns ASN.1 object into a Python built-in type object(s). #: #: Takes any ASN.1 object (e.g. :py:class:`~pyasn1.type.base.PyAsn1Item` derivative) #: walks all its components recursively and produces a Python built-in type or a tree #: of those. #: #: One exception is that instead of :py:class:`dict`, the :py:class:`OrderedDict` #: is used to preserve ordering of the components in ASN.1 SEQUENCE. #: #: Parameters #: ---------- # asn1Value: any pyasn1 object (e.g. :py:class:`~pyasn1.type.base.PyAsn1Item` derivative) #: pyasn1 object to encode (or a tree of them) #: #: Returns #: ------- #: : :py:class:`object` #: Python built-in type instance (or a tree of them) #: #: Raises #: ------ #: ~pyasn1.error.PyAsn1Error #: On encoding errors #: #: Examples #: -------- #: Encode ASN.1 value object into native Python types #: #: .. code-block:: pycon #: #: >>> seq = SequenceOf(componentType=Integer()) #: >>> seq.extend([1, 2, 3]) #: >>> encode(seq) #: [1, 2, 3] #: encode = Encoder(tagMap, typeMap)